Rogue Stealth Break

Rogue Stealth breaking or canceling for no reason at all! many tests on location, who’s near, alone, or in group. standing alone on a mountain peak, hit stealth and it instantly breaks 3 or 4 times in a row. Random stealth breaks while sneaking on enemies and cannot use stealth abilities. have tried deleting WTF, CACHE, INTERFACE folders, reinstalling the game, installing game on another computer, does not matter



I’m seeing very little traction on this so I’m replying for visibility. This is a major bug impacting a core ability to a class. We need a blue post on this–what is going on? Clearly, it has something to do with aura’s, interactions between hero talents, or something similar.

To reiterate–stealth is (sometimes repeatedly) breaking at random. I’m sure someone else can come in and provide specific anecdotes, but it really isn’t necessary. It can be repeated by simply entering a battleground and slowly walking towards a group of players while stealthed. It doesn’t take much to get this one to show.


This has been happening for years. Blizzard doesn’t do anything about it. It’s prevalent in BG’s. Some games your stealth breaks every 4-5 seconds for absolutely no reason. It’s so annoying.


I’ve played rogue since beta (of World of Warcraft) and it has never been this bad. The current state is unplayable bad–as you put it, it breaks repeatedly for absolutely no reason. Continuing to post until a blue acknowledges.


Replying for visibility–I’m a feral–and I’ve never had stealth issues like this. It’s unreasonable


Replying for visibility. I’ve read posts on the rogue forum and elsewhere, Hunter’s camouflage seems unaffected, but Druid Prowl and Rogue Stealth are both bugged and breaking randomly. It’s so bad I don’t even want to play my rogue in PvP. Has something to do with auras, especially Warlock’s Malevolence.


Another day of posting for visibility. Stealth breaking is comically bugged at the moment.


Haven’t experienced this personally, but I’m also constantly going in and out of stealth doing gathering.

I’ve experienced this as well. I also experienced on 8/21 at 6:00pm pst when the servers were crashing, a loss of 3million gold as I tried to transfer to my character a couple times and the game crashed. It still has not come back and even after multiple bug reports and tickets I’ve received no help, nor any information as to whether they will even assist me in the future. DON’T BUY TOKENS AND DON’T PUT GOLD IN YOUR BANK, at least until this is fixed.

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Replying again for visibility because it’s still not fixed after August 28th’s maintenance. It definitely has something to do with Warlock’s auras, and/or auras in general.


I am experiencing this while questing in the new zones. I hope we get a blue post soon.


did a quick search to see if I was the only one. It’s quite a bummer to come back to the game and not get to enjoy the class fantasy of rogue bc of random stealth breaks. I’m sneaking around to healers in a BG lose stealth with no interactions happening, and get absolutely obliterated for it… might have to switch classes till this is dealt with.

If arena season starts and this is still a thing I’ll be pretty upset.


Findings through tons of testing done by kontrics and other members of the worldofpvp reddit have found the following things that seem to be, Broken and breaking stealth.

  1. Warlock - Malevolence - 100 yard range AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight.
  2. Warlock - Any shard spenders (Hellcaller hero talent) - 100 yard range AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight. Basically spammable.
  3. Paladin - Divine Resonance (Divine Toll) - Automatic Judgment knocks you out of stealth even while not visible. It appears the range check is what breaks you out of stealth, no hammer is ever thrown at you. Range is limited to 30 yards and line of sight, but knocks you out of stealth regardless of what direction the Paladin is facing.
  4. Frost Mage Splinterstorm - Frost Splinter / Embedded Frost Splinter hit stealthed targets within 20 yards of the mage casting.

Rogue is actually unplayable in pvp because of this… help


This and also between the eyes gets stuck in animation and doesnt actually do dmg and wont let you press it. It’s horrible that no one has addressed rogue bugs.


I just came back to the game since Legion and have played rogue for a long time and love pvp, but this bug is ridiculous and makes it unplayable. This really needs fixed, it’s not even taking damage from aoe or anything and I can be knocked out and go back in stealth after the 2 sec cd over and keep getting popped out over and over. Seems to mainly happen in bg’s for me, even when sitting behind the entire group or no where near people.

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Rogue is the least played class in the game except for evokers and they came in one expansion previous… Blizz dont care about rogues.

Stealth has been buggy so many times.


Ever since expansion this has been happening to me on both my feral and rog. Since it wasn’t really a thing in pre patch, my guess is it’s hero talent related? I’ve actually spawned in a battleground GY, stealthed and it broke with no enemy nearby. This has me thinking it’s enemy and friendly hero talent related. It really does make the stealth classes close to unplayable. Imagine if this doesn’t get addressed, and people find a way to replicate in arenas. That would take so much integrity out of not only ranked BGs, but the arena ladder.
Please keep bumping for visibility.


Posting for more visibility. No reason for this to be so prevelant for so long.


This is really bad, worst bug for rogue ever, i cant even stealth for 10 seconds without it randomly unstealthing me completely ruins my favorite class :frowning: please fix