What is wows most neglected class

Probably demon hunter. Always bottom of DPS meters

Not all attention from Blizzard is good. Shaman seems mostly fine to me at least, for healing anyway.

I would like to point out the original reason for “raid buffs for everyone” was TBC Shaman. Lust was busted to the point of stacking Shaman which lead to classes getting raid buffs so they where also “required” for raiding. Fast forward 10+ years and somehow Shaman is the class with some of the worst utility/raid buff options.

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You’re starting to see threads and talking points pop up now about how Blizzard is a little too attached to lore.

Shaman were the only ones who had lust for a while because of lore.

Its pretty easy to understand why shamans get so neglected especially these days, and i don’t know how y’all didn’t figure it out yet.

does elves and base humans can be shaman? no? there you go.

I myself, still don’t understand how in the nine hells elemental shamans don’t have a permanent elemental minion to summon, or why they are so adamant against 2H enhancement

I would agree Survival has become a meme class (excepting for S3/4 of BfA when, magically, it was OP af), but the Hunter class in general is one of the special, protected, always-amazing classes in WoW.

Pally, Hunter, Mage are ALWAYS solid.

You will always hear whining from Pallys and Mages, and it’s never because they’re not good… it’s because they’re not SSSS+ class. They don’t even know what it’s like to be bad, or even mediocre. Their only complaint is “waaaa waaaa why aren’t we #1??!”

Paladins need a 5 years stint as the 24-26th class. Because they reality is-- THEY WOULD STILL GET PICKED because their toolset is too good!

And ever since Hunters were given BL … same thing. Even when they’re bad/middle of the road, they’ll still get picked.

Most people saying hunter is awful are not talking about numbers, class design and fantasy are more important by far. And they are atrocious with this class.
Numbers are easy, design and fantasy take effort and passion from a dev, Which the hunter class is commonly assumed to not have.

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If we’re talking TWW stuff, Hunter for sure.

None of their problems fixed, and they have some of the worst hero trees in the game.

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Monk has mostly been the same with some minor tweaks here and there since Legion. At least BrM and WW have been. WW has had scaling issues since it was added to the game and bugs with the spec often go years before fixed (looking at you SEF).

Its getting a rather significant rework and hopefully scaling is addressed with haste finally being a useful stat.

Shadow priest is in a good spot right now though?

Our hero trees aren’t even fully implemented yet. I guess they figure that if we can’t test it then we can’t complain about it.

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ROFL yeah 3 shotting people while being stunned they need negative nurf attention

Neglected spec, feral
Class tho I’d say shamans.
Monks are looking HEAT in TWW.

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Ser Hunter needs a look.
Aff locks

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at the moment, it’s rogues, devs need to level a rogue to max level in dungeons and see the pain to level one

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Where’s the elemental shaman raid buff?


Affi is getting an overhaul in TWW.
Hunter can get removed though.

Probably because most shaman hate the idea of a perm pet and dont want 2 h enhancement to return. Since it was barely a thing to begin with.

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Do they? i speak for myself and friends, and they think having a permanent pet is a cool idea.

I don’t see why it would be bad to have two different paths that you can chose with the talent tree, one focusing on the elemental and one that augment your own power, pretty much like mm can chose to be petless.

I don’t rly see why it can’t be a thing, since the option to use a 2H axe or hammer exist.

Why could not work like Frost dks choosing to be DW and 2h?

It feels to me, this kind of freedom and ways to play is precisely what shamans need to stand out, a lot of shamans fight with only one weapon anyway, Thrall by example, and the doomhammer is originally a 2H hammer that was shrunk down.

Honestly, the only reason i main warrior and not shaman is cause the only spec that uses only one weapon that i rly like.

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Because Pet AI is horrible, and relying on Pet AI is horrible. Hence, most shaman dont want it. Shaman dont want to lose a ton of who they are to implement it.

Ask DKs how well it actually works.

(it doesnt)

I get it. I am just referring to people that main shaman.