What is this "Shadowlands" I Keep Hearing About?

what if she actually went to go serve WITH him :O?

Loving the lore discussions going on here. Thanks for the entertaining posts!


Shadowlands is a semi well made “fake leak”, of a Wow expansion.

In both the original reddit /mmorpgchampion threads (on the supposed 4chan leak, of all places), as well as on the forums, it was basically proven to be fake. There are still some die hards who believe it, as a legit “leak.”

Many players pointed out the problems with it being “legit.” A glaring one was that it uses so many things from this expansion, like Bwonsamedi/Blood trolls and such (which is already a done deal.) You would never see them ALSO in the next expansion.

Couple that with obvious “wish” pandering, such as the addition of a Tinker class, and you have an incredibly obviously fake leak that only the most gullible would fall for.
It takes every forum wish, incorporating it into an expansion.

But NO, there were posted “MAPS”, like a “BOARD of MAPS!” Yes, because no one who has ever been a Wow fan has ever had any artistic/photoshopping skills. You can’t FAKE IMAGES!

As with all such fake leaks, the author of the leak overreached. It would have been more convincing without including things like “blood trolls”, which were in this expansion, or in the “Tinker” class which is just a player forum wish.


I do believe there is only one quest that use to be in the game where you’d actually get sent into Shadowlands. There’s also the draenei companion quest (still forgot her name) that I believe takes place in an area in the shadowlands. But, still… There are technically scenarios that have been where your characters goes there, but extremely rare since Shadowlands is suppose to be big no no.


:frowning: One can hope… I like to think they have all this stuff written out for a major twist and turn that’ll actually make all of this silly writing pay off. :sob:.


This is why I love being a Loremaster. I can finally participate in actual lore discussions :smiley:


Not a problem.

Quite true, but the idea of the Shadowlands on its own is enough to entice theorists and speculators into chain discussions such as this one at a moment’s notice. We can dismiss what is “impossible” and try to piece together whatever’s left to figure out a “right” answer.


You’re in good company here. Though, I’m still a neophyte when it comes to the lore, but this stuff is like mana for me.


Same here, my friend :slight_smile:


While I do think the leak itself was absolutely silly and doesn’t seem like something I myself would see happening even if others think it could very well happen, I personally have a lot of interest in the shadowlands.

It basically came into existence the second living things came about on Azeroth, and there is no real knowledge on it. We also know there are bosses to other undeath leaders that usually co-exist and lead over a specific race or group of people in their own undeathly place. I.E. Bwonsamdi referencing his ‘boss’ and how he’d be upset because he lost Vol’jin’s soul urn…body…thing. It makes one wonder who the Shadowlands might be seen over, and there are even theories about that.

I also just find the fact that the shadowlands is this dark concept that resembles a bit of a horrifying purgatory for people with tons of evil creatures roaming about. It makes me want to see more on it, but actually written well.


Same here, but as I mentioned before (a few times, in fact), I can’t quite piece together anything about the Shadowlands without getting the Arakkoa involved.

They’re literally glued together in my mind, even though I KNOW it’s nigh-on impossible.


Playable Arakkoa confirmed for next expansion? :slight_smile:


I REALLY hope so, but I doubt it. T^T

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I think it works in the same vain as druids with the wild gods and other stuff. Maybe the Arakkoa worship whoever does exist and watch the Shadowlands and in return grants them access to whatever the Shadowlands offers them, i.e. travelling. I think there’s also a story (though unsure if canon) where Odyn gains access/sight INTO the shadowlands through…the one dood idk the name of. (If you hadn’t noticed, I’m bad with remembering names :stuck_out_tongue:).

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Apologies if I missed it, but are the shadowlands a plane of existence that transcends location? In other words, can you enter the shadowlands from Azeroth and “exit” somewhere else? Kind of like the death-version of the twisting nether?

Not sure, but unlike the Emerald Dream, every world has its own “Shadow Land” afaik…

The shadowlands are a realm of the absence of life. I word it that way specifically. It’s a variant of the other side, Helheim, Valhalla, etc.

Sorrrrrt of, but a little more complicated to enter from my understanding. The only way the player makes it there is by actually dying, or by being dragged there through another super natural force. I.E: Vol’jin.


It’s a really bad fake expansion leak that came in 2 parts. The first was claiming BFA’s final raid will be entirely faction focused and that the next expansion will be about retrieving the souls of the dead from the Shadowlands so we have a fighting chance against the void.

In short, about the final raid: Each raid boss will involve a faction leader dying, one by one. The final boss will be faction-specific. Alliance will kill Sylvanas, Horde will kill Anduin. We’ll get a cinematic where the opposite leader Anduin for Alliance/Sylvanas for Horde will die of their wounds sustained afterwards.

The second part contained information about the expansion itself. In which it claims Bolvar will show up and bring us to the Shadowlands to retrieve the heroes we lost so Azeroth isn’t left defenseless, and we end up in a new fight while we’re there.

New Tinker Class, Ranged DPS (turrets), Healer, Tank. Mail Gear. Intellect.

A lot of old Warcraft heroes will make their return, including Uther, Rhonin, Varian, Cairne, and Vol’jin.

Helya and Elune are the main focal characters of the expansion.

Sylvanas reveals she started the war because Helya needed souls to wage war in Ny’alotha in the Shadowlands, AKA where the Old Gods sleep. It’s revealed Elune granted Tyrande the Night Warrior powers because anyone she (and those she empowered) killed was also sent to the Shadowlands to bolster the armies fighting against Ny’alotha. Helya and Elune are now working together to fight the Void.

Bunch of other random stuff like Hakkar is now the Death Loa and we’re supposed to fight him to help Bwomsamdi, Ethereals are there, and the Dragon Isles are a part of it, where we’ll have storylines for all the dragon aspects and re-build the black dragonflight.

AKA it’s something you can ignore. I just have OCD so I tend to remember everything I read. :confused:

Including that other really fake leak where they claim the final raid is underneath the sword in silithus with the fake avatar of sargeras and nathanos as raid bosses. Lol.


Of course the Arakkoa have a potion that grants visions into this realm where we see things hiding in it; including other Arakkoa. Problem is, it requires someone actually going INTO the realm to gather the main ingredient for it.

Hint: It’s the innards of the shadow aberrations I mentioned earlier…


Got it - or like the encounter in stormheim where we get sent to helheim?

Also: a realm absent of life. Interesting. At ethe titans, specifically Eonar, OK with this? I know they don’t dig the void, but death?

Tangential, I know, but with as much as the titans didn’t like the void, I wonder what they think of death.

“The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all” comes to mind (pardon the errors in quote)