What is wows most neglected class

it’s pretty cool how the only hunter changes for the entirety of the alpha were tooltip changes and a nerf, and the beta launches with another nerf

tf is this dev team doing?


They don’t care about the class so I started to complain to microsoft you should start to maybe their boss will force them to do their jobs.

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Not true! We got half baked hero talent trees and we got an ugly tier set!


Trying to nerf melee range on feral and other melees. it’s a super good use of dev time.

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Druid. We never get anything good. We are wow’s red headed step child.

(this is bait)

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Nah uh! We are for sure! Oh wait nvm…

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Sometimes getting attention from the Devs is bad.
I’m looking at the Feral changes and it’s like they are actively trying to make it bad… but Guardian looks like it might be really fun with Cat weaving.

It’s like they can’t make anything good without making something else worse. I don’t get their dev team tbh.

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The most frustrating part about that is Survival is based around a weapon with increased melee range. If any spec is going to have increased melee range it’s Survival.


Hard to say for class, but spec wise i’d vote brewmaster monk and enhance shaman

Feels like ele, rsham and ww get constant tuning or interesting set bonuses, and mistweaver has two distinct playstyles which sees a lot of new things added/changed


Definitely the bard, they didn’t even bother to implement it.

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Hunter by far, so much so it was the last class to be tested before release, and ever since then it has been behind.

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There are you happy your getting changes! Still nothing for shaman…


So between hunter and shaman being the most neglected, is shaman the winner?


Yes, it seems so. Not something you really want to win.


100% official theres new patch notes for tww. All calsses excluding hunter and shaman get massive walls of text. However, blizz confirmed next week hunter will be getting changes.

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where was this confirmation?

oh nevermind, just found it

let the copium overdosing begin, fellow hunters

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Here ye go :slight_smile:


Well im happy for you Hunters. Its nice that someome did.

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Agreed especially since their representation is so high, always been a popular class. Those pesky shamans on the other hand agressively points finger


Ascendance visuals are classic content now, older than three of the games classes.

TWW beta launched with zero shaman notes.

We can hope there will be just as many changes for shaman as there were for paladins, mages, monks etc etc but it’s just hope because blizzard refuses to communicate their development schedule or post any updates at all for shaman (other classes get specific posts about hero talent reworks, future changes etc).

Hunters are also pretty neglected.