What made you quit retail?

You should work for Blizzard. Future millionaire dev.

Probably rarer case for me, I quit WoW middle of WotLK. The addition of LFG was something that deeply displeased me, and the homogenization went already too far. Everyone had a self heal, mobility, AOE and single target damage. The dungeons were too easy and too fast.

I loved Northrend nonethless, the quests, the zones and above all the music, but what’s the point of playing an MMORPG where interactions are drastically reduced and the only thing you enjoyed was the solo experience?

I was curious again for Legion, as TBC was my favorite… I hopped in at launch, starting fresh in the US (I was in Europe before) and while the leveling experience was fun, there were a lot of things I disliked.
I tried again a few months later, got max level and particularly enjoyed M+ but content was too fast, too personal, too repetitive with little to no flavor.

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I agree. Even with some of the issues that were creeping into WoW at the time, Northrend is still my fav expansion for the same reasons.

I liked building the garrison. That was quite fun.
During WoD I joined an end game raiding guild, and the raid content is quite good – I would way much better than during classic/BC raiding. Blizz really has polished phased raid mechanics.

Imagine quitting because you had to unlock something through rep. Rep that’s farmed by just doing a few easy quests every day.

I got some bad news for you about Classic, friend…

No PVP vendors. I play for transmogs and the Sinister Apirant Elite set is the only thing that’s caught my eye this whole Xpac. Im currently looking at about a dozen sets of bracers and pants from that set and not a one that even shows up on my character. Between that and NO conquest for a pvp loss at all, even a tiny bit, I realized I’ve wasted countless hours for nothing.

Considering you have no arena rating and you only have the Honor level 10 achievement, I find your statement quite dubious. You’ve hardly done any PvP at all.

BfA was the first expansion I never got, so technically not buying it was when I ‘quit.’ Why? The quote below was a sign that I couldn’t trust the developers.

That said, I didn’t quit cause I hated the game (Legion,) but because I didn’t trust the devs to make good future content.

Id log in to show you my bag of aspirant bracers but sub has been out for some time. Dunno what to tell you chief. I havent pvpd since BC since I hate it (but again wanted transmogs) and I duno if they then reset honor level rating whatevers but I spent hours every night for weeks when this season 2 started since I wanted that transmog.
What exactly would I get out of lying about this? Odd thing to say. The sentiment of people getting useless doubles is hardly an uncommon one.

Raid finder. Honestly, I was mostly off the boat by then, but that one marked the point beyond which I never resubbed again.

Wait, what do you mean by Sinister Aspirant Elite set? Are you talking about the set from Warfronts?

The one that looks like the warfront set but with teal green fabric and bright green hilights instead of purple. The Gladiator one is a wine purple fabric with a neon green hilight but I wasnt into that one.
And then the elite versions gets ya the bouncing canisters on the shoulders and belt and the beak mask.

I don’t think that recolor is even in the game. There’s a recolor I really wanted from BfA season 1 that isn’t available either. I think you’ve been grinding for something that isn’t in the game dude, sorry.

Playing WOD and just slowly looking over everything like…

“Look at how they massacred my boy” :sob:

Its in the in game dressing room, though wont display the elite version much like the others so itd be mad silly if it wasnt attainable. I do know there’s one NPC wearing it that alliance can kill when they have Darkshore.
But still. Never seen a chest, or even the regular shoulders. If it was something I could actively work towards by buying pieces, even by scraping loss after loss if they gave even 1 conquest, I’d keep trying. But as it stands its just gambling. I could grind forever and never see it. I gotta spend my time on things that actually gradually move towards what Im after. And then I had a whole existential crisis and quit.

I’m almost 100% positive there are only two “Elite” sets, the one you get from reaching 1800 rating in PvP and the one you get from the quest for completing a Warfront. Here’s the set from season one I wanted that I’ve never seen anyone wearing because it’s most definitely unobtainable:

Oh, and sorry for being wary of your claims and coming off as a jerk. After so much time on this forum, I’m starting to see lies and deceit more often, when genuine misunderstandings also exist.

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*Expansions make your hard earned gear obsolete.
*Players can not speak to anyone and level from 1 to max with no social interaction whatsoever.
*Homogenized classes, where every race has a skill or spell to counter every other class.
*Progression mostly just feels time gated to keep you subbed.
*World with multiple realms and sharding create a situation where people dont care to usually go out of their way to make a friend because they likely will never see that person again.
*The small things/items mattering in game, such as carrot on a stick being something you could use forever but attain at a lower level.
*The Old World
*World PVP being alive because people couldn’t just fly from a to b and avoid everyone, and instance entrance a in vanilla being a place of congestion. So PvE in dungeons was EARNED because you had to get a whole party there.

There is a whole lot more but all of this is what came to mind while writing this…


Warlords of Dreanor…

Started playing again more recently just to PvP on twinks since I wasnt going to buy their trash expansion and welp… I have to unsub again.

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The community.

I played since Vanilla.

Here’s what it used to be.
Log in, chat with people, look at your bank and gear, figure out what you wanted to grind on - gear/proffessions/pvp(world or bg)/goofing around/questing/raid prep/guild events/exploring/learning/looking up WoWhead, hitting up trade to make up a group for dungeons, flying to the dungeon, feeling that victory of getting it done, and then repeating any of the above…

log on, LFG/LFR until you get the 3 dailies or lockouts done, maybe knock out some mythics, dont say a word to almost anyone throughout the whole process, log off.

There’s no reason to be anywhere or do anything. Everything is so damn easy it hurts. Blizzard has replaced challenge with variation. And even saying that is a stretch. Just because I have to do 10 different things on my 5 max level characters doesnt matter because none of its hard. I just have to do the same mythics, LFRS, etc on my many characters (because leveling takes a week) and go to bed. There’s no fun anymore and there’s DEFINITELY no reward.

That’s not to mention from a phsycological standpoint that not having your main character anymore isn’t fun. I main a healer but you want me to log onto my DPS or tank because I have all of them considering it was so easy to level and get gear? FINE yeah I’ll switch it’ll gear them up anyway sigh… OK.
It doesn’t matter what you play, there’s no self worth, there’s no self worth for what you’ve built. It’s just stacking an account.

The whole point of making RPGs work is that the grind is like life. If you dont make the reward feel REWARDING I wont stay for long. I resub every expac just to get to heroic raids in 4 weeks. It sucks man. I’m bored. I miss this game.


Garrisons in WoD was the last straw for me. Noped right the hell out.

All the finer points have already been addressed, but yeah, I didn’t like the direction of the game. I wasn’t having fun.

Also, my server died, and thus my guild, before they finally started to do anything about it. Most of my long time friends quit. I wasn’t having fun.

I missed the game and started playing the free version again, probably cuz I was hyped over Classic. I decided to sub back, but I’m kinda regretting that now that they banned twinks (before I could even finish gearing mine lol).

I have no interest in the RNG fest of terrible gearing or busywork to make me play longer. As many have stated, bring back FUN.