I like how everyone argues whether its shaman or hunters and as someone who had mained mained one or the other for most of wow id say its pretty tied.
Like maybe hunter is slightly more neglected in recent expansions but the difference isnt huge.
So the answer is a tie between shaman and hunter primarily enhance and surivial.
But lets make sure we are on the same page with what arent rejected. Druids, mage, warlocks(before anyone jumps on aff warlock still has alot of work done custom pets and so forth so it aint warlock), warrior, paladin, rogue.
Because the question was who is the most neglected not who got the worst changes.
While some people might not like the changes they get some classes get ignored almost completely.
Warrior gets consistent attention and the tww hero talents are very interesting. Sure their is complaints about the reduce rage but that change is A change that will affect how warriors play.
Rogue has gotten a few reworks and even tho the complex gameplay of outlaw is def a negative its still a change to how they play and its attention that hunters and shamans dont get.
If you look at hunters for example their gameplay is pretty consistent and only numbers tuning are really changed. The tww hero specs are prob the worst for hunter then any other class since theres little to no gameplay change and it just feels like a hunter with one new ability.
Shaman also has the same gameplay its had for a very long time. The stormbringer talent is pretty lackluster and is just an added passive u play the same way u always do but sometimes u get a special effect.
You mean like how Animal Companion became mandatory? This is Blizzard, one talent is always going to be more optimal than the other and you don’t get to choose which one.
Most DK mains (and former DK mains) will tell you that the single biggest problem with frost is trying to balance 2h vs dw. To Blizzard’s credit they have tried, but it just doesn’t work. 2H is a build and dw is a build leaving no wiggle room or choice. This leaves frost feeling very restrictive and clunky to play.
It isn’t a coincidence that DKs went from one of (perhaps the) most popular dps to being one of the least popular in a short period of time. People arguing against 2h enhancement are trying to save them from the problems frost is currently facing.
2h enhancement was only a thing during vanilla when enhancement wasn’t even a real dps- it was a buff bot that did laughable damage. Enhancement has been dw only since TBC.
Affliction lock is stuck in 2008 but it seems those who still play it don’t mind that. Except for the forced nuke ability that a huge chunk don’t care for at the start
I created my now enh shaman late TBC, when they were OP in battlegrounds. I’ve loathed playing the cow since SL and it’s gotten so much worse, I’m debating deleting him. (Playing five toons is a little too many.)
hunter’s only change outside of hero talents being released was the most unpopular spec in the game (sv) being nerfed
large part of the reason i’m not playing mine anymore
I started the expansion playing enhancement and I’m ending it playing survival (I’m actually playing Mists). Know which one I’m playing in TWW? Shadow priest, because I don’t think Blizzard has it in them to solve the problems with either class.
An earlier poster mentioned it, but survival does indeed have a two point talent that buffs steady shot. I did not see anyone add that it also buffs arcane shot. I don’t believe this talent has changed since it was introduced. Great spec design.
Last time I started an explanation as shadow was BFA, immediately after losing the artifact. Played the expansion for two weeks and quit because shadow had not felt worse to play. Surely they can’t mess up TWW that badly…
I’d say it’s a toss-up between Hunter and Rogue.
Both classes are just in shambles right now. Let me quote you the snippet from the Assassination Rogue Deathstalker review:
I would usually review the talents here, explain the core concept behind the tree, and then try to show both the positives and the negatives. Deathstalker makes that process incredibly difficult because this tree is a jumbled disaster of leftover, uninspiring, and almost offensively underdeveloped ideas with little to no redeeming qualities.
Rogues “turn” came and went during DF and that was done.
How many times has SPriest, Demo Warlock or Ret Paladin been the focus on attention over the past few expansions…? I’m a Warlock main yet the amount of attention Demo gets from the devs is ridiculous. Sometimes they do like 5 paragraphs of changes nobody asked for and didn’t want.
PS Shamans aren’t neglected they’ve just not been OP since early BFA.
But they’ve had reworks and touch ups where others have not.
neglected? anybody who isn’t saying hunter is delusional lol literally NOTHING has been reworked or properly changed about hunter at all… and every single hero tree was released being bland and uninspired AT BEST.
it’s not even close. hunter has gotten the least attention by far