What makes the Trading Post a major feature?

You will still be doing those things, but for currency to use at the post.

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Fallout 76 has a battle pass and it doesn’t cost anything.

Lol, this is exactly what I said.

It is absolutely what is happening. I said back in SL I doubt WoW makes it through 11.x without going F2P. Looks like it might happen as early as 10.x.

It is no different than them calling “connected realms” rather than sever merges which is what they are.

It will be here forever. This is a part of WoW going forward. Not a huge part, but a lasting change from Dragonflight.

But the trading post currency comes as part of the monthly sub price. Plus you wil able to earn more by doing content for the same monthly sub price

Yeah, a bunch of folks here can’t read. Its not going f2p, nor is there any real money involved in the trading post, other than the sub you are already paying for.

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It’s titled a major feature. So it is. If Bliz wanted to add a new font to chat, they could call that a major feature as well. :confused:

Honestly? It depends on how much you enjoy free transmogs of decent quality.

For me, it’s a nice to have thing that costs me nothing. I’m far more excited wondering what dungeons will be in Season 2’s M+ rotation.

But others really love that stuff :slight_smile:

for me, it gives me a bit more of an optional ‘checklist’ that I can work on each week if i’m bored. with world quests having become semi-weekly, I sometimes find myself running out of mindless stuff to do.
sure I can go out and find my own stuff to, but sometimes thats just more effort than I want to put into things and just want to mindlessly follow a checklist and still make some sort of progression.
trading post gives me one more thing I can do if I want too.

You have something to work for, and how you get there is pretty much whatever the list wants you to do at your own pace pretty much.

Anything’s better then that. :laughing:

Where do people keep getting this idea? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’s just a list of things to do ingame to get the stuff only though ingame. This is what Video games have been doing for like 30 or so years. Do mini-challenges, get points, spend them on cool stuff.

What, is it too good of a feature? Is that the problem?


You are the one stating its a problem and whining about it
 all I said that is that its likely a battlepass prototype. Im fine with a Battlepass as long as its a fun free feature and not another form of cash revenue on top of all the other ways they already siphon money from players and in fact I wouldnt mind there being a paid tier for the battlepass if they stopped monetizing the game in other ways like going F2P for example

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’m not? infact, i actually like the idea of it because it’s a familiar concept that was done in other video games.

Again, where does this idea came from?

But why is it a battlepass?..

It’s just a list of things to do to get cool stuff. It’s been done before like decades past. I don’t see any monetization stapled on to this.

This is a baseless prediction. Again, where does this idea of trading post being a battlepass come from?.. Or is this just baseless as this prediction?..

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I think you literally just came to the fourms to find someone to argue with
 step outside and go get some air man
 its early in the morning and aint no one got time for this.


MOGS > ADDONS > EVERYTHING else in wow :slight_smile:
So that makes it pretty much great thing :slight_smile:


The twitter integration was a joke and idiotic. At least the Trading Post will be enjoyable.

Oh okay, so you don’t even know what a battlepass is to answer my simple question then.

I just came back from outside to get me some food, but okay.

/eats some popcorn. :popcorn:

It’s afternoon where i live.

You don’t have time to answer a very simple question, yet you have time to type out this drivel of a “rebuttal” if you can even call it that. Not that you calling my initial comment as a “whine” comment, despite being in support of this idea clearly, already outed yourself in terms of intelligence anyways.

I think you ought to take your own advice here mate.


So they had a handful of folks ask for a feature. So they put together a committee to see if it is feasible, the answer is yes but let us make it so convoluted and difficult that no one will use it like the new professions.

What is convoluted about a list of mini-challenges, getting points and going back to spend them on cool stuff without any real life money involved exactly? Seriously?..

you sound like a crazy women with her hormones out of wack, you need to stop looking for arguments and learn and stop being an annoying person


lol okay, literally never heard anybody call me that one before, but, i guess you’re the first to call me that. :rofl:

I didn’t even do anything to you but ask 2 simple questions. Is that what you consider annoying? God-dang. :joy: