What is this "Shadowlands" I Keep Hearing About?

Seems to me you just called out 8.3… XD

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind it either, but we still have Sylvanas to worry about. She might still turn into Arthas 2.0 if we’re not careful.

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I could see that easily. All of the signs are there, and I could definitely go for a “Wrath of the Lich Queen” expansion. But what will happen to Bolvar?

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We hear it from the big guy himself – Sylvanas’ actions threaten the balance and he’s had no hand in her doing.

If anything, the guy’s gonna want the Ebon Blade to try and reel her in.

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Tbh I do believe that is the shadow realms. Basically

What Shadina here says. However, according to lore it kinda just “came into existence” when Azeroth was being made or whatever of the sorts. Azeroth is suppose to be the closest resemblance to the Emerald dream in a sense, and then through death the Shadowlands kinda got created. No one really has lore on how or why. But, it works in the same way all other “undeath” places work to my knowledge. However, I think there is somewhere in writing that states Shadowlands is bad no-no place to be. Though, I guess the same could be said for all undeath places :stuck_out_tongue:.

edit : I do also believe Shadowlands is suppose to resemble Purgatory more than any of the other realms :slight_smile:.


I think something from BC might have mentioned it… Not certain, though…

But I do know this much; we learn in WoD that the Low Arakkoa use this realm for quick travel much the same way druids use the dream nowadays.


Yeah :stuck_out_tongue: Sometimes my memory gets a bit hazy in regards to certain things with Blizz’s lore, esp with all the twists and changes they make sometimes… Though, I do believe that when you do the Draenei Companion quest (forgot her name) you do land yourself in a part of the Shadowlands to save her since you do technically have to “die” in a sense. Lots off no no creatures there compared to other places.

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There’s a “leak” circulating that claims Bolvar will show up in 8.3 to join the Alliance in order to protect Taelia.

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Can’t Druids actually enter the Dream where it contains a number of portals to reach the various places of Azeroth?

On the topic of this, we also have to remember that WoD takes place thirty years in the past, which means thirty years have gone by now (given the Mag’har questline showing WoD’s Draenor is now caught up) so they’ve likely honed their techniques. Should we ever work closely with Arakkoa again, surely we’ll learn more than we had previously.

The idea of death is largely unexplored by Blizzard. Undeath is very explored. But death and darker realms typically aren’t. The living playing a major role in the idea of various forms of the after life would be a good opportunity for Blizzard to explore that cosmic force more thoroughly.


Yis, yes they can. I do think the first concept you really see that with is through the very first one way before legion which makes you able to go to moonglade… Don’t quote me on this information, but essentially yes lol.


Oh hohohoho, that is a VERY good point.

Not only that, but it gives an idea of how the Arakkoa could escape Yrel’s Crusade. All that running and hiding HAS to do something to their resistance to the effects of the Shadow Lands; especially since the Low Arakkoa suffer the curse of sethe.


That’s a very logical step in thought process, actually. You took it further than I had intended, but you’re right. I like it. Well done.


I still hope they bring this back as a concept. I want to know EVERYTHING :rage:.

Side note to this angry statement I’m making:

I don’t think it’d be in the same vain as what Bolvar is doing unless they decide to just straight kill him through Sylvanas. But, tbh through small tidbits of the DK campaign for Legion it kind of hints Bolvar’s got his own tiny stuff he’s plotting atm. You also have to remember the helm also slowly corrupts the person… So, I’m sure they’ll pull him out eventually.

The Wrath of the Lich Queen in Sylvanas probably more so resembles just the overall story between the two and the major similarities. Personally, I think she went insane when she did a ded on the saronite that even sometimes affected the dead despite them suppose to be far more immune to it than the living. And then whatever she saw in the afterlife only further solidified whatever is going on in that head of hers… But, it is made clear what she saw when she died she never wanted to return to. :slight_smile:


Desperation’s a terrible thing. That kind of fear mixed with what people find on Azeroth? It’d make even the most sturdy of people do something they shouldn’t. That’s another angle worth exploring. The idea of Sylvanas’ particular brand of insanity being desperation and fear driven.


Basically, but lore wise no.

but lore wise the death knights visited there once.
it is also believe there, arthas captured a few val’kyr and learned how to create them himself.


Plus there’s the entire plot point of when she resurrected Derek Proudmoure. She said that “There can only be victory or death for us. And I intend to be the master of Death.”


To be fair I’m certain a lot of her decisions she’s made lately is based off of this fear. Since in the short story of her death something terrified her about being dead to the point where she gladly took the offer with her valks. I wish they fleshed out whatever was shown just cause I think that’d be kind of cool. Assuming that it was something that was a sort of “hell” for her and whatever was her worst fear/sin that she’d have to relive maybe. But, still… It is obvious she wants nothin to do with death.


And it seems to be that we can visit it again if we ever need to, so that further pushes the idea of Bolvar sending the Ebon Blade after Sylvanas.

That is true :slight_smile:. She also seems to want to make the entire world her undead army that she controls, and not any other way around of any sorts. Very interesting twists they could take in so many ways… Just hopefully written well and all this sometimes nonsensical stuff having a pay off.


Girl… This is Blizz we’re talkin’ 'bout, here…