What is your MBTI personality type and Main Class?

I tested as this, too. We’re really only 1%?

And looking through the answers in this thread, it’s like nearly everyone tested as introverted. I guess the folks who are always saying, “Why don’t you want to group up if you’re playing an MMO?” aren’t posting here.


Welcome to the club, Brahmina. Last I had read from a few of these tests, the INFJ represented only 1% - 3% of the population at large.

However, I would not be shocked to find that a decent number of WoW players are at least somewhat introverted. We get to exist where the rules of life are different from the daily grind, and we can choose to be social (or not) as it suits us. A few guildies have gotten to be pretty good friends over the years, and they really opened up in 1 on 1 chat little by little. I think that might be one of the correlations here.

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Borderline between INTP-T and INFP-T. and Ret Paladin. I do relate to most of the description, except emotional part is stronger than pure Logician.

Maining DPS because I don’t enjoy responsibility of tanking (although I do enjoy gameplay of tanking). Paladin was a choice of necessity, always played warrior type chars in other games, but it stuck and now I can’t change.

I do also enjoy the independence and efficiency of a dps, and ret paladin in particular. I always liked the simple straightforwardness of the rotation without any special cases, because it made me feel like my mistakes didn’t impede my performance and I fully exercised the power of the gear and talents that I have. Plus it’s nice to be useful to teammates now and then, being a hybrid.

INFJ - Druid main :bear::leaves::star2:

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ENFJ and I main a mage

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ENFJ-A and I main monk, all three specs.

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Me too! INTP warlocks represent :slight_smile:



> The biggest issue Virtuosos are likely to face is that they often act too soon, taking for granted their permissive nature and assuming that others are the same. They’ll be the first to tell an insensitive joke, get overly involved in someone else’s project, roughhouse and play around, or suddenly change their plans because something more interesting came up.

Apparently I’m a cat.


Lol if you can’t make up your mind whether you’re an infp or infj then you are not an infj !!

ISTP-a and Assassination Rogue as my main.

Also further reading my results, i just learned that Clint Eastwood is apparently Virtuoso.

Talk about go ahead and make my day.

I am an INFP-T, mediator. That was a good read, I really enjoyed that, thank you!

Oh, and I switched mains from Holy pally to Ret. But always, pally for lyfe :slight_smile:

Edit - for spelling, it’s late >.>


Tell that to the test man, Every time I take it. Which tends to be once every 3 or so years just about. The silly thing changes from INFP to INFJ or visa versa.

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Mind: 8% Extroverted - 92% Introverted
Energy: 71% Intuitive - 29% Observant
Nature: 54% Thinking - 46% Feeling
Tactics: 24% Judging - 76% Prospecting
Identity: 19% Assertive - 81% Turbulent

The Logician personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population, which is definitely a good thing for them, as there’s nothing they’d be more unhappy about than being “common”. Logicians pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. Usually known as the philosopher, the architect, or the dreamy professor, Logicians have been responsible for many scientific discoveries throughout history.

The functions don’t change you either prefer introverted feeling or introverted intuition. 2 very different processes

This, why is this behavioral quackery always on the wow forums. It has been debunked numerous times to be complete nonsense with zero evidence behind it. Reporting this thread.



That is why it bounces back and forth probably. As I tend to do both those things.

Guys, we found the vegan



I don’t buy it, personally, but it amuses me. I like seeing the cold-reading style, really. It’s like a tediously complicated fortune cookie. It’s meant to apply to as many people as possible within a range, so that even people who don’t fully match feel like they do.

Plus, it’s 2:30 AM and I was bored.

I’m not sure reporting threads for pseudoscience is really appropriate. It’s not like anyone is doing anything wrong. It doesn’t hurt anyone to have an amusing bit of fun. (It would be different if we were talking about how to go about life and such in response to these results, but we’re just talking about the results. It’s just like any other “take this test” thing, and is for fun).


Thread has been reported for fun. The fun police was offended.


There is nothing “fun” about perpetuating memes which are quackery and are used in real life situations to asses people’s character in a real life workplace applications - which essentially do nothing at all…but can affect if a person gets a job or not.

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