What is this "Shadowlands" I Keep Hearing About?

Genuinely asking. I just completed Loremaster on my main, and I (at least I think) don’t recall any mention of it. Are people expecting this to be the next expansion? And if so, what will the new lands/continents be?

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They are lands covered in shadows.

Also know as “Shadylands”.


Just another 4chan leak.

Edit: Or maybe it was Reddit. I don’t know because I stay away from both of those sites.


As do I, friend :slight_smile:

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If you’re looking for a lore reason, the shadowlands is the generic place where we go upon death.


The shadowlands itself is actually a polar opposite to the Emerald Dream that’s mentioned by another name in BfA; the Blighted Lands.

It’s another plane of existence for Azeroth.


So… it’s like the place we visit while we’re corpse running?


Almost, but yeah you got the right idea.

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Sort of. The shadowlands are a realm of death, or more appropriately, anti-living. But it’s just one realm. There are multiple realms of undeath, such as “The Other Side” for trolls, Helheim, Valhalla, etc.


Vol’jin even takes us there briefly while trying to figure out why he named Sylvanas Warchief.


It’s hard to imagine an entire expansion centered around this concept. I hope that’s not the next xpac. Personally, I’d rather see more of the Emerald Dream. We got a glimpse in Legion, and I’d love to see more :slight_smile:


Well to make it easier… Imagine Wrath of the Lich King… But less snow and more zombies and shadow aberrations.


I think they’re shaping up death to be something big, considering everything we know so far. The Burning Legion made up a huge portion of the Chronicles Map of Magic.

With that gone, and death being so involved, I think death might become even more of a concern. There’s a lot of big names involving death popping up again too, so it’d make sense if the next expansion focuses on it somewhat. It could be interesting.


Honestly, I can’t see an expansion around the Shadowlands without one of the few denizens that can cross it safely and without repercussions; the Arakkoa.


I’ll take your word for it. If Fangal is correct, and it could be something that takes places in a revamped Northrend, that could be something worth the time investment :slight_smile:

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At this point, it’s still speculation, but it’s the most likely one seeing how big the ideal of death has been played throughout BfA.

If not an expansion, then at least a patch.

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Do you think Northrend could be the next continent, but with a Shadowlands twist?

Not “exactly”, no. Maybe bits and pieces, but more than likely no.

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The Shadowlands leak also mentions the Dragon isles. So if it is true, it thankfully wont be entirely death themed.

I personally wouldn’t mind if its the next expansion. It makes sense in the current story, and It would be nice to see some dragons again.


Well that’s a bust. I would love more reasons for visiting there. We are definitely due for a Lich King 2 :slight_smile: