What kind of runes do yall hope to see in the coming phses?

I don’t know if this was a typo but I instantly cracked up :joy::joy:

So many comments just listing off retail abilities. C’mon people have some imagination!

Give druids weird new forms like winged serpent and it focuses on poisons or something.

Give warriors a rune that makes it so they can run bare knuckled and give them big stat boosts since they won’t have a weapon.

Give hunters a support spec like bard or something.

Give shamans their 2h enhance but also give weird stuff like give them a spec that makes them like a summoner and they focus on summoning elementals to fight for them.

Give mage more healing stuff only because that’s what I main lol. But actually just give them another element to cast or something. Idk like give them a a weird element like fog magic or something that provides weird utility.

Give rogues a full ranged spec where they have to use guns. Go full pirate with it idk.

Give paladins a Valkyrie spec. Idk what it would do but it sounds badass.

Give priests a melee dps spec where they are like possessed by the void and do weird builds that just give tons of status effects.

Give warlocks a healing spec where their health funnel is now a heal to players so they have to balance life drain on themself and health funnel on other.

You guys need to think out of the box. If all you want is abilities you like from retail, then just go play retail? SoD is supposed to be about making it weird man. Get funky with it.


Fan of knives for rogues

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I like the ranged rogue spec. Dark ranger. Sylvanas. What nathanos says we need more of in that forsaken pvp battleground for the azurite.

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Fan of Knives
Poison Bomb
Shiruken Storm

Anything AoE

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all of the shaman spells pre cata/mop are lackluster and cruddy tbh. It plays mediocre in current wrath. They should look to things like capacitor totem or spirit link totem.

Cyclone, and the rune that gives 20% chance per cp to get instant cast nature spell :sunglasses:

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They spam some of the worst takes I’ve ever seen. F tier troll.

A strength to spellpower conversion for Paladins.

Maybe also more hunter pets with 1.0 speed in the game so not every hunter just ends up using Broken Tooth.

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2h enhance runes, and something that serves as utility of actual value to compete for spots vs other classes. Right now there’s virtually no place for enhance outside of tanking.

In PvE I need to be in groups that specifically have another shaman tank or else I have to use weaker imbues and do weak dps to avoid pulling threat.

In PvP I have to let premade group leads think that Shaman can flag carry well, when in reality we die if we get snared twice.

Yeah we aren’t the worst right now, but its pretty awkward and disgusting being enhance in phase 1. The current enhance dps runes are especially boring.

  • Cataclysm + Immolate spread from it

  • Conflagrate not consuming Immolate and buffing the cast speed increase

  • Drain Soul getting a chance to give shards per tick

  • Immolation Aura replacing Immolate for Meta tanks OR a rune to remove / reduce pushback (maybe some, not all, health loss) on channeling Hellfire

  • Lock Closet, but still limited to players in or outside the instance

  • Something to ignore fire immunity or convert fire damage to “Shadowflame” / “Fel Fire” damage

  • Soul Well; no one likes trading a cookie to 9-39 other players


traps in combat and remove dead zone

Avenging wrath.


Name: Rune of Mending
When in Cat form or Bear Form Auto Attacks have a 5% chance to cast Rejuvenation on the druid and cost zero mana and is castable in Cat or Bear form generating Bear rage by (1.5) or Cat energy by (2.5) each tic for the duration of the Rejuvenation. Shifting out of form cancels the heal and the rage/energy regeneration effect.


Chaos wave
Chaos leap
Immolation aura
Hand of guldan
Unstable affliction
Soul swap

Not necessarily in that order but chaos wave is number 1

Edit: Nether protection/nether ward honorable mention for tank lock would be a blessing.

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I’d love to see more really really slow attack speed pets to synergize with Flanking Strike.

So this confuses me. I did a WSG and the hunter I was fighting dropped a trap while we were fighting so he had to have been in combat with me.

Am I missing something?

I’m running multiple tanks through SoD (easiest group finder ever) so I’d like them to fix rogues to actually be tanks.

Stagger effect, cloak of shadows rune that reduces magic dmg, a cleave rune on blade flurry and a more tanking efficient evasion (perhaps it restores energy on dodge/parry instead of the standard effect). And a fix to combo points on “Just a flesh wound” rune.

Warlocks - Corruption rune to do AoE shadow damage, or hellfire channel like master channeler.

Shamans - Something to help us with mana on a longer CD as blocking isn’t always viable to restore mana.

Feign death to drop combat, use trap, can do this instantly so sometimes it doesn’t even look like they feigned, unless there is a rune I’m missing.

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something to counter paladins biggest weakness of if they are silenced they basically cant use anything. maybe a different heal like desperate prayer that isnt holy or something. might be too powerful. maybe being silenced reduces the cooldown of divine shield by 1 minute or something. just something to make the paladin not become a brick when silenced.

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