What is this "Shadowlands" I Keep Hearing About?

… That’s gonna be an “Uh oh” from me.

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Technically they didn’t exactly have a choice, like I said when they created and put life onto Azeroth and made it resemble a lot like the Emerald dream or rather the dream Azeroth had I believe is the concept, the Shadowlands then became created… Due to the living being there. We also know that technically there is a death titan (though corrupted or w/e).

Wasn’t Argus the Death Titan?

And thank you for the insight.

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Yes. Very similar.

I think the Titans recognize it as a necessary thing. The absence of life and death are similar. I phrase it as “the absence of life” because the living take part and have effects on the realm of the the dead. We send souls to Bwonsamdi, people make deals with him like Vol’jin did, warriors were very involved in it throughout Legion, etc.

See above. Death is a necessary thing. It’s not something we can avoid. And we know that Argus was essentially a titan of death. Hence the scythe and death themed abilities. Argus was essentially the Grim Reaper given a titan form.


Yes :slight_smile: He even does the one cast which is the death of all things and what not.

Probably not innately. He was tortured for god knows how long.

He even reaches out for you to help him when you quest on Argus, and tells you to kill him.

If he was the Titan of Death, then he’d be able to kill himself. If anything, he was probably the titan of rebirth, (Eonar was life). But twisted due to the torture. After all, he was used as the source of Demonic Regeneration.


That’s right! I do remember magni communing with him in…krokul hovel? I don’t recall his plea to “end his suffering,” but that’s much more dramatic with this understanding.

The way I approach it is like a genie. (Legend-wise) They can’t wish themselves out of their genie-state. And Argus helped grant Sargeras his “wishes” by helping fuel his legion, correct?


That sounds about right with the whole genie scenario. Death can’t reap himself.

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That’s pretty much how I view everything in all of their concepts. Plus, even then I don’t think he would due to him being so twisted and in service to end the world for big orange boi’s plans. Even if he did want to be ended himself. If he pleas us to end him, it’s probably because he personally can’t.

Plus, tbh I feel that’d defeat a lot of the storyline to argus lol.

Yeah, pretty much.

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Heh, nice reference.

The Legion is basically Skynet and Miles Dyson was Medivh

From the leaks we got it won’t be the sole area. Apparently the leaks suggest you will be visiting the various alternate afterlifes of Azeroth, so yes, Elunes Realms, as well as where Vol’jin is, considering Sylvanas has connections to Helya, perhaps Helheim.

I don’t see why people are so skeptical, they are writing Sylvanas into being taken out by someone. But like Thrall or Jaina, Sylvanas can’t die die, they are valuable franchise icons. So they have to take the death and lead it somewhere.

The reason why they’re so skeptical is because of the OTHER bits of information that we were given along WITH said leak such as the Blood Trolls for example.

We almost literally JUST dealt with them and we have to do it again for a different expansion?

You can see where the frustration can lead to, right?

Regardless, there are people that seem to be more open to the idea of the shadowlands themselves becoming a focus which is what is causing the discussions and theorycrafting; like how we went into it early by connecting the dots with the Arakkoa as well as Sylvanas’ potential plot points.

Yeah well, they are dead aren’t they, can’t have an expac without a Troll patch, it’s the rules.

… Try telling that to WoD and Legion…

Well in WoD the Horde was lead by a Troll, I still have my Vol’Jin Spear tabard. As for Legion, the primary focus was on Demon Hunters, the Legion, and the Class Halls, having a Troll patch would take away from the Class focus of the expansion.

Not quite. Legion was focused on a very crucial theme throughout warcraft history.

That theme is: “Elves screwed up. Again.”

Consider the following: many zones in Legion had such a theme.
Aszuna: Dead elves screwed up ten thousand years ago and angry fish elves fight dead elves who are aided by Horde and Alliance to counter queen-fish-elf and her shenanigans.
Suramar: Many elves screwed up many times, resulting in fancy arcane elves being aided by blood elves, high elves, and night elves, which then are insulted by head-time-arcane-fancy-elf for screwing up their own mini-elf stories.
Val’sharah: Nature elves screwed up while evil-nature-elves brought forth bad elf dreams while head-bad-satyr-former-elf leads Nightmare shenanigans. Power night elf married couple is also involved, but it’s a bad rom com. “TYRANDE! I NEED YOU!” is shouted by male alpha elf.
Broken Shore: Angry demon people inhabit old temple of Elune which became something else. Temple of Elune helps elves from long time ago.

As you can see, there is much involving elf-hood in Legion. And how bad they screwed it up.

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Agreed. We had a REALLY elf-centric expansion with Legion…

Btw, you seen my Arakkoa post? XD