What is your take on An'she?


Wow Lateef you don’t hold back, yikes… :rofl:

I totally forgot about that bit of lore… dang, I really hope that’s not the case for the Tauren. (IMO)
You do make a good point, now I’m curious to see what is going to happend on the next expansion then.
I have to be honest, I have nothing against the Nightelves and their cool lore and Elune being so active, in the story of WoW with her “favored children” while other races were left to fend for themselves, as it was interesting to see such partiality in a game story, just like ancient mythos of old religions in the real world. (IMO)
However I really wish we can move on to other races and its lore, culture or deities if they have any, as I feel a bit burn out with them and the Emerald Dream/Winter Queen/Elune theme stuff. Also I think the Nightelves need a rest after so much happening to them…(IMO) lol

I mean, that’s what makes it fascinating. It turns out that rather than joining their ascenstors in a heaven, all Orcs on Draenor were destined to spend an eternity imprisoned in a very spatially tiny hell, bound to an environmental disaster than the Draenei caused and refused to clean up, which is one the darkest things ever to be presented in pre-BfA lore …

… and basically nobody (either Blizzard or fan) ever cared that much? An entire race destined to suffer eternally and never move on to the afterlife? Until the Maw, this was the darkest depths of Warcraft lore, and nobody cares.

The Tauren can pound sand. Having their feelings hurt because the ball of plasma isn’t a deity isn’t even worth talking about by comparison.

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Except that’s not true either.

As the spirit of both of Baine’s parents, Cairne and Tamaala, refused to go on to the Shadowlands. When Tamaala died, she chose to remain behind and watch over Cairne and Baine. It was only when Cairne died and they reunited in spirit that Tamaala chose to move on while Cairne has remained behind, watching over Baine.

And where do we learn this? From the Grimoire of the Shadowlands.


and what is the harm in making anshe a actual deity tho? its not like all of wow lore isnt messed up when they said all the titans and titan like figures are robot constructed by even greater deities.

considering the winterqueen is the blue moon next to azeroths moon (elune) then theres really no harm in making the sun into its own deity.

if no one “cares” about it then frankly theres no harm in introducing or fleshing it out further


Oh wow I dint know that, or even cross my mind, that does make sense! I really have miss that in the game or lore! lol :person_facepalming: :laughing:

see, this kind of talk is exactly why Velen couldn’t have a productive conversation with Drek’thar and Durotan.

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Of course one could consider Ardenweald the Blue Moon and Elune’s Realm the Emerald Dream the White Moon(which means the new Night Elf Capital is a dimensional border between Azeroth and the White Moon with a portal to the White Moon right next to it) with their rulers being each Moon’s appointed Goddess.

Incidentally in that case only one of the Moons is even the color seen from Azeroth’s skies(the Ardenweald Blue Moon of Death) though the other(the Emerald Dream White Moon of Life) does reference the color seen in Azeroth’s sky with it’s big White Flowers all over the place(making the place look like the Dream World of Wonderland to contrast Ardenweald’s Fairy Forest).

I don’t see that as a true comparison as Oshu’gun was added in TBC or Rise of the Horde. Both of which reveal (at least to the audience for rise of the horde) what it actually is.

Meanwhile Tauren myth has been around since vanilla and we know it is correct in certain spots for the most part. That being Cenarius’ origins.

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An’she was of course A Woman

Edit: I wonder if people get the joke? XD

This kind of manifest destiny trash opinions need to stay in the past. But counter point; why are you so butthurt about people giving proper and respectful representation to a race clearly based on real life cultures and nations?

You really need to stop thinking of civilizations as linear progression. It isn’t some tech tree starting with fire and ending with robots and spaceships.

Primitive is a outdated anthropological term that are often used by racists to justify clinging to their beliefs, to deny land & resources to other peoples, and/or to force ‘development.’

And when it comes to religion/mythology, people have been fighting over who is right and wrong for so long but why does it matter? Let people believe what they want to believe.

In terms of a high fantasy video game, what exactly would it ruin if An’she was confirmed to be real and the Tauren right about his existence?

This type of thinking is the problem and by making these races, which again have influences from real life, as always wrong, it is perpetuating this line of thinking in those consuming the information. And it is unfair to the fans of those races to have the lore they have enjoyed and made their chosen race in this game be suddenly wrong and appear inferior.


Never visit MMO Champion. If you aren’t for the light or Elune they will attack you.

An’she is a criminally underutilized part of the cosmos and is the prime deity of the Tauren Sunwalkers. I hope we get to actually see him (yes, he’s always been referred to as male) and it leads to some big screen time for the Tauren, one of the most neglected playable races in the narrative, during the World Soul Saga.


An’she has always been a male.


lets face it anshe isnt real
tauren wandered for centuries playing chinese whispers. no sign of anshe anywhere in the barrens.

thats extremely false but alright

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They may not have had any before Horde contact.

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Sometimes they are prevented from leaving, thus become ghosts. Anyway, as I see it, ancestor spirits dwell in the Shadowlands but to an extent aid their descendants from there.

Oh yes, very possible. We have lore about the Night Elves teaching the Tauren after the third war but I wish we did get some lore about Highmountain druids. There are other possibilities too so I would like Blizz to tell us that story.

Go to the Barrens during the day and look into the sky.

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Elune was strongly suggested to be an overgod, or WoW’s big-G God, before Shadowlands borked the lore.

I think An’she could be something light-related. Maybe a Light Lord or maybe even a particularly powerful Naaru.

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