What is wows most neglected class

Got it. You can go off topic. But the moment someone disagrees with you, they should be quiet and stay on topic :wink:

Did i go off topic?

I didnt mean i imply no one should speak. Im just saying were not in the Shaman cave and some folks might be casual shaman fans.

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Well obviously but essentially thats all it is. Its boring.

Big time shaman fan :slight_smile:

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The Customer.


Eh at least they’re getting reworks… Shaman trees were the last to show up and haven’t gotten any work at all…

Definitely shaman. Monk close second.

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Surely shaman will be spiced up before warwithin?

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They are already adding spices

I’m not even saying that I dislike the new specs… Just kinda crazy that mage got like 3 reworks before ours even showed up :expressionless:

Also beta is already here? Let’s hope we see more soon…


Bards and necromancers

Come get your free hopium. Knowing shamans history nothing is going to change. We had a whole elemental theme expansion and 0 changes for sham. Druids got new forms we got none. We are still stuck in 08


100% frost DK has been forgotten about every meeting they have at the dev table.

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Thread title is class… As a spec I’d agree that frost DK has been pretty neglected though :expressionless: still some of the tww stuff looks pretty cool and you’ve seen a rework! Meanwhile shaman… Still chillin… Lol

Class is shaman for sure.

Spec wise is tougher. Frost DK, enhance shaman and demo lock (WOD anyone?) come to mind? I’m sure there is a couple other neglected specs out there too :thinking:

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Unpopular opinion i miss wod

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Easy, Death Knight - particularly Frost and Blood. Unholy gets all the toys in TWW. Frost and Blood last felt relevant in Legion. All player feedback is largely ignored and the reason given is that Blizz thinks they know better, a design philosophy which doesn’t hold water when only 1 of 3 specs gets cool new toys.

A lot of people saying monks, but I’d say just mostly windwalkers.

Mistweavers were definitely not neglected. They received a bunch of adjustments and talent alterations throughout dragonflight. They were also considered S tiered healers for raids and mythics throughout the expansion

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This I kinda agree with.
I feel like they had really interesting ideas for brewmaster and MW monk, and then they just kind of needed to fill out a third spec. WW has pretty cool unique aesthetics, but it’s really just warrior 2.0 with a lot of abilities basically just copied over.


Are monks dropping around all those pretty bubbles again like they did back in MOP I wonder?

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Their not even working on the hunter class so removal might be soon.


The customer class

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Beta launches with a bunch of class changes.

Still nothing at all for shamans.