Wait, The only class I main is rejected in retail?
I’d say Shaman, played it for years before re-rolling to DK.
I’ll be honest after Wrath and when they rolled out homogenization for all the classes it’s always felt that Shaman was the old dog who really didn’t learn any new tricks.
I feel the thing that’s crazy the class was a swiss army knife for buffs and utility, and now utility is kind of a problem with them IMHO.
Shamans got no love in the alpha. Hopefully Blizz announces a rework soon.
I’d like to say hunters first but yeah, gotta give it to shaman.
i think they just said they arent gonna be any.
Shamans despite me always inviting them hoping to eat one. They’re too fast in their ghost wolf form though!
#BuffGnomeSpeed so I can #EatAShaman
gotta be shaman. The only class that has a hero talent literally makes u deal less dps LOL.
Demon Hunter, probably. Still the only class in game with only 2 specializations.
Wait, what?
What is: A Plate Wearing Two Handed Sword wielding melee, with no real Melee Attack for 500 Alex.
Suffer Well
Not a rework. A few new talents and old talents moved baseline.
No where near the changes Paladin, rogue and mage got.
The fact that cleaving strikes is still a thing blows my mind….
tempest on ele replace your lightningbolt. However it doesnt interact with talents those interact with lightningbolt so casting it is a damage loss. If u are planning to play stormbringer ele you gotta make a macro to cancel that spell because you dont wanna cast that garbage lol.
He’s talking about how tempest’s cast time is a DPS lost because it is not effected by any haste and/or cast speed modifications.
It replaces lightning bolt but doesn’t interact with stuff like storm keeper etc.
It’s kind of a hot mess. DPS shamans are super clunky running on classic era design philosophy and literally…. Classic era models.
Holy. Crap.
Arent Shaman and Hunters the two classes without raid buffs now?
Doesnt it seem odd that the two classes with nothing now are the same ones getting less in the enzt expansion (so far)?
I believe just shamans. We are by far the most neglected it would seem.
After years of ignored suggestions and common sense QOL changes and lack of any new cosmetics compared to tons for lock/druid etc…at this point, it’s hard to believe it’s anything but Shaman. I hope the devs surprise us with something nice soon though
I think for many years, their philosophical approach to rogues was
“Can they still gank?”
“Ok, they’re good.”
What would you want different for a Rogue? It’s the best designed class with a clear MO. CC and Gank, reset. What more do you want?
Shaman by far most neglected, since ever.