What is this "Shadowlands" I Keep Hearing About?

Its the “”""""“leaked”"""""""" next expansion. It’s probably not real.

Person who made it used all of the hints we’ve been given and shaped them into an expansion. Thing that sold it as fake was the inclusion of the Tinker class, which is just a fan-made class idea that wouldn’t even gel with the fake expansion’s theme. I have a feeling 8.3 will debunk it.

THE shadowlands is the place wayward souls are sent to when people die.

tbh, that’s already been answered several times over and we get that majority of the expansion leak is considered “fake”.

We’re just going over the one part that might be believable; whether as an expansion or a new patch. XD

Because the leak doesn’t just claim Sylvanas is dealt with. It claims every single faction leader is going to die in the final raid of BFA. The reposts of the leak simply took out this part of that leak because it made it so fake and unbelievable, but anyone who saw the original still remembers it.

And yes, it meant EVERY. SINGLE. LEADER. It claimed every raid boss involved one of each, one Alliance, one Horde, leader dying.

That means Velen. That means Saurfang. That means Baine. That means Tyrande. That means Anduin. That means Sylvanas.

All of them. It claims that they all die because they are needed in the Shadowlands and she started the war because it was her pact with Helya - Helya needed souls to fight the Void there, and that Helya is actually a very nice goddess, and we can assume from said link they’ll say Helya had to appear evil to us to help splinter the factions against Sylvanas.

We can only assume, based on said leak, that the fake leaker is trying to play around the fact we have the Heart of Azeroth and can revive the souls of the dead in the Shadowlands once we defeat the Void in the Shadowlands (AKA at the end of the xpac), to help fight the Void on Azeroth. They’re just fanbaiting people into “OH HEY, THIS IS HOW THEY’LL BRING CAIRNE BACK! THIS IS HOW THEY’LL BRING VARIAN BACK!” Etc.

If you actually believe that leak, you are EXTREMELY gullible.

I have the deed to Greenland I want to sell, are you looking to buy?

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The Shadowlands is an actual place in World of Warcraft lore, and is discussed in the Chronicles series (namely the 1st book).

You can find more information about it here: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Shadowlands

I doubt the leak itself is real, though.

BFA has hinted the dragon isles since launch with the IE quest to find Wrathion at the entrance to Blackwing Decent. So you can’t really use it to justify a leak being “true” when we have known about it since the start of BFA

That place we spent 10 minutes in that people seem to think we’re gonna get a full on expac about.

People were saying the next expac would be a “south seas expansion” since Vanilla. Took them about 7 tries before it came true.

So you never know. If you throw an infinite amount of darts at the dart board blindfolded, there is a chance one of them will hit the center.

So far, every hint they’ve thrown at us in BFA has pointed to Dragon Isles/Twilight Dragons.

Island Expeditions, the new battle pet quest outside of Grim Batol in 8.2, and the new Heart of Azeroth Scenario in 8.2, and the plethora of Wrathion agents all over the BFA zones.

Not to mention the Wrathion Scenario in 8.2.5.

Then there’s the whole massive storyline of “The main 5 Dragonflight scan no longer produce eggs” that they mentioned in BFA that really needs to be covered.

So I’m not sure why people are expecting anything other than Dragons to be the main focal point.

If you can just bring Illidan back when you want him for story purposes, then they are leading into the fact you can basically go visit the spirit realm and have a drink with Arthas whenever. Sounds like Blizzard to me. You’ve already been talking to Vol’Jin haven’t you?

One of the reasons I believe the leak is plausible, is because the Void Elves came out of nowhere and have no reason to exist in BfA. Which tells me the the Void Elves and their racial Rift Tear ability, points to some sort of interdimensional battle with the Void.

Blizzard is remaining tight lipped on exactly why they created the Void Elves. And I think they will be the background troops you see in the next xpac fighting Void Ethereals, just like the Illidari were fighting the Demons. I mean theres literally no reason to have Alleria suddenly become Void Queen out of nowhere and making a faction of Void Elves unless you are trying to set up for something.

  1. Because they didn’t want to give the Alliance the High Elves.
  2. Because they needed a way for the Alliance to quickly travel around without the Kirin’tor anymore, since the Horde got the Nightborne for portals. 95% of the time when the Void Elves are involved in BFA, it’s “Void Portal this” “Void Portal that.”
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Which MIGHT get worse if only Alliance get the Arakkoa… ^-^’

As mentioned before, whenever I think of the Shadowlands, I can’t help but put the Arakkoa piece together with it because of how strong of ties they have to it simply due to the curse of Sethe for the Low Arakkoa…

I truly hope you are wrong or at the least that they learned the lessons from GoT Season 8’s reaction or TLJ.

I swear I am getting tired of seeing companies shoot themselves in the foot making stupid decisions time and time again following the exact same logic that ruined other franchises.

That’s not a valid reason because the Silver Covenant has been allied with the Alliance since WOTLK. Alleria and Vareesa met, meaning they had the perfect opportunity to explain a High Elf faction.

And yet they just came up with Alleria, in the Army of the Light, led by Narru after fighting Demons for 1000 years, becomes the Void Queen? It makes no sense unless there’s something else going on.

I don’t buy the “heh Void Elves are just cool” they literally didn’t exist, they have no backstory, nothing. There’s no reason to put them in. Unless they are planning to use Alleria with her Void powers and plane shifting and connection to the Ethereals, in the future.

The “Shadowlands leak” is the compiled wish list of one individual player for the last 10 years of the game. Maybe a team of them idk.

Until it is more than that, if it ever is, then this is what it shall remain.

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The Shadowlands are the Realms of Decay not Death according to Chronicle and according to Afrasiabi the Emerald Nightmare is the Death Realms.

There are many afterlives including the Shadowlands(Decay Realms), the Emerald Nightmare(Death Realms), the Emerald Dream(Life Realms), Helheim(Sea Realm) and the Halls of Valor/Valhallas(Light and Lightning Realm).

Druids and ancients go to the Emerald Dream when they die. The Shadowlands is the antithesis to the Emeral Dream. Everybody else goes there when they die.

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I felt the same way with the iron horde and demonhunters. Lol… Oh wait those became true.

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Speculation on the next expac

Some really great lore discussions happening here! Thank you all! :slight_smile: