What is this TRASH

doing world pvp against 3 rogues.

every vanish broke. 6 vanishes broke. no reason for them to break. was far enough away and no dots… and vanish just disappears and im just a sitting duck.

this is nonsense. i can understand vanish breaking when im next to a target… but when im clearly 10 yards away and vanish just drops off then im out of stealth. c’mon. nonsense. not one time did my vanish work. not once. immediately out of stealth.

trash patch. unacceptable that rogues have to deal with this… it should have been an improvement and literaly this patch is a nerf to my entire buid; when it shoud have been a buff.

it also did not remove the cripple poison slow. so when my vanish ended… im slowed as well.


Actual bug? Or is it ‘Working as Intended.’?

You got what you wanted, but not the way you actually wanted it.

I have read numerous posts and forum threads where people have stated that ideas, input and critiques were given to the Devs from PTR and Beta, and were promptly ignored.


its a pretty bad bug. 3 of my vanishes i still had cripple poison affecting me… and they just all turned around then ran up to me and engaged me.

i dont mind how rogue plays. just abilities should work properly. this is always a constant issue everytime they try to rework something… they mess up vanish. they havent learned. every expansion; they somehow ruin vanish and then take 6 months to repair it.

not only that, but i was not even able to restealth. i was still “in combat” even tho no one had engaged me after any of the vanishes.

— so seems to be a subterfuge issue and something wrong with poisons still going thru vanish.


Yes I agree. It said 1.5s which is too fast for vanish to get out of fight. EVEN if you talent in cloak in shadow which has shield for 6s and still get knock out of stealth while my shield still on. Blizzard need to take a look at it and change it to 2s atleast. Stealth already has many bugs and now this vanish sh…t!


yes i cloaked and stoneformed… and i still came out of stealth on 1.

cloak + stoneform never fails after vanish… now that seems like it does. makes no sense. no reason to be dorf if my racial is useless.


It needs to go back to 3 seconds. The whole purpose of the enhanced stealth was to allow Vanish to actually do what it’s supposed to do. Now it’s almost useless.


I have had vanishes break AND stealth randomly break since pre-patch.


Every time area objectives are triggered for the pre-expansion event, Stealth drops. Also, there may be something with auras from Skyriding affecting Stealth as well.

I am sure the list is larger but those two I have seen frequently. I do not have Subterfuge yet.


In MoP we know to drop Subterfuge if we were having problems with stealth and vanish. But the other aspect is auras, buffs, debuffs can break stealth even if they do not have a damage component.

So in theory the vanish immunity whether 1.5, 3 or even 5 seconds (with Glyph in Cata/MoP) should work against anything with a damage component only.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Blizzard already meant to nerf Rogue. Have you seen they reverted any CC change at all. Once they nerf, barely will go back. Gouge gonna be 3s next week. Everytime there is update, there is another nerf.


For some reason when I stealth while flying my stealth instantly breaks when I land or just before.

But I also found that, as Subtlety at least, I can one tap mobs and I stay in stealth.


Wait… you can stealth while flying???


You can’t be stealthed while flying. But you can stealth from flight.


You can stealth on a glider though.


Its how the behavior is put in a stack. Such as when us animators are making textures to use for gaming with vfx.

Stealth is just a low opacity “stance” trigger hooked up by conditionals. Something in the modifier stack when creating the custom “controls” or behaviors on “actors” (characters) is not hooked up to the thousands of IDs that games make. If someone is working on it, it is probably in the very little time allocated currently to sort and manually fix those things (definitely feel bad for them as I get ticked as a solo artist when things break and I have to sort through stuff to fix it where it LITERALLY was just working in a “world” aka Scenes and breaks in the next one). Stuff just happens and it sucks, the devs DO fix things and it breaks again bc of changes to just how behaviors / constraints / procedural nodes etc just arguing sometimes.

As for the growing list of bugs , it is likely those are the actions and the devs just are on a time crunch and don’t get to work on it as much as they would like to which stinks but yeah. They do have internal builds where they constantly DO work on bugs and fix them and do other stuff but it doesn’t always mesh with the client when they deploy them as frustrating as that is for them and us.

Ex: interview with the engineers talking about the zepplins we took to the Dragon Isles and their whole talk they discussed as they logged in to the game undercover and kept having to fix it because the darn things wanted to act wonkey when they literally fixed it. Stuff happens. (Can’t remember when the wowhead article was posted from the devs but it was pretty early DF)

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Same experience. Stealth is dropping on landing and I encountered another weird bug in the 60-70 range, where I would mount and I would get the skyriding bar but then the mount would behave as a normal flying mount instead (not a stealth bug but a skyriding bug).

I assume they have some bad code that is still “live” while you’re in the air, but when you land it “resets” and that’s causing stealth to drop. Because I had the same experience, where I land on my skyriding mount and stealth from the ground, and it will not automatically break stealth. But doing stealth from the air is dropping 100% of the time once landing.


It mostly broke around other players fighting a boss (during pre-patch event) but then when I’m alone and stealth from the air it does not break on landing. So maybe some player’s spell breaks stealth?


Okay, so that explains the level 60-70 bug. I wonder if they tried to fix it then.

Do this exact pattern:

  1. Mount a Skyriding Mount
  2. Stealth from the air (auto-drop mount while flying)
  3. Land
  4. Remount from Stealth

The mount will not have Skyriding enabled but will give you the Skyriding bar. Testing this just now and it’s happening, and also wondering if it’s all from the same behavior. (Simply dismounting and remounting resolves.)

That could also explain why we had different outcomes; in patching the first bug, the new one was probably introduced. Obligatory, LOL PTR feedback.

Another update, was having it occur yesterday by simply stealthing and mounting from stealth. So the 60-70 action could ALSO have been Subterfuge related.


Got a new one ladies and gents!

Leveling a new Rogue, I have not been able to replicate perfectly but it appears that one-shotting a mob from stealth with Ambush at max range has a chance to not take you out of Stealth.

If I can isolate exactly what’s causing this, I will provide more detail. Level 9 heirloomed Rogue, happening 1/10 mobs.

(Sigh, imagine playing your own game before asking your customers to pay $90 to test it for you.)

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ok…that explains why sometimes my skyriding bar shows up but I am in normal flight. That’s how I always dismount - tap stealth and it /dismounts me and then i stealth and land on the ground.

Now that I read that, i realize it does only happen on my rogue…I thought I was losing it, and my guildies thought I was stupid when I asked if it does it for anyone else.