What is this "Shadowlands" I Keep Hearing About?

Oh believe me. It’s 4:30 in the morning, and I noticed your Arakkoa post. I’m gonna have to read through it in the morning when I’m not so dead. My lady and I just got done watching a movie, and we’re both exhausted.

Oof, same here. G’night.

lies! I always go to the nearest graveyard with spirit healer!

I thought that was Blizzards usual schtick though, “The Alliance are so dumb they walked right into the plague city without gas masks, the Night Elves got their tree burnt down and Tyrande cried heheheh”

That’s more along the lines of elves becoming a victim, not bringing something down upon themselves without cause. The Legion, the Well of Eternity, Azshara wanting to mate with Sargeras - those things are a product of their own self-induced ruin.

Teldrassil, they were legitimate victims. The plague and all that, they weren’t the only ones. When discussing elves screwing something up, we’re going far back beyond the Alliance that we know today. The Alliance we know in the current game didn’t even exist that long ago.

All of the events in Legion predate the Alliance by a long, long time. Thousands upon thousands of years in the timeline.

Shadowlands is an awful 4chan leak with more plotholes than a M. Night Shamallama film, the tact of a Mel Brook parody film, and plays out like it was written by D&D from GoT.

i’m just tired of the wannabe lovecraftian horror old god tentacle monster things. it’s SO OVERDONE and i’m sick of it.

i want more of the troll graveyard guy, whatsisname, bwomsandi?

“oh ho ho, a death knight mon? you should see MY death gate!”

love that guy

The Night Elves are supposed to be a tribe of battle hardened matriarchal amazonian warriors, they got their leader kidnapped and they can’t even protect their tree, and Tyrande is so upset she just can’t talk to Sylvanas right now while the Alliance is attacking Undercity.

They are written as a bunch of inept fools. They should’ve been rolled over a decade ago when the Orcs set up that lumber camp.

That’s where tinkerer’s come in. Their whole existence will be from creating the portal for is to travel safely between two worlds.

It’s been awhile since I played the DK intro… but don’t the Death Knights go to the Shadowlands to get their horse?

The Shadowlands expansion name is just a word that encompasses all the spirit realms in WoW. The corpse run, the Emerald Dream, the Ethereals etc etc…

I think Spooky Bones Troll and the contrived death stuff is stupid.

Death needs to have weight, and not be a stupid plot mechanism.

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Might? She’s already there - killing people only to forcibly raise them again to serve her by robbing them of their free will? Her lapdog spouting things like “More bodies for the Warchief’s army”.

Of course given Blizzards short attention span and convenient memory lapses when it comes to storylines… it could be Colonel Mustard in the Observatory with a candlestick.


A fake expansion “leaked” by someone on 4chan pretending to be a Blizzard employee. How anyone takes that site seriously is on me given it’s called the butt hole of the internet for a reason.


I hope Blizzard didn’t leak that on purpose to build hype for shadowlands if it is true… it’s a reprehensible idea. Everyone dying and going to wows underworld… how original… why don’t they do what they do best and make a non large threat/adventure expac. They have unlimited possibilities for raids… for example they have so many treasure hoards we can raid, or some caverns of time events to raid.

Don’t tease me now XD

I assume you didn’t read the novella based on this description of how you believe it went down.

Well I better go read a book to find out why characters are missing, or how faction leaders die offscreen.

For warcraft lore, yes you should to be honest. No book though, it’s on the WoW website. Warcraft is a multi-media story, being told through many forms of media such as comics, books, novellas, the game, and more. If you do care about the lore and information you’re discussing, ensuring you’re fully informed is good, considering what you’ve written down is highly inaccurate and not at all the canonical representation we know of the actual situation.

Sadly, the game didn’t do the events of Teldrassil any justice.

If I have to start looking elsewhere just to figure out whats going on the game, then there’s no point in following the story.

It’s why I decided to go Goblin, I can rationalize this characters motivations. I don’t have to worry about the story, I hit monster, monster dies, I get paid. Just the life a Goblin would lead. You want to tell me your sob story? Oh you made a short film and a comic about it too? Some other time, just tell me what to kill.