Thread specifically asks which class, that’s gonna be shaman easily. Yes hunters survival is an ignored red-headed step-child, we get it. But entire class? It’s easily shaman.
The fact that Thrall is once again struggling to commune with the elements has me thinking it’s time to move on and just not play Shaman anymore, a class I’ve main’d since MOP.
It’s the Demo Warlock crap all over again -
Because we’d rather you didn’t play demonology - let me elaborate now!
Just replace Demonology with Shamans.
I just want to play a Thunder God, and it looks like I should just reroll to Mountain Thane Warrior, because that’s what Blizzard wants people playing instead of Shaman.
At least Demo was just a spec.
Suck it Hunters! Shaman is the most ignored class let’s go!!! Shaman #1!!!
What is funny is the class dev is the same for hunter and shaman… Like how bad can this person be at their job that the only argument is which of the 2 is neglected more…
Shaman is so neglected that I can’t even figure out which expansion you’re referencing.
It’s usually a toss up between monks and shaman. Although I think shaman edge them out.
MW has received a ton of love in DF.
I wouldn’t know. I don’t play healers. If you’re not a tank or DPS, you’re dead to me.
Over all of time (or their inception anyway),
Shaman or Monk. Because Monk has its moments of favor i’m more inclined to pick Shaman.
Just recently, a whole Elemental/Primal themed expansion had literally nothing to do with Shamans.
In terms of class design, Restoration Shaman has not changed since it’s creation and has some glaring issues with modern healer design. Elemental still struggles as basically the only spec in the entire game to bring not even the smallest of utility to a group. Enh has it’s moments of fun, the one of three that has some intrigue. The class as whole struggles as it is conceptually one of the most interesting design spaces to me yet it fails to deliver on either the spiritual aspect or master of all elements aspect imo.
PBE Dev Blue notes show it all. When shaman is changed at all it is: “All damage/healing done increased/decreased by 1%.”. Then go read the notes, feedback, and changes listed for any other class in the game. Not to mention they were the last ones to get hero talents made. Guess what they are: X spell has a chance to make a ghost that casts X spell or drop a totem that casts X spell for you every few seconds. Uninspired. Long wait for one of the most basic of takes on hero talents I have tested so far.
This was the same issue that happened for the entirety of Shadowlands. Not a single thing for DKs the whole expac about dead people. SMH.
Survival Hunter – I feel like they got reworked and then forgotten, which really sucks because they’re super fun.
Enhance Sham – I feel like these guys have been in a weird place for awhile. But tbh I haven’t played them in a looooong time.
For War Within reworks I feel like Hunters as a whole kind of got left in the dark. All their hero talents are super disappointing. Hunters also feel the most repetitive to me gear wise – I feel like the sets all look the same to me, there’s no variety.
Everyones dead if you dont have a healer
They have done things to rogues in the shadows, unspeakable things. But they still pretend like we are overpowered in pvp so no one will listen to our screaming.
This dragon gets it.
Let me know if you have any older sisters with low standards.
most people will say their main without question
Shamans have wanted 2H Enhance made official for years and still nothing.
Blizzard hates Shamans.
I hate Shamans and I have one.
Quality is their most neglected.
Semper Fi!