What is this TRASH

stealth be buggy. I cant tell you the number of time when i wasn’t by anything but for some reason was pulled out of stealth…


Blizzard has never been able to get vanish to work. It’s been off and on broken since 2004.


Its not just vanish but stealth in general. I have been in BGs far away from anyone and I just come out of stealth. Happened 8 times in 1 BG. I assumed it was a bug.


This has always been an interesting topic to me. I play my rogue, Rukk, in bgs from time to time and while in stealth it will break for no apparent reason. In AV ill be running in stealth to field of strife, never entered combat with anyone, and ill just pop out of it.

Thats just one of many examples i could give. Funny thing is, i play on this hunter all the time and when he is in stealth. I never randomly pop out of it. When i do pop out while in hunter camo stealth i know the exact reaaon. Be it one last tick of a dot, i was just to close to an aoe attack or sometimes a teammates spell will do it.

But on my rogue…most of the time its just a shoulder shrug and a wtf was that face while waiting to rez in a gy.

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I believe it’s an environmental shift. Something in AV got capped and changed the environment. I know for a fact as it’s happened 100% of the time changing from zone to zone or from instance event to either the world or from the world into an instance event. Noticed I would always come out of stealth in the echo event, when it spawns on me or when i make my way into one. Also noticed in wsg when the flag got taken i would fall out of stealth. So I believe its a change in the environment as opposed to npcs or other classes effects.

Welcome to the entire reason Shadow Dance was given to Outlaw/Assassination.

Coding in this company is pure trash.


Yeah i have noticed those anomalies happen as well on my rogue. Its just odd to me that it never seems to happen when im in camo on my hunter, in the exact same scenarios.

People need to be REPORTING THIS IN-GAME and on the forums. All of you need to submit reports.


no. i am enough to bring awareness to the issue. dont worry…


Yes you are master Saifu.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Go post in this thread and hope this morning’s hotfix catches it.

i have an idea.

rework stealth at its foundation;

  • when a rogue or pesky druid (feral ONLY) receives damage from any source while in basic stealth (not vanished), they are revealed for 1.5 seconds, after which they return to a hidden state.
    note: rogues cannot be revealed during vanish.
  • being revealed shows the stealthed rogue/druid’s position, but does not break stealth nor prevent the use of abilities or bonuses that require it, nor does it trigger any effects that activate when stealth breaks.
  • DIRECT damage received by the rogue/druid during this 1.5 second ‘revealed’ window will break stealth proper. spamming dots or aoe won’t work- it’s either bonk or get bonked.
  • in addition, flare no longer removes stealth, but instead reveals the rogue/druid whilst it remains within the flare. no breaking stealth. no preventing use of stealth abilities. no nullifying an entire class mechanic with one ability.
    note: cloak of shadows negates the revealing effect of flare, but flare removes the vanish buff.
  • a druid’s faerie fire will work the same, but vanish will fully remove the FF debuff.

double note: non-feral druids do not benefit from any of this.


So much for that, it’s still not fixed. Meanwhile if this was a DK or Mage issue I’m sure it’d have been fixed midday yesterday.

Did a AV as feral and its basically just completely busted. Just coming out of stealth from nothing, Random AOE abilities like ice lance splitting ice hitting me in stealth even though im out of combat. Randomly getting taken out of stealth for no reason


Go comment, bump something. I have no idea how to get more attention on a bug report, but I made one after extensively testing various classes to find all the abilities that are breaking stealth through a bug. The bugs affect both druid and rogue equally as far as I’m aware.


I have this same problem, they need to fix this skill urgently

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A true solution for all the bull regarding stealth these last few weeks.

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Vanish and stealth have been horribly bugged for ages. They do whatever they want whenever they want.

I’ve played Rogue a disturbing amount and had this happen countless times don’t be in here gaslighting this person telling them they’re imagining things :index_pointing_at_the_viewer::eye::eye:


It happens ALOT in epic bgs, its a OLD known bug…

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read the hotfixes from yesterday or maybe they go live today but there was an ability locks have that breaks all instances of stealth and i noticed the rupture ability that copies shadow damage doing the same thing and keeping us out.

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