What Level to Use the Portals, in the SW Portal Room?

Just got back from a long hiatus (a year, maybe?), last time, to use the portals, in the SW portal room was Level 10. I’m on a Lightforged Draenei (who’s automatically Level 10 to start) who’s unable to use the portals in the SW portal room. Is the level requirement higher, now? If so, what level is it, these days? Also, does having a Sub/Game Time play a factor? I don’t have a Sub nor Game Time, right now.

EDIT: Resetting the UI did nothing. I cannot use the Exodar portal from SW. I can use the portal from Ruth’ran Village to Azuremyst Isle. And, the SW Portal from Exodar. But not from SW to Exodar. Off to the Bug Forums!

I think most of them are based on unlocks – that is, once you’d opened the portal from the other side (e.g. by completing the appropriate expansions’ opening quest line, at least to the point where you earn a portal back to Stormwind/Orgrimmar), they become active.

I was trying to go to Darnassus and/or the Exodar from SW (on the Lightforged Draenei). That’s a long trot, but OK LOL

EDIT: The Darnassus portal is no longer at the dock, that goes to Dragon Isles I think? And, I’m unable to access the Exodar portal. Trotting I go, I guess xD

Should still be level 10, except for the War Within zones, and should still be able to access the portals, regardless of game time.

As mentioned though by Amaelalin, some are based on unlocks, so might need to start the story intro to unlock.

How ever, try and do a proper UI Reset.

If that doesn’t work, then Bug Report would be the next best option.

EDIT: Darnaassus and Exodar doesn’t need a story unlock, they should be level 10 to access though still. As mentioned, try a full UI Reset, and if that doesn’t work, then bug report would be the next best option.

Darnassus had a party get out of hand. It really isn’t much of a tourist attraction anymore, so the ferry was pulled.

Hmm. I’m afraid I don’t recall the best way to get there anymore. There’s a PvP portal from Boralus that’s active half the time, or perhaps leaping off of Mt Hyjal.


Luckily ALL of the FPs are unlocked, so I can just fly to Menethil Harbor, boat over to Theramore Isle and trot from there.

EDIT: Probably a UI glitch, I do have addons. I’ll turn them off, later and try again. If not, then I’ll trot this over to the Bug Forum.

EDIT 2: It looks like resetting my UI didn’t do anything. I’m able to use the portal from Ruth’ran Village to Azuremyst Isle, and the SW portal from Exodar. But using the Exodar Portal, from SW isn’t working.

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The Darnassus portal becomes available at some point - I checked a couple higher level characters (60 & 80) and they could both see it, but a level 13 could not.

My friend and I have been noticing for a while that a lot of previously available portals are no longer available at low levels. Some are requiring level 30 or higher or to be in a relevant Chromie timeline. Though I am finding inconsistencies between which portals are available, even in Chromie Time.

Tested on a level 26 Kul tiran (not in Chromie Time) - the only portals in Stormwind available to them were:

  • Boralus
  • Valdrakken
  • Bel’ameth
  • Tol Barad

This alt was also a testing/bank alt who only leveled during Anniversary event doing trivia.

Tested on a level 30 Night Elf (not in Chromie Time) who has been frozen at 30 for years and has done various questing during that time. The portals in Stormwind available to them were:

  • Darnassus
  • Boralus
  • Valdrakken
  • Oribos
  • Azsuna
  • Stormshield
  • Dalaran (Northrend)
  • Exodar
  • Caverns of Time
  • Shattrath
  • Bel’ameth
  • Uldum
  • Hyjal
  • Deepholm
  • Vashj’ir
  • Tol Barad
  • Twilight Highlands

Just for completeness sake, also did Orgrimmar portals.

Tested the Orgrimmar portals on a level 29 Vulpera (not in Chromie Time) - the only portals in Orgrimmar available to them at their level were:

  • Azsuna
  • Valdrakken
  • Undercity

Tested the Orgrimmar portals on a level 30 Vulpera (not in Chromie Time) - they can use the following portals:

  • Warspear
  • Caverns of Time
  • Shattrath
  • Dalaran (Northrend)
  • Oribos
  • Valdrakken
  • Silvermoon
  • Undercity
  • Uldum
  • Hyjal
  • Deepholm
  • Tol Barad
  • Twilight Highlands

Not sure why the level 30 could not use the Azsuna portal. That was odd. Even switching that alt into various Chromie Time timelines didn’t make that portal available.

