Spriest is the opposite problem. It’s a never ending war on how that class should be designed.
Savage haha. Rogues will end up on top for pvp no doubt and thats my main type of content. They have been op pests since forever.
Youre providing air cover to negligent developers who take a paycheck and do nothing for our class, all so you can win an argument on the internet.
And dont give me that “they dont read this” crap. Stop being an apologist for negligence.
I dont get it either. Pwave is an extra flame shock or riptide lol
No single class is neglected completely. But, there are specs that are neglected like Survival Hunter, or Sub Rogue. Though, Hunter is the only class that got 1 line of fixes in the Alpha sooooo that’s going well.
Toss up between Shaman and Hunter. But, obviously, I’m biased for Shaman. Both classes have only seen minor tweaks and updates since Legion. At least Hunters have the benefit of getting a slough of new beasts to tame and collect every expansion. Shaman, on the other hand, has been stuck with the same elementals, same ghost wolf, and same Ascendance models for over a decade.
What I would give to get something like Pandaren elemental spirits on a Pandaren Shaman or Draenor spirits on a Mag’har.
Hunter, if only because Blizzard just cannot find a way to make us aesthetically interesting.
-Lame animations
-Bad transmog
-Lackluster Hero specs
“summon moar animals” when in doubt or make our shots slightly blue.
Performance wise we are usually middle of the back but I’d be lying if I said we didn’t have our moments of popping off.
In terms of class fantasy and whatnot though? Woof
Since we are getting all classes for all races we need ways to lean into racial fantasy/aesthetic like this yesterday. What makes me nuts is we already have the Glyph system. That would be a fine way of doing this without making unlock quests etc for every combination.
frost DK;
then shammy
Shaman is super weird; I find Elemental great in PvE but in PvP…
Well, let’s break it down:
Enhancement: I find it very strange for a class that wears mail to be so weak defensively in PvP. I’ve tried playing it, but there were two problems - the number of buttons to press and the builds that make no sense for a malee - they basically “turns” into a ranged at certain times, which is annoying, at least for me.
Elemental: in PvP, it’s “ok,” in PvE, it’s excellent. Still suffers from the same defensive weakness of wearing mail but at least it’s ranged… although it’s very focused on pvp, at least it manages better than Enhancement.
Healer: Same defensive problem as above, with an emphasis on the number of buttons to use.
Overall, they should still update the graphical effects of the electrical skills, have more builds for each element - for example, having a build just for using earth powers, another for wind, another for fire, another for electricity - and all of them having the elemental combination, like lava, storms, ice, etc… but nooo, Shaman is a weird mix of elemental “things.”
Now… nothing compares to me with Frost DK.
Frost DK is one of the worst “things” for me in WoW nowadays.
Just to start, I’ll never understand how a class can be useless outside of cooldowns. I also play Warrior; they have pressure and shorter cooldowns, while Frost DK outside of cooldowns is a chicken running from one side to the other.
One last note: They should allow Unholy to use dual wield! It makes much more sense for an Unholy, which is a class based on haste > mastery to be able to dual wield, than Frost, which is mastery > haste.
Shaman 1st
Hunter 2nd
The Player.
…what? Someone doesn’t fundamentally understand how the spells work. I am pointing that out. Its hard to give feedback and suggest better things for shaman if one doesn’t understand how things work.
I am not being an apologist.
Then go read the spell description again. Because its literally more than that.
Glad Warrior: Come join us… come join us…
I think theyre saying it from a playstyle perspective. Theyre obviously not a 1-to-1, but in the grand scheme of things, PW isnt much more than Flameshock. It doesnt deviate from the Flameshock/LvB playstyle.
Its not supposed to deviate from the Flameshock/LvB playstyle. or the Riptide/Healing Wave style.
Its literally there to enhance it.
Stating it is only a flameshock or only a riptide is disingenuous at best. One has to be either ignorant to make the statement, or is intentionally misleading.
Either way, it makes feedback hard to follow up on and take serious. Because the feedback of a person that is either ignorant or intentionally misleading becomes suspect.
Pretending that the massive amount of LvB and group healing wave following is nothing, is just. Silly.
I think most people dont really know what they want. As Henry Ford said, if you asked people what they wanted, theyd have said “faster horses”
People dont like the playstyle. Being articulate about it shouldnt be a prerequisite for developers attention.
As a whole? Probably Shaman.
It often has no specs that are above mid tier. Enhancement has badly needed a defensive cooldown since at least the inception of M+.
Hunter is a close second. BM as the ultimate casual noob spec is it’s only saving grace.
Its not about being articulate.
Its about understand the fundamental way things work. Its about having a basic knowledge of the situation.
You dont like the LvB playstyle? Fine. Thats fair. There is also a hero talent tree completely based on avoiding the LvB playstyle.
Historically it’s monk. Mistweaver has gotten some attention during the end of this expansion and all of the monk specs look good for TWW, but for monks were ignored for years.
Recently, it’s shaman and hunters. But hopefully those 2 are next in line for talent reworks.
Ill remind my friend Akston that this is a thread in the general forums about neglect.