What limitations for Addons?

We had more powerful addons then. We have weaker addons now.

Addons back then were so powerful they could automate the game. To the point of auto decursing and auto-deranking spells.

I am not going to trust some add on dev that has been proven to try to deceive us. He could just be lying about talking to Blizz. Would not be the first time he was not truthful.

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They are going to determine things on a case by case basis. If they don’t like something, they’re going to break it. Why would they limit themselves or paint themselves in a corner by being more specific? I’m sure their lawyers and PR people advised them as such. The smart move is to paint things in broad strokes and keep it open to interpretation. But these are the key statements…

"…add-on functionality that might undermine aspects of the social dynamics that are core to the Classic experience…"

If an addon reduces the need for communication between players, i.e. people actually talking to each other, then there is a good chance it’s going to get broken. If you are making such an addon, then you need to consider that possibility because you are obviously pushing the boundaries of what is allowable.

"Ultimately, if a streamlined group-finding system was something we considered compatible with Classic, we would have kept the modern Premade Group Finder tool rather than choosing to remove it from the Classic client."

If you make a streamlined group-finding system, they’re probably going to break it. So you probably shouldn’t waste your time.


I think it’s more likely Blizzard will make a minor change to say they did something than it is they’d make the major necessary changes to break it entirely while also breaking a bunch of other addons. Only time will tell though.

Anyway, I’m not worried about my RP addon anymore. Have a good day.

Are they though ? when the only reason he is “concerned” and expressing those concerns is because he see’s it as a way to get his LFG addon back.

I’m not saying the concern isn’t justified, just that the info being asked for likely doesn’t exist yet, and having people like him jump into well presented topics like this from Eloraell only detracts from the conversation.

I don’t think you need to worry about RP addons. What Blizz will want to remove is any addon that attempts to mimic the modern client in a way that they didn’t already in classic. Especially if they force people to use them by otherwise dividing the community.

I can understand the concern. I very briefly had it myself. Addons that do very different things still use the same API. If they took a sledgehammer to this addon, a lot of “innocent” addons like roleplaying addons would cease to work as well.

It isn’t as simple as saying “alright, API, no LFG addons”. Blizzard knows this as well, which is probably why Bornakk chose the word “limit” as oppose to “break” or “ban”.

I didn’t even download it until about the 50th spam thread crying about it. Lol.
They are limiting it. In case you missed that or the streamers didn’t explain that to you guys. They didn’t say it was going away. So nothing to get back. Like I said in another thread:You guys gave it so much exposure don’t be surprised if it doesn’t see some use. Oh the irony that would be. Maybe that will teach some to stop being social media sheep!
If pointing out hypocrisy and ignorance is a tantrum then yup. I did.
No worse than what we’ve seen on these forums. Yet here i am. On the same avatar.

Yes the concerns are justified, for reasons I laid out, no matter what you feel his’hidden’ reasons are.

He is well aware that they are breaking functionality of this addon , so he knows it will not function as it sits right now.

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Hence why I said “NERFED / disabled”…Using those reading skills to your best ability I see.

Never disputed that, it just won’t have the automation features a select few were pushing for. Again, excellent reading skills.

More examples of your hatred of the issue, which is what I highlighted about your other post. Maybe if you read the threads and Blue posts, you might understand why there was such a backlash over it’s possible effects on the game. But again, reading skills lol.

At least you stand by your actions lol.

Huh ? don’t even know what you’re implying here, still writhing in hate and anger I see.

You can go back to the old forum posts on addons and see me defend addons there too. This isn’t a new topic.
Like i just told you. I didn’t even download it until this new shiny started on the forums. Project much?

TotalRP comes to mind.

Why is this community so toxic?


People advocating for the removal of addons or breaking api function that breaks other addons. Yup. Hate the illogical.

Cause streamers said sic em.

Damn straight.

That doesn’t surprise me.


Now who’s projecting…there were very few asking for complete addon removal. There were numerous posts from an overwhelming number of people expressing concern over the impact the addon would have, which is what Blizzard have responded to. Nice reading comprehension … again lol.

Really ? I get the impression there’s far more people here who are repulsed by streamers, I am one of them. Next false statement ?

Perhaps you’d be kind enough to let us all know what your toon names are and what server you’re rolling on, so we can all add you to our friends lists in game and enjoy your “company” further.

You have no idea how many threads have been posted on that since the beginning of these forums.

ClassicLFG was available for download since beta. It was not an issue until streamers said it was. The first thread on the subject linked what? A streamer video. Whether you like streamers or not. They said jump and you jumped. You were influenced by them. If everyone was so concerned about this why was this addon available for download for as long as it was?
I seen it around the last stress test. I can’t be the only one. People alreast had it downloaded. Lol.
I like how the streamers waited until days before launch to send their minions in to generate maximum hype too.
You wanna talk comprehension? You might wanna work on self awareness. I know. You’re just following orders.

See above. That covers it.

I’m rolling the streamer server. Lol.

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Tis bad mojo mon. Deez 2 shood shayr a hovel.

I freely admit that, I have only been back to the game for about 5 weeks now, and the forums for 3 weeks. I can only reference the most current topics and posts, which are what’s most relevant. The few older threads I have read haven’t had much ( if any ) relevance to the current state of things.

They may have been the catalyst to the MULTIPLE forum threads that were raised discussing everything from the addon itself to what impacts it may have. The only theme I could see close to what influencers do was a handful of people like yourself berating others while refusing to acknowledge their legitimate concerns, which were later reaffirmed by Blizzard. The forums are about discussion on current topics, not sheetposts full of conjecture from 6 months ago.

Which brings me back to your post in this thread I highlighted today. Eloraell did a concise thread about a divisive topic, which you then jumped into dragging down the value the conversation had because of your previously expressed biased views.

Funny to see you didn’t bother listing your server(s) lol.

Actually yes. Whispercast allowed you to whisper for an invite to raids. People also used it to make groups by allowing people to whisper for an invite.


So that’s what it was called. The groups I raided with started using addons to easily form the raid but I never used it myself.