What is your take on An'she?

Why is the concept of introducing material in circumstances that will encourage players to pay attention to it constittute “hating the game and it’s players”?

We’re going to be having a crap ton of underground activity in the next expac. Sounds like a perfect opportunity for info dumps on the Earthmother.

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Someone asked for An’she development, and you came in to rain on their parade.

Earth Mother is most likley just Azeroth as a world. Nothing indicates the deity is actually a real thing.

If the Earthmother is in fact, the name that Tauren gave to Azeroth’s nascent worldsoul that they have in some way been able to commune with, that kind of makes her very much a deity that actually exists.


Or it could be the Tauren simply going “oh, our world is actually alive and is a powerful God like being? Must be the Earth Mother”. Given that Baine referred to Azeroths World Soul as such in the cinematic where he gives Derek back to Jaina.


In an expansion where we’re going to be underground 90% of the time, going off on a tangent and focusing on An’she wouldn’t really fit.

Which isn’t me saying it’s unwelcome. But if Blizzard is going to do a big reveal for An’she and have him actually matter, then it needs to be done right and not just casually tossed into the mix within an expansion where we rarely see the actual sun of Azeroth.

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Wasn’t there SoD lore that tied An’she to fallen shards of light? That could be a way to tie him to the current TWW narrative.

I’d love to be right about Void An’she.

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Well Hallowfall sounds like a great time. We have underground humans paladins that worship a crystal sun and use holy fire. Sounds a lot closer to sunwalkers than normal human paladins.

“These [Light-worshipping Arathi have a martial society, sustained by the light of Hallowfall’s crystal sun and built around the use of holy fire…” From the warcraft Wiki

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An’she - a deity whose followers always cry of being left out, forgotten, or neglected whenever other deities like Elune gets the spotlight

Personally I’d love if they discovered some Tol’vir artifact that depicts their: “Reverence of the sun-god An’She.” — It’d give some more mystery & flavour to their deity and make the lore a tad more interesting.

There are people in this thread who think/want An’she to not even be real/ a diety yet no one can say Elune/Mu’sha is not real because we have heard her speak through Tyrande and seen her power manifest numerous times.

I really don’t think it is unfair for An’she to have some content, even side quests.


Funny how that was the way Tahu Sagewind felt when it came to modern druidism, and why he made the seers.

And all these years later and it is still a reality, in both the meta and in game sense.

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As Long as Baine exists we should Not give any attention to the Tauren story. Otherwise they might start to think he was right about anything.

Given that the Tauren mythology is fairly unreliable as far as a narrator goes, the only information we really have to work off (that I’m currently aware of, at least) is:

  • They are the Tauren sun deity (obviously)
  • The Tauren funeral ritual is associated with An’she
  • A Broker was confused as to “what force” was “employed” to delay the ferrying of the soul of Tamaala
  • Sunwalkers wield the Light

Given this information, I’d argue that the best bet for who/what An’she is would be either a Naaru or, more interestingly, a member of one of the cosmological pantheons that wields Light or is associated with it (potentially a sun-based member of the Life pantheon, though this is speculation)

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Or Titankeeper Ra. There is a lot of overlaping mythology.

Or we can agree that Tauren are just a made up culture with no actual place in the grander cosmology.

But that would be 1) boring and 2) have a really unfortunate implication in a world where everyone else’s religion have been shown to have some element of truth to them.


Not to mention that we’ve already seen evidence that, even if the historical account of their mythology is wrong or flawed, the Tauren have formed an undeniable spiritual connection to something.


That being said. Please don’t let him be a Naaru, not everything is a Naaru. let Velen be wrong.


My dude. Orc ancestor spirits get flocked to a dying Naaru corpse. It can get worse all the time.

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