Take the test, and let us all know what your personality type and main is? Don’t believe in the MBTI? Well, have fun and join in for the sake of a good time! Maybe we will see a pattern between personality types and classes. =)
I am an ENFP and my main is a Druid.
https: //www. 16personalities .com/free-personality-test
(Placed spaces to be able to post the URL)
Im an INFJ and play a Frost Mage as main.

Haven’t taken a MBTI test in ages, but back when I did I was an ISFP. Since Vanilla I’ve mained a fire mage (this guy) that switches to frost if he absolutely has to and totally avoids arcane.
People still do those absurd personality tests?
There is always one in every topic about MBTI.
My psychology class, leadership program, and the fortune 500 company that my wife interns at all use the MBTI test.
Like I said, you are welcome to not believe in it. But join in and have some fun with us! =)
I’m a Virgo and I enjoy long walks on the beach.
You now have a better picture of my personality than the MBTI test would give you.
INFJ-A/INFJ-T is what it told me. Whatever the heck that all means.
For a dk does that involve path of frost over the open ocean?
INTJ… borderline between that and INTP.
I’m pretty much:
E -------^-- I
S --------^- N
F ---------^ T
J ----^---- P
And I main a DK. I like DPS over Tanking, really dislike healing (and don’t play a class with a healing spec deliberately), and while this character’s primary spec is Unholy from an RP perspective, when Frost is really outshining Unholy in the numbers department (something I analyze in depth all the time), I will go Frost for the sake of performance.
I’m not a huge believer in the MBTI being all encompassing or even hugely accurate, but… at least it’s measuring some real personality attributes.
Enjoying walks on the beach, great. But what do you expect anyone to get from a zodiac sign?
Hey, a fellow INFJ
I’ve been one on every test since high school. We are the “other” 1% of the population apparently
First main is my pally. Most loved spec is prot.
Second main is this sub rogue, although she has been known to take a lot of vacation time.
Too many alts to list.
These topics are always a bit of silly fun.
As a general rule, most tests I’ve taken would identify me as an INTP.
Analytical in the extreme, but mostly for qualitative details more than quantitative. While I can do the number crunching… well, that’s the boring (but sometimes necessary) part that supports the more interesting topics of discussion.
Main spec? It’s evolved over time.
During the earlier days of WoW (Vanilla and TBC), I definitely focused on Affliction Warlock; kiting elite mobs and terrain-pathing exploits (aka: mobs can’t jump) were my focus there.
Starting in WotLK, I moved moreso to Prot Warrior with a side of DK tanking as my primary alt (before it was pinned down to Blood spec, I favoured Frost). I always enjoyed the “control” aspect of tanking, the carefully timed execution of picking up mobs during pulls and making sure everything lined up the way it was supposed to.
While I took a break from Cata, returning in MoP it was more of the same… though it did take a while to work my way back to Warrior again. Dabbled a bit in Arms and Fury of course, but tanking has been my preferred route for a while now… shame I can’t stand tanking for the WoW community in general. My role preference has carried over to other games as well.
ISFP-A / ISFP-T and I main Druid
Some true, some not so much but I remember getting an explorer type years ago when I took this test, so that much is consistent.
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I have taken this several times over the years. It seems to vary from year to year on the last part. But it’s always either INFP or INFJ. I main a Warlock because I like to be alone.
I got INFP and I main a paladin. Can’t say I relate to any of the INFP description 
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And I have a Disc Priest.
BTW, these personality tests are about as valid as zodiac signs. Take it with a grain of salt. =)
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They tend to be inaccurate for some people. There is a group of folks that score toward the middle in most the things so the test misplaces them.
Interesting thread 
I’m an INFP and I am rolling a druid. Seems like a good fit for the hippie peacemaker mediator type eh?
Yeah! Hi friend! Im like a social battery. It drains and I shut off from people because the energy to be in a social atmosphere all the time is exhausting (mentally).
Ive always had a peculiar outlook in life, questioning authority and defying social norms and expectations.
My perfect quote is this:
“I want to be invited to your party but 8/10 im not going”.
Awkward huh?
You totally nailed it! This made my evening.
I don’t hashtag ANYthing, ever. And yet,