What made you quit retail?

Didn’t technically quit the game. Just ran out of gametime and haven’t bothered to renew. Some real life stuff came up, and entertainment such as this takes a back seat.

I buy every expansion pack, play to cap while enjoying the nee zones.

I don’t buy it expecting to stick around. I just want to see some theme parky action rpg mixed with exploration lite. Do I wish it was more like vanilla WoW? Sure. But I still enjoy leveling and its worth $60 to me. Hell one nice dinner is like $90. I can afford to play $60 for two weeks of content.

The problem is that most people then quit out of rage or boredom. For me I’m generally bored and done sometime around 10 levels anyways. It works out great. Sometimes I even get a full set of blues just to see the full ppwer arc. Again, I don’t buy these games with any expectations of worthwhile content after level cap.

What I wish they would do is make an expack with as many zones and as big of a world as vanilla was. That would be awesome and it would feel like an rpg again. Plus they would need to make more than 10 levels. I think when you get like 5 zones only then the world feels kinda cheap. Can’t quite put it to words.

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What made me quit from retail were a few reasons.

  1. Removal of RPG elements i.e. class quests
  2. Removal of skills which made classes feel unique
  3. Auto-scaling which removed any sense of progression across zones
  4. Simplification of game systems - the game wasn’t hard to begin with, now it’s too hand-holdy
  5. Introduction of flying (aside from tbc) - made the world feel smaller
  6. Introduction or dungeon finder and raid finder - created more problems than it solved, and deteriorated the sense of community
  7. Introduction Cross realm zoning - deteriorated the sense of community

I feel like the dev team lost sight of what made WoW successful, and instead listened to investors screeching to make more money - so they simplified and streamlined the game to get more casual players/buyers, but it ultimately left the game hollow.


I loved the old Classic/tbc/wrath talent trees that encouraged you to place points wherever you pleased and tweak your build slightly for a bit of theorycrafting fun. Having these stripped down boring talents from cata and onward, helped make me feel like I was just like everyone else because the choices were so much more obvious in terms of what was best. No more hybrid specs. No more gimmick talent builds that focus on CC or mobility. The fact that the talents could be switched on a whim also made it less appealing because it made it so that everyone could do everything all the time. It was cool to have that tiny barrier to entry for your spec, so that if other people wanted to switch from a particular play style they would need to sink some resources in and commit. They would sooner pick you to do that role than do it themselves because of the cost. None of this flip flopping on a whim to be the solo god character that blizzard wants everyone to be.

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  • Content Locking/Gating Races (All Races and Classes should never be locked)
  • Removal of Buff System (I miss having a million Buffs on my Character)
  • Lack of True Uniqueness and Deep Character Customization. My character no longer feels like it adds value. I don’t bring anything to the table that’s truly unique to my class besides the archetype role(tank,healer,dps). Also, there needs to be more design customization during character creation. If would be nice if they allowed you to pick how spells and skills look (*Effect Styles and Colors)
  • Removal of Deep Talent Trees. I really miss being able to fine-tune my character to what I want, that again makes me feel unique. The free will to mix and match talent skills whether they work or not. That is the fun in learning.
  • Removal of Honor Point System in PVP. My favorite part was earning points and being able to go to the vendor and buy things. Now, I’m totally confused on how things work.
  • Mythic Dungeons. Instead of enjoying the game, now it’s a rush to get carpal tunnel syndrome and race against time. It’s kind of like who can be the fastest at eating ice cream and instead of enjoying it you cram it down your throat and swallow it whole. As for the Key system, I don’t mind Mythic Dungeons, but it shouldn’t be based on this weird system. Just keep it like the rest. If you’ve got the gear ilvl then they should let you in.
  • Artifact Weapons and the Azerite System. Okay, things are now way more complicated. Instead focus should be on creating more zone content and designing cool costumes and weapons like AION does. Instead of the same old bland ugly gear we’ve seen over the ages. I am thankful for the Transmog system. It seems there is way too much reputation grind, and forced linear progression rather than open exploration.
  • Crafting System diminished. I feel like their really is no more crafting. It doesn’t excite me anymore. This needs to be brought back to life without locking crafting skills behind quests. In other words I like the old fashion, earn gold, get your crafting skills up and then have the ability to buy recipes based on your skill level. I miss that approach.
  • Indian Giver Mentality. Over the years, Blizzard seems to like to give things that make you happy then take it away. Things for the most part should NEVER BE TAKEN away that makes most the player base happy. Rather if class balancing is needed, You typically ADD not SUBTRACT.
  • Complexity of Progression. Over the last decade I’ve seen Wow get way over complicated and the removal of cool stuff that made it once fun.
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The dungeon queue and general “raiding is the only content that matters” mindset.

(I quit during Cataclysm, when Firelands was the latest raid released. And boy was it ugly.)


