What is your take on An'she?

I think the lore should be explored in the context of a Tauren Saga the way Night Elf lore was explored over 3 expansions… preferably with less genocide.

Making An’she turn out to just be a Naaru would suck and be another moment where Blizzard just :poop: 's all over the Tauren.


Just like they tried to have Velen tell Tyrande Elune was just a Naaru. It seems like something Blizzard would do.

Highly unlikely. With the exception of the name, Ra has no sun specific powers. His dominion was over storms and lightning, a power which Lei-Shen would steal from him, allowing him to become the Thunder King.

He’s also dead, since we killed him during the Nyalotha raid in BFA.

I think An’she is what is situated above Hallowfall while Mu’sha is in the middle of reviving herself during the Harbinger Questline just before The War Within.

Why do I assume that? Azshara needs a Dark Heart(most likely the Dark Heart of Y’Shaarj), has had Xal’atath grab a Proto Dragon Soul(which must have been discarded because it could not release the power inside it otherwise why not modify it to work?) filled with Galakrond’s Hunger(Iridikron made it clear that it’s the Void’s Hunger not it’s power he trusts) to drain the Void from something and someone has acquired C’Thun’s Eye for some reason.

Mu’sha is an Eye and like Azshara and Y’Shaarj has the word Sha in her name…

I think that Azshara is the Soul and Mind of Mu’sha, Y’Shaarj holds the Heart of Mu’sha and C’Thun has the Eye of Mu’sha. After all Xal’atath claims that Elune is an upstart “goddess” indicating she sees her as a false Goddess of the Moon and who would claim that but a servant of Mu’sha herself?

If Mu’sha is Azshara whose Eye and Heart was stolen by the Old Gods then the Tear of Elune must be Lo’sho mistaken for Elune’s Tear because the Night Elves assumed the Tauren Legend of Mu’sha referred to her which means that Mu’sha is Xe’ra’s mother. An’she must be the entity in Hallowfall in that case and Xal’atath must be the Child who left Mu’sha’s side only for her rage at her child’s loss to get undone by Elune and the Blue Child who killed her during the Embrace.

It would mean that Night Elves mistook the Tauren Moon Goddesses for their Moon Goddess and the Winter Queen.

There was a sun construct in the Uldum dungeon yes?

Names have no implications at all.

Death Knight
Death Knight


Blizzard uses, reuses, and obliterates names as they please. Two different classes use the name death Knight.

Two entirely different being archetypes use the name void Lord.

I’m not a lore expert but wasn’t that only because he had the fists of Ra-den? Uldum is loaded with sun/light iconography and that was his domain.

Ra didn’t dwell there even though he constructed the forge in Uldum. His actual seat was in pandaria. We never see him use any sun related abilities or have the sun be connected to him, however “The Storm” is a literal ephitet he was given. And Lei Shen never managed to use the fists, any storm power he had he gained by eating Ra-den’s heart.
However there’s a watcher in Uldum that’s literally called Rajh, construct of the sun, which is most likely what all the sun stuff is relating to.
As we know that at least some of these four watchers had priesthoods dedicated to them.


If you’re referring to the Titan Watchers that were in the Halls of Origination, yes, there are four, themed after Egyptian Gods. Ammunae, Isiset, Rajh and Setesh (themed after Amun, Isis, Ra and Set respectfully). Rajh uses sun based abilities when you fight him, and much like Highkeeper Ra, he’s also dead, along with Ammunae, Isiset and Setesh.

But the Titan Watchers are not constructions of the Keepers. Watchers are actually the first generation of Titan-forged. Rajh, Ammunae, Isiset and Setesh were created at the same time as Thorim, Highkeeper Ra, Odyn, Mimiron, Freya etc, they are brothers and sisters to each other. But while Thorim, Highkeeper Ra, Odyn etc were elevated to the role of Keeper and given additional power by the Titans Pantheon, the other Watchers were not.

They still have powerful abilities of their own, and they worked with the Keepers to fulfil the vision of their creators, but Highkeeper Ra did not create Rajh or imbue Rajh with his power. Whoever created Rajh was responsible for that, and we don’t know who that is, as none of the Titan Pantheon have sun-based powers.

There is Amitus, who is a Titan with light based powers, but her state in official canon is disputed as she currently only exists in Hearthstone. If they decide to make her canon and make her part of the Pantheon through lore modification, it could be possible that she created Rajh and gave him his sun based powers, but all that is speculation and relies on Blizzard making Amitus canon in the Warcraft universe first and foremost.

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Highkeeper Ra is most likely based off the Japanese god Raijin, not the Egyptian sun god. In fact Rajh in Halls of Origination is WoW’s take on Ra (sun god). Given the similar powers of Ra-den and Raijin and the general theming of MoP.

It is confusing at first, but the name is all Ra-den has in common with the Sun God Ra.

The whole southern part of Greater Kalimdor was his domain. He overlooked areas like Uldum, C’thuns prison (later known as Ahn’qiraj), The Vale of Eternal Blossoms (pandaria) etc. In fact his home was the Thundering Mountain, later known as the Isle of Thunder following the Sundering. He was called the Highkeeper for a reason :stuck_out_tongue:

Exactly this. Raijin is the Japanese God of Lightning, Thunder and Storms, which are the dominions of Highkeeper Ra.

But despite the fact that he was elevated to the position of Highkeeper by the Titans and given more power, he’s still a Titan Watcher, so Rahj in the Forge of Origination is/was his brother.

A big, BIG robot, just like Elune, Azeroth and… well, every other deity in Wow.

Yeah, and Blizzard :poop:'s all over the Naaru too since WoD (blame Afrasiabi), so it’s only downhill from there.

They just gave the Light agency that is not being the good guys at all given time. Do you hate moral nuances?

people ask for “smarter themes and writing” but then whine about it. who would have guessed that the simple theme of “to much of one thing can turn bad” would be to much for the average wow player

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An’She is a religious figure to members of the Horde; therefore, it will eventually revealed to be Evil/Nonexistent/Subservient to an (correct) Alliance religion.

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The main problem is how they did it. The Mag’har recruitment scenario was full of plot holes. They could’ve had Xe’ra butt heads with others without giving her a jobbing death that her loyal followers sweep under the rug. And it was all rushed. That’s not nuance, that’s sloppy. And we’re expected to believe they’re two sides of the same coin when their actions pale compared to the Void’s laundry list of atrocities. I call bull :poop:

See what I said above.

Void has a longer list of atrocities, the light having a shorter list of atrocities doesn’t erase the fact it has a list of atrocities. Yrel turned into light Mussolini and forcefully converted people to the light and killed those who didn’t convert. The naruu are actively letting this happen.

Another thing about An’she that came to my mind is that Tauren Druids shapeshift into lions, which are traditionally seen as solar animals. So the solar Tauren themes contrasting with lunar Night elf themes were definitely there before Cata.