What is wows most neglected class

I want new elemental models from dragonflight, and more offensive buttons as elemental.

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New anything would be nice. The new hero talents are a hot mess and have a overwhelming negative response so that doesnt count.


I agree, just delete Hunter. No one wants an unkickable ranged spec, or a melee spec with pets. It’s super clear it’s the class for noobs.

I would wager dh is on the same level so delete them while your at it.


I bet you couldn’t aim your felrush if you tried.


I actually find WW monk easier to play than HDH. The whole monituen stinks a lot of times you can keep dashing in and out since you can pull extra mobs or some boss encoutner simply don’t allow that. Then if you use monituen or VR in the wrong time and land on avoidable damage you are dead lol.


What is wows most neglected class?

Game development 101

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Big ups on knowing our mobility isn’t just mobility, it’s used to proc. #Respect

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No I am not happy; I want you to be happy as well & I think you should get your time (again).

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Recently, I’d say Hunters as not much has changed for them. Personally, I’d like it if MM weren’t so dependant on Rapid Fire for their damage profile.

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NO your wrong its now shaman! :stuck_out_tongue:


Whatever I decide to main.

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Shamans. 10 year old models, no blue posts for feedback, no changes for next expac. They take things from the class and give it to the rest of the game like the new Human racial or the fact that now warriors are the thunder melee lmfao.

It’s not even close. It’s abandoned by blizzard to the point I’m abandoning it for the next expansion.

Sad man. Thrall’s lore from the books is what kept me playing it but after the 2nd expansion of healing because resto is the only really decent one (haha)… I’m done


I just watched a post get 404’ed with this same subject. Its by far a shaman.


I watched 2 shaman posts get 404’ed. Fs in the chat for those shamans.

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yeah I think u were posting with me in the 1.1k thread. Fun day.

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While not a class but survial is the worst and most neglected spec in the game. Only thing close is feral.

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Not even acknowledging it.

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I’m telling ya man, Thrall gave up the doomhammer, cant speak consistently speak with the elements.

Hes going to be a warrior and thats why warriors got some level of lightning.

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Holy crap i didnt even think of that