Those two alts were just testing/bank alts - they haven’t done anything in game outside of leveling during Anniversary event by doing daily trivia.


Yeah, my Lightforged Draenei just entered into the world. I created her just before my Game Time ran out but never hit “Enter World”, until today. She did a couple quests (the first quest, when you pop up as a Lightforged Draenei) and talk to Chromie, but I didn’t put her in Chromie Time.

I can’t use the SW Exodar portal (from SW to Exodar), but I can go from Exodar to SW portal. With all the FPs unlocked, makes the traveling easier.

I went from SW to IF by Tram, took the FP from IF to Menethil Harbor, took the boat from Menethil Harbor to Theramore and took the FP from Theramore to Ruth’ran Village.

I was able to use the portal from Ruth’ran Village to Azuremyst Isle, and the portal from Exodar to SW. Me thinks some story completion may be required to unlock the SW to Exodar portal. As the SW portals are a different kind of portal, than what you find in Ruth’ran Village and Exodar.


Estalayia here! I created this Draenei Paladin Alt to maybe help investigate this issue. Sadly, I’m still at Square One, but I want to share my findings.

OK, so I had this Alt start in “Ammen Vale” instead of “Exile’s Reach”, to see if “story completion” mattered to unlock the Exodar Portal, in SW (assuming it’s NOT in Chromie Time). Unfortunately, because I’m F2P, I’m unable to access my mail.

There’s an NPC named “Messenger Hermesius” (in “Blood Watch” of “Bloodmyst Isle”) who has a quest called “Urgent Delivery”. It has you go “check your mail”, and that letter gives you an in-game quest item called “A Letter from the Admiral”. That item begins a quest called “The Bloodcurse Legacy”, to which you then turn in to an NPC named “Captain Edward Hanes” (all the way out in “Wyrmscar Island” of “Bloodmyst Isle”). And, that unlocks a set of three quests: “The Bloodcursed Naga”, The Hopeless Ones" & “Ending the Bloodcurse”.

Again, because I’m F2P, I’m unable to access those set of quests, if they’re “required” to be a part of “story completion”, to unlock the Exodar portal, in SW. I was able to complete everything else (including other “hidden away” quests NOT picked up by NPCs), just to cover my basis.

That being said, there used to be a portal from Azuremyst Isle to Rut’theran Village, at the dock there. Even completing the “Newfound Allies” quest didn’t have the portal appear. Despite the NPC, at the docks, claiming there’s a portal there, but I digress. Same with the SW docks NOT having a portal to Rut’theran Village, where it used to be. Rut’theran Village still has its dock portals to go from Rut’theran Village to either SW or Azuremyst Isle.

That being said, I suppose having the Rut’theran Village portal, at the Azuremyst Isle dock is rather redundant, since you CAN just fly (using the FPs) to Rut’theran Village from either Azure Watch, Exodar and/or Blood Watch. ALL FPs ARE unlocked so getting to Darnassus/Rut’theran Village from the Draenei area isn’t all that difficult. It’s getting to either the Draenei area or Darnassus from the Eastern Kingdoms side (particularly SW and/or IF), that’s the issue.

Especially because I’ve checked multiple times (at least 3-4 times) if I was able to use the Exodar portal, from SW, when my Paladin Trainer told me to go to SW and talk to a Paladin Trainer, over there. When I did that and still had quests to do in either Azuremyst Isle and/or Bloodmyst Isle, the Quest Tracking system would even direct me to the Exodar portal, in SW, to clear it out. But, I couldn’t click on it.

Thankfully, I had set my hearthstone at the Exodar Inn, to fast travel back without needing to travel to either Wetlands or STV to boat over to Kalimdor and FP all the way over there.

