h ttps://www.16personalities.com/br/personalidade-infj
And Paladin, I guess, though I have been trying to level my hunter to 120 and see if I can turn him into my main.
h ttps://www.16personalities.com/br/personalidade-infj
And Paladin, I guess, though I have been trying to level my hunter to 120 and see if I can turn him into my main.
Oh I get it, you share the same mentality as Blizzard and believe you can dictate what fun is for everyone.
Are you seriously complaining about something like this in WoW forums, saying it may affect getting a job or not and so on… No offense, but this is kinda sad.
Lol it doesn’t work that way infjs use extroverted feeling to express themselves not extroverted intuition like an infp. This is probably why you think of open possibilities instead of probabilities which is why you think you can be both.
When probably, you’re just an infp who doesn’t really care about the results or the framework and just focuses on what is important to you and your values
MBTI is also not interchangeable with Predictive Index. My company tried to adopt PI as a metric but quickly dropped it. We pretty well made a mockery of it due to lack of accuracy.
THIS on the other hand is a harmless discussion on MBTI and is fostering good conversation. I, for one, am not hiring.
But you are wrong, I use both maybe not at the same time. But alas no real point arguing with you as I can’t exactly prove such a thing to a stranger lol.
Lol how do you do that
I got ENFP-T Campaigner. I like Elementalist Shaman and Survival Hunter. I’ve always been a Shaman fangirl. I started to like Survival Hunter in Legion when it became melee and gets taken out by an arrow
I’m not sure exactly that means or what the connection between classes and results is. I did think it was interesting that when I did a quick read on the introduction results to Campaigner to it described why I wasn’t enjoying WoW as much as I used to.
Just like how you do anything else that is opposing sides. You do one at certain times then you do the other at other times. I’m a big feelings guy and am often lead by those feelings and express myself with them plenty as well. But there Is times where That flips around and I trust my intuition more then my emotions. And I use logic to express myself instead of the more irrational emotion.
Idk, I just came back so I probably don’t have a big enough sample sizes of posts for you to see the split very well. But you could probably see examples of it in how I communicate here.
ENFP-T, Campaigner
Main is (mostly) Paladin, but my Death Knight is also “co-main”. Both are largely tanks first (+80% of the time).
I’m sorry, I thought that “fun” was a subjective experience that relied on situational circumstances and expectations. You know, like how it’s fun to play tag or paint ball, but it’s not fun to be chased by a killer or shot at.
Thank you setting me straight, though. There can’t be any fun in things that could have any potential negative impact.
Which means:
Yeah. None of these things are fun. If there’s any possible way to make something dangerous or unpleasant, it can’t be fun in any setting. You can’t take something not fun and put it in a setting that is fun. Nope.
Oh Darling, did the test give you a result you didn’t like but the world always has a few grumpy sour pusses. As for myself INFP-T and normally I main a paladin tank but currently a fire mage.
No quackery and psuedo-science are not fun because they have actual negative consequences in real life, unlike that of doing an ojuya board or watching a movie about demons (which does nothing unless you’re extremely superstitious).
The more we allow the spread of quackery and psuedo-science the more we devalue our intellectual pursuits until you have things like Scientologists who demonsie psychology or anti-vaxxers who think there is posion in vaccinations.
Do you think scientologists and anti-vaxxers are fun? No? Then don’t give air to bs of any kind and nuke it from orbit with reason as fast as possible.
Just an paragraph from the above article:
"Training in the MBTI and its variations is typical for those in Human Resources etc. and can be quite expensive. The MBTI as an industry apparently makes $20 million a year."
Imagine making 20 mill a year as an industry made up of pure fiction posing as fact?
Lmao, I can literally manipulate the test to give me whatever result I want by answering the supid questions in specific ways. That is exactly why your test is utter nonsense.
Maining a resto sham, sometimes regret (sometimes deeply regret) dropping my BM hunter, 3rd fave is a fire mage. If I’m playing a class that can tank, I will ONLY ever tank when doing solo stuff. If I can heal, I will do that in favour of DPSing. I will not do LFG/LFR as melee dps or tank (holiday bosses excluded).
I also like ponies, coffee, and Empire of the Sun (the band).
You’ve missed the point entirely.
Fun is a subjective experience, it’s something felt in response to an event or activity. It is not a quality that an object, person, or activity, can have innately. Something can not “not be fun” in the same way that something can not “be fun” innately.
You’re arguing ethics, that we shouldn’t do something because it’s harmful. That has no bearing on whether we enjoyed doing it, and in fact that’s part of the problem with ethical arguments. Sometimes you’re arguing for more ethical behavior when the less ethical behavior is more fun.
Do I think Scientologists and anti-vaxxers are “fun”? No, because they’re not things that could be fun or not fun. That’s beyond the realm of “fun”, and doesn’t even touch on it. I think they’re stupid, and harmful. Fun is something you experience when you do or see something engaging, and a Scientologist isn’t an experience, anti-vaxxers aren’t an experience. They can’t “be fun”.
You’re conflating “right and wrong” with “fun and not fun”. That’s the flaw in your argument. We’re having fun with something we’re using, and you’re saying the thing we’re using is bad. That’s an acceptable statement, but saying that we’re not having fun is… well nonsensical. We were having fun, it’s not something you can take from us. Fun is an experience, we had that, it was fun. The object we had fun with might not be a good object, but it doesn’t change our experience of playing with it.
I’m an INFJ and main a fire mage
INTJ-T as an Unholy Death Knight.
99% introverted
67% Intuitive
93% Thinking
79% Judging
71% Turbulent
Yup, I’d say that checks out.
Pretty sure Scientologists do actually offer an experience indeed, their entire creed is devoted to their experience and I’m pretty sure in some weird way they find it fun.
Not that this is relevant in any way. Pretty sure anti-vaxxers as well get an experience in cooking up conspiracy theories in their shut in communities.
The point being, you’re ignoring the entire issue. You’re happy to continue having fun with this pseudo babble, even if it is nonsense, even though it has become a parasitic multimillion dollar industry in careers and even though it’s used against employees as some sort of barrier to employment.
I find it reprehensible, you find it fun. Yes we’re discussing ethics here. I’m not sure why you’re surprised that ethics is something that would be discussed in a conversation about pseudo-science.