What kind of runes do yall hope to see in the coming phses?

Improved Leader of the Pack, Nurturing Instincts or Primal Tenacity for Feral

For druids: Thrash, some way to either increase energy or mana regen while shifting, some way to gain feral expertise, AOE Feral Faerie Fire would be cool, a rune that will make swipe scale.

Thanks for the insight, I didn’t know this. Honestly didn’t know hunters already got feign death at this low level, for so reason I thought it wasn’t until phase 2.

Thank you for the clarification :slight_smile:

Hunters get feign death at 30 so it will be in P2, so any new runes could effect it.

For my Pally, I want a rune that either gives us a proper range slow of some sort with a shorter CD and shorter duration than AV or more mobility. Along with some changes to make the spec work better. IDK, why CS/DS can’t proc a seal or doesn’t work like warriors melee attacks, do with WF.

For my Hunter, I’d like more melee runes and one to make us a little more bulky so we can survive longer in melee. More ranged damage on the Hunter over the pet would also be awesome.

runes that promote shockadin/dps/healing caster playstyle.

More runes for melee hunter.

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One thing I would like and hope to see is a few runes that are based on high level skills that some specs build into, this could allow some classes to get bigger boosts, such as warriors, where only the broken specs, say Deep Prot get buffed, but where it just doesn’t turn into another overpowered ability to pump up Fury Prot Warriors even higher.

For example (would probably be overpowered) Rune of Slamming (Requires Shield Slam and a shield Equipped), Shield Slam ability increases hit chance by 5% and increases all damage 20% while in Prot Stance, Revenge increases threat by 30% on target, and causes AOE threat but no damage in a 5 yard radius and adds a new ability Improved Shield Slam which does AOE damage in a 5 yard radius.

I’d be happy with more block scaling to be honest, like armor giving +% block based on your current damage reduction % or defence giving flat block at some reasonable ratio. No need to go all out like the other tank runes.

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critical block chance would be nice

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As a warrior, I don’t really want to see Titan’s Grip. Having to keep up with two weapons instead of one is annoying. I like being able to do great DPS with just a single two handed weapon. It’d also probably invalidate 1H dual wielding, which would be lame.


Some type of interaction with nightfall proc from the affliction tree. Maybe like legion with seed of corruption procs making it instant cast to spread corruption easier with an aoe hit ta’ boot.
Also, could be really cool to adapt a new shadow type immolate rune. We need more dots!
Last but not least, give us some type of interaction with our pets. Some type of rune that gives us an ability with sac, or something to encourage more management.

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It had to be a NE using shadow meld because we don’t get feign death till level 30 and our traps cant be used in combat

It was a troll hunter in WSG, they didn’t turn invisible in any way, they just knelt down doing the place trap animation then started trying to get me to run through it on my paladin.

I ran circles around it thinking there was a trap but maybe they were playing mind games?

Holy Paladin (Ranged DPS):
Fist of the Heavens: Judge up to 5 targets within 20 yards with your current seal. 30 second cooldown.
Inquisitor: Increases the damage done by Holy Shock by 100% and the range by 10 yards, but Holy Shock can no longer heal. Increases Spell Damage by 40% of your Healing, but Illumination now only triggers off of Holy Shock’s damaging critical strikes or Exorcism.
Long Arm of the Law: Increases the range on Judgement by 10 yards.

Holy (healer):
Aura Mastery: 5 minute cd. Lasts 6 seconds. Your auras now have additional effects and always increased range by 10 yards:

  • Devotion Aura increases the damage of you and your allies next attack or spell by 5%.
  • Retribution Aura increases movement speed by 20% for you and your allies. This does not stack with other movement increasing effects.
  • Concentration Aura reduces all Silence, Stuns, or Incapacitating effect durations by 50% for you and your allies. Can be used while under these effects.
  • Sanctity Aura: Increases healing received by 20% for you and your allies.
    Resistance Auras cause any resisted damage to shield you for 20% of the damage resisted of that school of magic.

Turn Evil: Now works on Demons and Humanoids. Cooldown increased by 10 seconds.
Infusion of Light: Holy Shock critical strikes reduce the cast time of your next Flash of Light by 1.5 seconds or your next Holy Light will heal nearby allies of the target for 20% of the healing done.
Light’s Vessel: You become a vessel of the light healing up to 3 allies near you for X over 10 seconds. 40 second CD. (whatever cost and amount is balanced).

Stand Your Ground: You become immobile and taunts all nearby enemies to attack you for the next 6 seconds. Reduces damage of each attacker by 20% for each affected target.
Bastion of Light: While Righteous Fury is active, all damage is reduced by 10% and converts 30% of your Strength into Spell Damage.
Arbiter: Casting Judgement will also apply Judgement of the Crusader along with the original Judgement’s effect.
Zeal: Dodging, Blocking, or Parrying an attack has a (5%) chance to cause your next auto-attack to gain an extra swing. This does not stack with any other similar effect and is exclusive with Reckoning. Requires a Shield to activate.

Avenging Wrath: Consumes Vengeance increasing damage by an additional 5% (total of 20%) when a 2H weapon is equipped and your seals cannot be dispelled while this is active. Lasts 15 seconds and has a 3 minute cooldown. Vengeance cannot be active while Avenging Wrath is.
Reprisal: If a party or raid member dies within 30 yards, you deal an additional 10% damage against the enemy that caused the fatal damage. Can only be active on 1 target and cannot occur more than once every 2 minutes.
Divine Purpose: Your Hammer of the Righteous is now instant cast, deals 15% more damage, but it’s cooldown is increased by 2 seconds.
Crusade: Whenever you have Forbearance and are brought below 50% health, your damage and healing increases by 20% for the duration of Forbearance. Healing done to you is reduces by 25% during this time and going above 50% health will cause your Crusade to end.

Try to make Holy a little more versatile (as well as a ranged spec), Prot a little more in-line with other tanks, Ret to embody retribution.

Ok Speaking as a paladin player There are so many other things I would rather have than avenging wrath.

Although Templers verdict They could implement that Just as long as it shares a gcd with With divine storm 130% Leap in damage and you are Healed for 30% Of the damage done.

There you go Completely simple and solved

shaman should the the rune “fixed i win button” that instantly dcs alliance players and deletes their toon :smiley: .

that will show em.

Real death rune: Instantly die when using feign death

That already exists, hit FD, walk away from the keyboard, come back after 6 min.

That doesn’t sound instant enough to me.