What is your take on An'she?

The lore itself never lived up to that claim which is mostly from the table top books which were never canon. And then we started killing gods, the Northrend Trolls started eating their own. As for Elune being some big uber god, it begs the questions; Where was she in WOTA, or the entire Legion invasion in the RTS? Or for that matter when Teldrassil burned? Oh I know, misdirecting souls she was supposed to be sending to Ardenweald and assuming all went well!

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The Winter Queen was said to be her sister. Mu’sha has siblings. I really don’t think it is that much to have her have another sibling and one that is light based.

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Elune was considered “Azeroth’s true deity” in the Warcraft 3 sourcebooks, and that was when the setting had the Titans, Cenarius and the Light.

As for WotA, the Night Elves won that and sent the demons packing, tails between their legs, and Sargeras lost his body. The Night Elves survived the Sundering and Elune personally kept Tyrande safe from Azshara and Archimonde.

Legion gave some more hints of Elune being the big-G God with the stuff involving Elune’s tear.

But fair point about BfA. Let me amend that; Elune was strongly suggested to be an overgod, or WoW’s big-G God, before BfA and Shadowlands borked the lore.

is a rain god real because the rain is real?

The Earth Mother is a primitive religious concept that has no backing anywhere outside Tauren mythology. The sun is just another celestial body not a god.

No, that was mainly due to the Heroes involved. The Night Elves were split between those trying not to get annihlated by the Burning Legion and the Highborne who were egging them on, and Azshara with her sick dream of becoming a goddess by marriage.

You might be thinking about his battle vs Aegwynn. 1. That was an avatar and 2. He purposely threw that fight, although he brought enough to the table to make her work for it. The only thing that happened in WOTA was Malfruion slamming the door in his face. His only injury was from a time traveling Orc. And it was nothing more than a scratch that would inspire his future attentions on Draenor.

Not because of Elune OR the Light for that matter.

And that pretty much summs up her total contribution. Great for Tyrande, not much help for the Sisterhood and Kaldorei that were massacred during that time.

Strongly suggested in past text, but the past history, i.e. the lore itself never backed it up.


There was an unnamed Loa who defeated Kith’ix by putting him to sleep, that sounds a lot like the power Eonar bestowed on Y’sera. I hope the Loa that sacrificed herself to defeat Kith’ix was Lunal’ai (Elune) and I hope Midnight reconnects the trolls to worshipping the moon, or at the very least seeing the moon as a benevolent warrior for them against The Shadow.

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yes but the MOON is definately real along with her little sister the blue moon…but surely the sun cant be a deity of some kind. yes sir

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As long as your have a source it doesn’t.


Used control F to search for Elune and found nothing on her being Azeroth’s true deity.

Now maybe the Warcraft Encyclopedia released around the time of Burning Crusade has answers:



One of Azeroth’s few full deities, Elune is the goddess of the moon.

Nothing about her being Azeroth’s only true deity just her being just one of the few true deities around.


So Neptulon is not real? :stuck_out_tongue:


Given that most ‘Celestial Bodies’ we encounter in the lore do in fact, turn out to be gods, it would be a strange bit of worldbuilding if Azeroth’s sun did just turn out to be a be an enormous ball of hydrogen instead of an actual deity.


The Night Elves who resisted the Legion still won and sent the demons packing.

I must’ve got his fate in the War of the Ancients novels mixed up with his fate in Chronicles.

Not sure about Elune and I didn’t say anything about the Light in the War of the Ancients.

They took losses but the Sisterhood wasn’t reduced to just Tyrande.

Hinted at in the past, but likely not canon anymore with the borked lore.

Double-checked, and you may be right. On another note, I found out that the Old Gods as a concept also originated from Warcraft 3.

Them being the source of the tentacled Faceless Ones originated in WotLK and them being tentacled horrors themselves originated earlier in The Sundering Novel which still called them embodiments of Elemental Fury despite one being all tentacles with a maw sprouting from the Well of Eternity though that might simply have been intended to be an Old God of Water.

The proper time to explore is the same as with every other piece of lore… when it’s relevant to the current story and/or a questline. Give players a reason to care.


Yikes, your words reminded me of someone… OOooo got goosebumps reading that statement. Hunting memories! Maybe one of their alts? Nah, it can’t be… :laughing:

However I have to agree this is the reality when it comes to most games. :saluting_face:

I hope we do get the chance at some point to explore more lore around An’she and soooo many other stuff not touch on, to be honest in game.
:crossed_fingers: :grimacing:

I’ve got one of the ten most common font styles.

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Ok, ok gotcha moving on… :laughing:

Players care about An’she and want him to be expanded on as soon as possible to add depth to the game, especially since Elune is currently being focused on.

Why do you hate the game and its players, and why are you allergic to anything that improves the story?

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Blizzard failed to give the Tauren a meaningful place in the story so it is better to let it rest. Baine has done enough damage let them alonen ow to not further strain their image.