What is your MBTI personality type and Main Class?

One company, one psych class, and one leadership program don’t mean a whole lot. For instance, I worked at a top US company and we never took the test there. Also have formal training and a graduate degree in leadership and never took the test as part of that either. Also studied psychology as part of other training and never used the test nor had it mentioned as anything credible.

It’s useful in determining broad differences in personality but that’s about it.

Not trying to rain on your parade though. By all means don’t let anyone stop you from having a good time. We took it in my office as a goof to see which TV characters it matched us up with and it was pretty fun.

Ok, so I don’t really care about this petty squabble so what I’m about to say is nothing about advocating for its accuracy. However, the MBTI does not have binary results.

For instance, it has me pegged at 60% extroverted/40% introverted. This percentage based assessment extends throughout all of its categories (i.e intuitive vs observant)

I’m not really sure why you’re in a thread meant for fun to debate its effectiveness in the real world.

Totally aware of this, however if you actually look into the analytics of reproducibility in the field they waver towards more sub topics than others. Reproducibility doesn’t act as a standard for certifying all sciences, cosmology is still considered a credible field yet how are you supposed to reproduce the multiverse and big bang, while behavioural neuroscience which focuses on both humans and animals has a very similar reproducibility rate yet remains an advancing field.

Psychology in a sense is more attuned with philosophy than it is science and at the higher levels of psychology that is the bulk of it. As i stated before psychology is extremely broad therefore you can’t really label psychology and assume it applies to everything inside that broad category.

Might i also point out the person in reference to your article was a social psychologist, literally the least credible field of psychology which is just essentially equal to sociology and all stated studies reproduced were in the field of social psychology.

The actual objective insight of psychology is often quite profound, especially in the fields involved with issues such as drug addiction or biopsychology. What often makes psychology more unique than other sciences is the rapid change it has to conform to, one thing people often forget is that light always moves at 300 million m/s however the human mind changes.


Because it is utter nonsense. Yet it never goes away.

It would be like discussing what people’s horoscopes were and which horoscope play which classes. It. Is. Utterly. Meaningless.

Indeed, yet here you are.

Speaking of meaningless, playing this game or engaging with the forums is absolutely meaningless, yet we do it because it’s entertaining.

That’s precisely the point of this thread, entertainment. If it’s not your kind of entertainment, that’s fine. it’s not like you were charged to participate and now are being denied a refund.


But there is a world of difference between entertainment and psuedo-science because psuedo-science tries to pose as fact.

When I go to these forums to discuss the lore of the game or the how much I prefer a character over another, I don’t actually believe that world of warcraft universe is reality.

The difference is these people do and make 11 million dollars a year selling this to HR people and they believe it is fact. (When it has nothing to do with reality.

Yeah we are all well aware that psychology isn’t a science however this thing pulls traction because it’s usually one of the more reliable tools if you can even use that term in such a broad field

Also - ENTP master race with as outlaw rogue/unholy dk

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Yeah, some of you folks are taking this far too seriously. It was 2am, the late nighters who couldn’t sleep were up and jumped into this thread for entertainment. The OP even stated it’s just for the sake of a good time. Why come in here and poo in everyone’s cheerios?


Because I absolutely despise quackery in all its niche forms and will not stand for it here where I try to escape from the nonsense.

Well, I can’t speak for other sources but the source in question, 16personalities.com, does not try to ‘pose as fact’

This is taken directly from their terms and conditions, second paragraph in like size 18 font:

“We make no claims or representations in relation to the emotional, health or commercial benefits of using our Products and the information provided on the Website is no substitute for professional medical or psychiatric advice where applicable.”

So the way I understand it, you came to this thread to have a meaningless debate because you’re a contrarian?


INFP-T Death Knight

Now what the fel does all of this mean?

I’ve taken the test multiple times over the years, and it’s always the same result: INTJ–and FWIW, what it says about INTJ people? That’s me all the way.

I main a DK and have done so since I got my first character (a hunter) to level 55 in WotLK and was able to roll one.

Well, you could just not click on the thread then.


INTP. I took this at work, they paid for it so it wasn’t a simple free version, and I got INFJ so I question the accuracy of this free one.

My main was a Druid, it is now a Demon Hunter. In my other games my mains are Necromancer, Black Mage, and Revenant.

INFP. Monk right now.

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I’m an INTJ. My main is this druid here, and I’ve performed every role with him, though I like tanking the best.

Negative, I am a meat popsicle.

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I think all the ISTPs are in WM. Come on confess now.

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ISFJ-A Defender (Sentinel, Confident Individualism)

I play Resto Shaman/Arcane Mage. I felt the test described me well.

| 42% | Extraverted | 58% | Introverted |
| 46% | Intuitive | 54% | Observant |
| 47% | Thinking | 53% | Feeling |
| 72% | Judging | 28% | Prospecting |
| 61% | Assertive | 39% | Turbulent |

Add me to the list :smiley:

I could try to list a main, but it would depend on the day.

Lately its been warrior or DK
It has been paladin, druid or shaman a lot in the past.

Did you apply to a certain Insurance company like I did? They made me take a computer based personality test before they’d even start the official hiring process.

Basically, it boiled down to do I have the necessary skills to be a salesperson. Trust me, I was not a fan of these tests and have a lot of anger over the issue that in many professions, one for example that I spent years training for, that determined eligibility.

Sad truth is that my personality type…my introversion and beta like behavior forced me into low paying low respecting low intelligence jobs.

Regardless, I still take these tests, zodiac, and others to help describe me. But, in the real world…the only factor that routinely determines success is how far up the extroversion ladder you are.

As one family member told me: you fake it till you make it.

I should have lied on the Insurance company test like so many lie on CVs and applications. But, if not wanting nor liking to lie is my failure in life…so be it. I’ll die knowing others were not dealing with a phony

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