What is this "Shadowlands" I Keep Hearing About?

Warcraft has been that way forever with books branching the in-between of expansions. Warcrimes branched MoP and WoD. Before the Storm branched Legion and BFA. Etc. This isn’t new.

It’s totally fine and dandy if you feel this way. It’s not totally fine and dandy if you feel this way, invest nothing in the story, and then try to speak about the story if you’re not clued into the details, because that results in discussions like this. I suggest one of two things.

  1. Go forth and read the novellas (there are two of them. One for Alliance, one for Horde.) so you understand all of the situation involving Teldrassil.
  2. Don’t discuss these kinds of things. Lore and story aren’t for everyone. And you’ve described a valid criticism of Warcraft’s story telling - that being that it’s not all in the game to be easily understood. But then doing what you’re doing here is kinda silly, isn’t it?

Well if you fairly well read on the subject, just me know why Saurfang didn’t gut Sylvanas like a fish the minute she started using plague barrels indiscriminately to kill the Horde, the same plague barrels that killed his son?

Oh and why Anduin thought it was fine to head to Undercity, and no one, even Mekkatorque told him it might be handy for him to take several hundred Gas Masks for the Forsaken who like to use plague barrels, the same that killed Bolvar.

I’m sure it’s all there in the books.

But the story and writing staff have said that they like D&D. They’ve publicly praised season 8, with Steve Danuser(one of the most senior story staff) praising the bell nonsense as the zenith of television storytelling. They have said multiple times for years that they want their writing to be like Game of Thrones.

The synopsis for Shadowlands being so absolutely terrible is why I think it has some validity.

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The novella covers Teldrassil, as I mentioned more than once. It does not cover the Battle for Undercity. That’s first.

Second: Saurfang the Younger wasn’t killed by plagued barrels. He charges the Lich King head on and dies by overestimating his own abilities. The Lich King strikes him down and visibly steals his soul. You’ll find that here. This is a remaster of the original cinematic. I figured you might enjoy some higher end graphics given your standpoint. You can also find it in the original if you like.

Once more, the novellas cover the events of Teldrassil. Not the battle for Undercity.

The Emerald Dream is hard to imagine an entire expansion about. Just green. That’s it. I mean, it’s pretty, but 6 zones of that? Yikes.

Hey, I’m ba-- whoa…

I missed a lot going to bed, didn’t I?

I dunno if I’d call it a lot. Falls into the usual musings, I suppose.

Yeah, I suppose you’re right.

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I’m back as well :slight_smile:

But yeah, people have said similar things about Legion before it was announced, and back then it was confused for the patch names like Shadows of Argus and what have you.

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People in this thread have made a number of excellent points. I could very well see at least the concept being in the next expansion.

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I’ll be honest, there are things that I would never have expected pop up here, but as stated before, this is still speculation at best.

Much like how 8.3 would see the removal of unlocking Legion ARs with 9.0 seeing the removal of unlocking BfA ARs in favor of a fresh batch for the new expansion.

It’s a bad move ethically, but business wise, it allows for more incentive to buy the new expansion and not play the old one as they brush it under the rug.

i hope its not true i dont want to see a tinker class in wow.

That part, I feel, is the 50/50 part…

I’m not sure how I feel about the Tinker class idea, personally…

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Why would anyone bother faking images of WoW

It started as a joke in a thread about expansion ideas and now it’s here…

…personally I think they could do a lot better but that’s fine.

** /me goes back to working on project genesis while Blizzard chases dragons **

Same reason why anyone would bother DDoS’ing Blizzard or trying to stop others from completing objectives in WoW.

Because they find it fun.

Except in this case, it’s more troll-y than it is toxic.

Like… like coworkers at Blizzard?

New zones will be like the place where you fight with Xavius. Just blank grey and other zones will be Just diff shades of grey.

Kinda, but more like this one dude just spam-killing all things in a tight little area and it’s the only spot that spawns a quest mob you need to kill and he tags all of them before you can.