What kind of runes do yall hope to see in the coming phses?

Add a dang normal rez to Druids


Literally the worst, most annoying ability ever. I hope this never happens. So many boomkins live to mess up pulls ā€œcuz my damage numbersā€ nevermind you just made the pull 20% longer because you pushed everything out of everyone elseā€™s damage areas.

Edit: I meant to say ā€œboomkins love to mess up pullsā€ and hit edit to fix it, but after more consideration ā€œlive to mess up pullsā€ is just as accurate.

Granting hit would be too strong I think, but having it buff your hots would be cool, especially since itā€™s in the resto tree for some insane reason.

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Tbh the only real issue was the mail drop rate in bfd. Mail drops more than leather+cloth combined yet only one class for horde and two for alliance can use it. Hopefully they donā€™t make the same mistake with plate at 40.


Made a post a while back about hunter runes if you wanna take a look.


I want to see more runes that expand upon the classic feel of classes, rather than just pushing them more into their retail incarnations.

One idea I had for paladins that I quite like, is a seals and strikes idea. Instead of seal twisting to get two seal effects per attack, instead have a seal, which applies to all attacks while itā€™s up, and a strike, which applies a single sealā€™s effect (or chance for effect) on your next swing. So you could, for example, have seal of command up, and then use strike of the martyr which gives you a seal of the martyr effect on your next attack.

Puts more emphasis on the seals, which was the main focus of the classic paladinā€™s damage, and itā€™s also nice, because seals scale with spellpower, which reinforces the idea of having a spellpower melee character, rather than just pushing paladins to AP, and them just being worse warriors.


Aoe corruption glyph so we can use shadow bolt volley to keep up multiple corruptions concurrently with everlasting affliction


Rune of Beast Within.

Rune of Steady Shot.

Rune of Disengage. (Makes disengage launch you backwards like in WOTLK).

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Anything that will make Spriests pump.

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Holy cow thatā€™s actually really cool and creative! Love that!


Rune of the Crusader/Avenger.

Similar to the Scarlet Crusaders. Dual Wield, extremely fast attack speed. Make it do something to Seal of the Crusader like increasing Hit % while using that seal and maybe even have it build up stacks that eventually grants ā€œEmpowered Sealā€ that makes your next Seal (that isnā€™t Crusader) have an additional effect against targets affected by Judgement of the Crusader.

Similar to Shaman Dual Wield, I know, considering it would also need the 50% off-hand damage from Crusader Strike/Divine Storm/Seals.


Shattering Throw / Mass Dispel please, thanks :slight_smile:

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The class I play the most is Paladin but for Other classes Without getting into specifics and not really Going Heavily in the detail.

Warriors Titans grip/Blade storm/ Shockwave

Rogues Fan of knives

Duid Typhoon

Now for Paladins at 40 Assuming we get 3 rune Slots Every phase

Shared of light/Holy guidance

Judgment of the wise

Empowered Seals The duration of seals is now 30 Minutes and judgment no longer consumes them in Addition Seal of command no acts the way it does in wrath.


Holy art of war your auto attacks have a 40% Chance to reset your Divine storm and Your seals and Judgments damage are increased by 10%

Heavenly strength You can now wear a shield When you have a two hander equipped

Hammer of the righteous


combat expertise Increases Stam and hit Bye 6%/Lights grace

Ardent defender the wrath Version/ Enlightened judgment.

Divine illumination/shield of the righteous

These are the abilities I would like to see for Paladin and Other classes in the future.

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I want a rune that allows my raptor to summon a second raptor so she can be a clever girl.


Iā€™d like to see a ranged rogue rune that gives them more utility and slows. Maybe a damage ability like an exploding arrow?

Also would be cool to add more tameable pet types. Dragonwhelp or slimes maybe?

For Warriors they should give them Titan grip rune or leap.

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Would love to see something for Pallies that gives them some increased resistance to silence & interrupt effects, or an increased resistance to all schools of Magic as a % of intellect.

Reason being Pallies struggle against Mages and Locks for lack of these type of tools.

For paladin either some version of Avenging Wrath for some good ol 50/50 run around like an idiot while slowed and do nothing or turn into a god and destroy everything


A hard hitting single target ability in place of the chest slot like Templars Verdict


I want a mage rune that lets me shhit lighting and one shot :yum: foos


Yeah I think I have a 100 comments on why dual wield enhance math just always wins. Itā€™s not really possible to make good without insane runes.

R Sham needs some sort of unique utility to bring. Iā€™d love to see something like spirit link totem. Without something unique raids will just continue to bring druids instead. Wild Growth will continue to out heal shamans in raid healing with runes scaling so well, druids bring a Brez, and ferals bring a better scaling WF so resto sham will be pushed out without some sort of big utility.

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Basicallyā€¦just go browse the Patch Notes wiki and look for all the Beta abilities that got removed; ie: Paladinā€™s Holy Strikeā€¦Seal of Wrathā€¦Wisdom Auraā€¦Seal of Furyā€¦

Iā€™d also like to see the Relic Weapon actives like Wake of Ash (from Ashbringer relic).

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