What kind of runes do yall hope to see in the coming phses?

With Phase 2 coming some time in January, I believe the current guess is jan 25th(?), what kind of Runes are you hoping to see?

For me I am leveling up a side warrior because of that Wowhead datamine of Gladiator Stance references before SoD went live when it popped up in the PTR Sniffer. I think Gladiator Warrior would be fun to play again.

Also started leveling a Shaman Alt and kinda hope to see a Lightning Shield rune that either increases charges or removes the charge aspect, maybe even lets it trigger per mob instead of on a player side global for Shaman Tanking. (This isn’t a thing with the Rockbiter rune right? I have not gotten it yet, just started my shaman the other day and am an Alliance main on SoD)

What kinds of runes are yall hoping to see for your characters?

I also think stepping outside the box and doing neat new things would be kinda cool. Like, and I say this as someone who is not playing mage but maybe a “Battle Mage” rune that lets mages wear Mail or Plate but maybe increases casting time on spells or alters some spells to act differently? Something just entirely out of left field.

Maybe a new shapeshift form for Druids like… I don’t know, Viper Form? Silithid Form? Something new and different.

Anywho, what do yall want to see?


Hoping for 2h Enhance Shaman to actually be a supported spec. Somehow, my 2h Shaman is even weaker than it was in 2004 vanilla in the 1-25 level range… how is this even possible?


hoping against hope that resto shaman gets riptide

playing classic with the whole kit? i’d be so excited


Yeah 2h enhance and deleting lava lash and replacing it with a decent strike that works in both DW and 2h and doesn’t hit like a wet noodle are my wishes! Also some sort of spellpower totem and/or spellpower weapon imbues.


I will agree, so tired of seeing 2h Enhancement disrespected and memed on so much from Blizzard. Feels insulting honestly given how vocal Shaman are about it.


Grove Ranger, make a hunter healing spec.

Druids haven’t gotten a new form in 20 years.

There are so many cool animals they could let us turn into.


Supposedly Blizzard buffed mobs across the board to make up for the increased power from runes. Seeing as there are no 2h shaman runes. Well…


A Warrior Rune that will really upset everyone else.


Battle Mage runes.

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“turn hurricane into D2 druid hurricane and let you run around in bear form like a freak” the rune.

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For mages

-steal shadow form for frost mages and call it lich form, I don’t know what it would do,

-give us 10% spell haste

-make fingers of frost recharge automatically somehow

-spells proc brainfreeze which let’s us launch a frostfire bolt

-blizzard gains a 2-5 min cooldown but becomes a 3 second cast that lasts for 8 seconds maybe targets in the blizzard are always considered frozen and we can icelance them to death

Polymorph skins unlockable similar to hunter’s pheromones

Polymorph is instant cast but the mage has to stand and channel the spell keeping them both occupied, maybe the mage also heals for a much much smaller amount.

Molten armor lets you precast 1-2 flamestrikes targeted on yourself and those become extra aoes that you can drop on yourself instantly like blastwaves

Blink cd reduced from 15 to 10 seconds and can now target allies, doesn’t break CC on other targets (or maybe enemies?)

Arcane Missile storm, channeled aoe that drains mana and continues to channel indefinitely until you OOM and sends out 1/5 of your missile dmg to every target inside

arcane missiles that consumed 4 stacks of AB can be channeled while moving, possibly without taking up casting space like warlock drain life.

mana shield gets a CD but silences/disarms in an aoe around the mage after breaking

using mana gem gives you presence of mind

blazing speed needs no introduction

delayed fireball, your fireball doesn’t launch until you finish casting another spell

frost nova, blast wave, and rapid arcane explosion become invisible mage traps only warlocks/other mages can see

Dampen magic refunds mana/rage/energy when you are struck with magic dmg
Amplify magic refunds mana when you heal a target buffed by it

Dire cone of cold same spell but bigger aoe and after the cast it channels a second blast in waves for a few seconds or it could just vacuum targets up and frostbite them

fireblast has no cooldown but only a range of 5-10 yards

applying ice/fire ward give dps buffs to their respective element type

Mark a location and that becomes a personal spot the mage can teleport to/open a portal to

300% move speed for 15 seconds after entering a mage portal

portals are 2 way so you can go back and forth

summon mass wands - summons a mass of wands like shadow shaman in dota 2, stats of the summon dependent heavily upon your equipped wand.

warped healing, a debuff that causes all healing an enemy receives to also heal one of your party/raid members for X%

I could go on but Blizzard has to start paying me.


The Druid runes are the least powerful of all the runes and the least inspired. So far all they have done is make feral moderately viable by adding SR and a reasonable energy spender with mangle.

Wild strikes will be required by alliance but likely phased out by horde after phase 1, unless they give shamans a reason to not use WF totem.

I really hope they buff some of the phase 1 runes, completely rework the one we all know needs reworking and give us something really game changing.


They could have literally just made it
“Primal Strike”

Make it do 100% damage on 6 sec cd, or have it give us mana return like crusader strike and make it 8 second CD, or make it 110% weapon damage and AoE and heal us for the damage done… lmaoooo

Honestly I would want this just so I had a melee attack to press as tank.


Titan’s Grip and Gladiator Stance for warrior.

Honestly like to see new abilities instead of ones pulled from retail. Sod is the perfect opportunity to try out some new things.


Blink highway

When a mage blinks it leaves an entry and exit point that persists for whatever time limit or until the mage blinks again.

Allies can stand on the entry and will move to the exit as if they blinked.

It would get bad with bots making actual blink highways with 100’s of mages.

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With WF now being a druid responsibility, I’d like to see the overload buff placed on a totem. Might also be a way of buffing casters to be more competitive with melee.

Mostly a just want to see us get some love in the totems/buffing department.


How about when a shaman drops all 4 totems it creates an electrical fence around them, could help us keep the taurens in check.

Also a rune that lets the shaman wear all 3 elemental shields at once.


I’d like to see a new instant melee attack for hunters and traps usable in combat. Maybe even add a “charge” ability for melee hunters.


Overload totem, actually a sick idea , a nightmare for balancing but would be so cool.