What is your take on An'she?

I wonder why lion is the Stormwind banner when they only live in the Barrens so far.

So that lion rare in twilight highlands doesn’t exist?

I think the Mussolini analogy doesn’t fit; Mussolini was a religion-hating atheist who tried to exploit the Catholic Church for political gain (kinda like Stalin with the Russian Orthodox Church), not a man waging a holy war to unite a nation.

Yrel is somewhere between Joan of Arc and Mehmed II.

And I never said the Light had a list of atrocities. The war on AU Draenor is one thing, not a list.

If the writers want to play the “morally grey” card for the worst of the worst, they can’t turn around and call a lesser thing evil.

I imagine for the same reason the Heraldic coat of arms for England was Lions. There is symbology there.

its more like the writers want to show that to much of one thing is bad, which was a heavy theme in dragonflight as a whole as well. with titans using brainwashing juice on dragons and basically strong arming their own will. the primalists going to fair in their elemental ways as well. its not a lesser thing being caleld evil, its just to much in one direction will make you circle around the other way

Personally I think the best outcome is for celestial bodies to be their own thing. God-like beings associated with whatever magics they use, although Mu’sha seems to use light and arcane. Maybe nature magic too?

An’she doesn’t need to be a Naaru but something else associated with light. Personally I think that would be better.

Honestly Blizz should stay away from this kind of writing. Again, it doesn’t feel great when they do this for those of us that were fans of said lore.


I think you’re right about the writers’ intentions. While I don’t agree with the idea itself - it’s pretty much the Golden Mean Fallacy on a cosmic scale - I’m not sure how much of the Titans they’re taking in this direction and think some work better than others. Odyn’s dubious, and they’ve tried to blacken Aman’thul. Then they have Eonar’s… relationship with Elune. Maybe they realized what Legion and BfA tried to do with the Naaru was too much (and a twist so clumsy, it’d give Shamalayn himself whiplash), so we’re getting drip-fed this new stuff.

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