INTP, rogue. I’ve tried many classes and rogue is the one I’ve enjoyed most, at least for now.
I main Shaman, through and through.
This test seemed scarily accurate, of course that won’t be the same of everyone.
At least in game, I am always more worried about people dying (even if not a healer) and want to help them survive. If I die I will do my best to improve, but nothing hurts more if someone else dies in front of me.
You asked if scientologists are fun. You didn’t ask if Scientology is fun. Scientologists can’t be fun as a state of being, individuals m…
You’re conflating momentary experience with overall ethics. A dangerous line, indeed. What is fun to engage in doesn’t have to be ethical, because “fun” isn’t inherently ethical as an issue. Fun is an experience, and that experience can be negative or positive to others, but it’s not itself a judgment.
It’s like saying that a personal feeling in response to an experience is impossible because…
It’s just easier to call you stupid. You want to argue whether or not I had fun? Be my guest. I enjoyed myself, so you can argue about whether I had fun or not but your opinion is minute and irrelevant.
What you say here doesn’t matter. Your words carry no weight or bearing on our experience. The only thing, right now, that isn’t fun is the experience of talking to you. So… done.
Lmao triggered and zero actual counter argument.
You just want to ignore uncomfortable truths, ignore that this “test” has absolutely no bearing on reality of any sort, ignore that giving nonsense and psuedo-science a platform is harmful and you just “want to have fun”.
You can call me stupid all you want, but it’s not me engaging and proliferating a system which is basically nothing more then a multimillion dollar con. But congrats on making a long winded post on the etymology of the word “fun” without being able to respond rationally to any of my points.
I bid you good day sir/madam.
Darling, anyone can lie on a test But I think it got you right…a grumpy sour puss with no sense of humor. Now be a dear and fetch me another drink.
ISTJ-A Arms Warrior
P.S Psychology is a pseudo science. Psychiatry, which can prescribe medicine can be considered a real science but not psychology. You can take 10 people that are suicidal with extremely similar circumstances and apply the same “treatment” and you would never be able to accurately guess which of the ten will follow through and which wouldn’t.
Interesting, I perused the thread and didn’t see any of my comrades out there.
I’m an ESTJ-A
First character was a feral druid
Currently, I main a frost/fire mage (H) and a feral/resto druid (A)
Well by calling psychology a pseudo science you are claiming that psychology is incompatible with scientific method alas psychology is a stickler for methodology and conduct.
It also depends upon which type of psychology you look at, for instance if you were to say human behavioural psychology was a form of pseudo science you would also therefore assume anthropology is a pseudo science. There are definitely grey areas that is undeniable ie; consciousness.
Your statement isn’t actually a contention to psychology, more if anything of psychiatry for that is what psychiatry does and not psychology, a clinical psychologist might work methodically in that sense however clinical psychology is only a small representation of psychology as a field, it is like saying all physicists are cosmologists. Psychiatry in a way is one of the sub-fields of psychology also.
INTJ-A - I’ve taken the proper test and that was my result.
My main has been elemental shaman however i discovered how convenient stealth is this week and Feral Druid or maybe Outlaw Rogue are looking to be one of my new mains.
Realistically i don’t truly main anything, i just main something for a few months then switch, my longest main was Unholy DK when WotLK came out however i gave that up for Monk with MoP and then since have pretty much just wavered between this and that due to an assortment of reasons.
INFJ-A, Druid (healer) main
You are correct in that psychology is a large field with many sub fields that do follow the scientific method such as the ones that study vision and perception and behavior (although any real behaviorist will never consider themselves psychologists despite most major universities placing Behavior science under the psychology department).
I’m more talking about the sit down and explore your feelings psychology. There is no basis to it, no repeatability or predictability and that is a huge issue with anything that claims to be scientific.
INFJ, -A/-T, Holy Pally Main.
Mage/shaman, used to main lock and rogue.
INFJ monk.
Therapy and Clinical Psychology are conflicted in that philosophy, some argue that the process can be looked upon as an objective method of finding a method; as in the professional learns or studies the patient to find the appropriate methodology however the contrary argument is that adapting methodology to the patients feelings makes the method subjective which is a direct contradiction to scientific methodology.
To whether that falls as a pseudo science or not i guess is rather relative to your perception of the process and factors involved which is why i don’t entirely disagree with your point however also do not agree, probably some bias there also as it is what i study.
I am an INFP-T and I main Paladin. I dabble in all three specs but gravitate towards Protection and Holy over Retribution. I only ever really go Retribution to speed up questing or fill missing roles if asked, I am not really one for the average DPS mentality/mindset of competitiveness that a lot of DPS have including even my close friends.
You can lie on a test yes, but when the test has intricate flaws in it, it actually doesn’t matter what you wrote because it’s flawed from the start, no tests should be that easily tricked or its not a test:
"The most obvious flaw is that the MBTI seems to rely exclusively on binary choices….For example, in the category of extrovert v introvert, you’re either one or the other; there is no middle ground. People don’t work this way, no normal person is either 100% extrovert or 100% introvert, just as people’s political views aren’t purely “communist” or “fascist”. Many who use the MBTI claim otherwise, despite the fact that Jung himself disagreed with this, refuting the either/or claims of the MBTI."
"One obvious trait that the MBTI has in common with horoscopes is its tendency to describe each personality type using only positive words. Horoscopes are so popular, in part, because they virtually always tell people just what they want to hear, using phrases that most people generally like to believe are true, like “You have a lot of unused potential.” They’re also popular because they are presented as being personalized based on the person’s sign. This has been called the Forer Effect, after psychologist Bertram Forer who, in 1948, gave a personality test to his students and then gave each one a supposedly personalized analysis. The impressed students gave the analyses an average accuracy rating of 85%, and only then did Forer reveal that each had received an identical, generic report. Belief that a report is customized for us tends to improve our perception of the report’s accuracy."
- Smithsonian article
INTP and I mained a shaman in vanilla (tri spec) then mained a priest and warrior for a few expansions and now DH since legion
Have a problem that is very INTP in that I like to try to get 4-5 characters max casual instead of just focusing on one
It’s in danger of becoming a psuedo-science, due to the total lack of predictibility, to the point where revisited foundational studies of the field can’t be reliably replicated.
Balance druid since they changed the Hurricane talent to Moonkin, INFP-T.
https: //www. 16personalities .com/free-personality-test
INFP. To the bone.