Like some others here have already mentioned, Survival hunter as it was prior to Legion. The version of it that existed from Wrath up until the end of Warlords of Draenor was hands down the most fun I’ve ever had in this game. Played a hunter since vanilla, but the near decade that spec(playstyle) existed tops it all. The fantasy it portrayed, of being a munitions expert, and how it allowed you to pick options to improve your traps as well was just right.
I would love it if they, the devs, took it upon themselves to bring it back to us as a 4th spec option for the hunter class. For anyone else that enjoyed it as well, feel free to check this link for a modern concept of the spec, suited for the design changes we’re seeing in Dragonflight. I included some links in the post for anyone who would want to check it out through a talent calculator as well.
#[Updated for Dragonflight] Munitions - If RSV was to return