Anyway, there is ONE portal I CAN access on my alt Draenei Paladin (in the SW Portal Room), and that’s to some place called “Bel’ameth”. That’s the ONLY open and available portal I can use.

Just wanted to update this thread with my own (personal) investigation, on what’s going on. I still don’t know if it’s a “story completion” or “bug” issue because I haven’t actually fully completed the Draenei area due to the in-game system (not complaining, just providing data), not allowing me access to in-game mail 'cause I’m F2P, and that one point, in a quest chain, utilizing the in-game mail system. I just find the whole thing odd and weird especially, when the game recognizes I can use a portal, but I can’t.

So, I’ll (also) be adding this information over to my “Bug” thread. Just covering all of my basis :sweat_smile:

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Looks like somebody responded in the Bug Forum about this:

Still doesn’t explain why I have ONE portal access to a place called “Bel’ameth” (despite NOT being Level 30), though, but I digress.

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Bel’ameth is the new Darnassus.

Very new, so it’s just a Night Elf village under the boughs of the new world tree (from the last chapter of DF).

I don’t think it turned out to be as important to night elf players as it was originally envisioned, kind of how the Temple of Karabor and Bladespire Fortress were supposed to be Alliance and Horde capitals in WoD.

I guess Bel’ameth must be a functional “capital” for Nelves, since I imagine they have all the usual “capital city” services, but so does the Exodar, and no one ever goes there either.


I took the portal from SW to “Bel’ameth”. I looked around (on that Level 20 Draenei Paladin), and there’s portals I can take (behind me, once I enter “Bel’ameth”), from “Bel’ameth” to the following:

  • SW
  • Darkshore
  • Mount Hyjal
  • Val’sharah

So, for those looking to go to Kalimdor (and can’t use the Exodar Portal), from SW, take the portal to “Bel’ameth”, and you can take the portal (behind you) from “Bel’ameth” to “Darkshore” (to the left of the “Mount Hyjal” Portal). Since, ALL FPs are unlocked, you can fly from “Darkshore” to “Darnassus” and/or “Exodar”. You can still fly to “Rut’theran Village” from “Darkshore” and still take those dock portals (if you want) to either SW or Azuremyst Isle.

The portal to “Bel’ameth” is on the second level, of the SW portal room. It’s the ONLY portal, that I can see, on that level. You take the stairs/ramp (left or right but go left, since the “Bel’ameth” portal is on the left side, of the second level), behind you, where you usually land in taking teleports to SW from whatever SW portal you took.

EDIT: I tested out a few portals, on a brand new level 1 Human Warrior (that started in “Northshire Abbey”, as opposed to “Exile’s Reach”). Here are my findings:

The “Bel’ameth” portal in SW does NOT require ANY level to use. My new level 1 Human Warrior was able to use the “Bel’ameth” portal, in SW. ALL the portals in “Bel’ameth” did NOT have a “level cap” on them, for my new level 1 Human Warrior to use. I teleported to “Darkshore”, from “Bel’ameth”. I used the FP to fly over to “Rut’theran Village”.

The SW portal, at the “Rut’theran Village” dock DID require my level 1 Human Warrior to be “level 10”, to use. HOWEVER, the “Azuremyst Isle” portal, at the “Rut’theran Village” dock, did NOT have ANY level cap, on it. I was able to use the “Azuremyst Isle” portal, at the “Rut’theran Village” dock, on my new level 1 Human Warrior.

The “Hellfire Penninsula” portal, in Darnassus (at the “Temple of the Moon” section, of Darnassus), DID require my new level 1 Human Warrior, to be “level 10”, in order to use. HOWEVER, the “Exodar” portal, right next to it , does NOT require ANY level cap, to use. Same with the SW portal, in Exodar (at the “Vault of Lights” section, of “Exodar”).

The rest of the SW portals are still unusable, for my new level 1 Human Warrior to use, like Exodar, Shattrath, Dalaran, etc. Even hovering over them doesn’t tell me any information. The way hovering over the SW portal (in the “Rut’theran Village” dock) or “Hellfire Penninsula” portal (in “Darnassus - The Temple of the Moon”) do.

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