MANY issues started adding up in TBC and WotLK… and then finally Cataclysm destroyed the world (and my desire to play WoW) for good. Since then I check back in on the new expansions only to quickly find I still do not enjoy what modern WoW has become.

thats sums it up for me

The game is straight up boring.

I took advantage of the free weekend and originally planned on getting my rep up so I could be at least a bit closer to opening up Kul’Tirans and Dark Iron Dwarves. I only had about an hours worth of work to open up Zandalari Trolls, and had planned on getting that taken care of too. I logged on, took one look around BfA content and then decided I’d rather not.

I spent a ton of time on WoW this weekend, but just about every minute was spent running old Classic and BC raids, messing around with a new character I made, and sorting through my inventory.

So, there you have it. I can’t even bring myself to play BfA when it’s free.


HAHA. I logged in and pressed “w” to walk forward. Movement was too fast for my liking. Felt like mounted speed.
Opened “talent tree”… stared blankly for 10 seconds.
logged out

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Gated allied races was the last straw for me. I hate leveling, its not fun for me AT ALL. The ridiculous price tag on character boosts alone made me never want to make new characters. Now i have to level a character i don’t even want to play and do a week’s worth of rep farming, achievements, and quests before I can even make the character I want to play, which I then have to level AGAIN. If they fixed these two issues, I would come back to the game.

Probably the same reason that everyone quit, the soul crushing boredom.

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This is also a big one for me too.

In 2004 when I had my Tauren Shaman go alchemy/herb I was able to make useful pots right out of the gate!

I said to myself, “This is amazing! In EQ2 I spent hours forging swing hilts and still made useless crap” .

As I progressed, I was more impressed. Water Breathing potions. Invisibility potions. Potions that gave solid hour long buffs. It was great being an alchemist, and I really felt like it brought something new and refreshing to the character.

Trade skills don’t bring that any more. They don’t really give anything to your character and now feel like a ‘bolted add/on’ that you dabble in with little or no results.

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I got tired of them reinventing the class wheel every expansion and, more recently, every patch cycle. Never knew if I’d wake up one morning and my favorite specs would play completely differently, or be dumpster tier… or both.

PvP also just became too god awful for me to care anymore. Some classes completely pruned of all purpose and use, while others maintain top CC, damage and mobility (see: the absurdity of Rogues at the start of BFA). Just seemed to be a never ending cycle of extremes one way or another. Knowing the Blizz method of class balance these days, I’m assuming Rogues now hit like noodles and probably had Blind, CS, KS and Sprint pruned in the name of class fantasy…


WoW is a really good game when it isn’t a turd. Sadly it’s been a turd for years :poop:

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“Class fantasy”

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A LOT made me quit. But the hay that broke this camel’s back?

Having gearing be completely RNG based while trying to gear PVP wise with no PVP gear vendor and class balance being funky weird as fck.

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Originally quit in cata due to a sudden lack of interest in the content mixed with not enjoying the changes being made to shadow priest and a guild break up. The onset of homogenization during wrath actually didn’t help and neither did the way they changed heroics during ToC. I remember running ToC six-eight times a week and it stands to this day as my most hated raid.

Rejoined very late warlords of Draenor for Legion because a friend begged me to and paid for my sub and a realm transfer for my brother. He swore up and down that the expansion seemed amazing and that it was going to be the last. I don’t know why the hell I believed him, but I guess once you’re away from a game for so long you start to forget why you quit. The new models helped to sweeten the deal too I suppose.

Quit again during Nighthold due to a whole truck load of reasons. I didn’t like the flavor of shadow priest. Why they decided to make shadow priests cultists I’ll never know. You’d think with all the vampiric touch/embrace and dispersion that they’d take a more vampiric approach and give us more bats and ravens at the very least. I guess cultist was more relatable to people who enjoy doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results. But hey, I have to admit I REALLY liked blood drinker (I ended up tanking).

As for the actually important reasons:

  1. CRZ/Sharding (HATE THIS THE MOST)
  2. Pruning
  3. Mob scaling (Second most hated)
  4. Too Easy (I mean it was easy back during Wrath too, but jesus. Dropping death and decay into a group of eight-twelve elites in Suramar with a single healer and spamming blood boil shouldn’t work.)
  5. Garrison/Order halls
  6. Mythic+/Titanforging
  7. Artifact weapons
  8. The Legendary system
  9. Most of the story content (Especially the TUHRHONDA stuff. Court of Farondis and Runas the shamed though I liked. Then again I have a soft spot for Jim Cummings since he voiced Olaf and Tomator in the Sega Saturn release of lost vikings 2 <3 )

Realistically I haven’t liked WoW in quite a long time for a whole boatload of reasons. I’m actually very much looking forward to classic, though I am still quite a bit worried. I don’t really trust Blizz.


This is what I mean