What is the reputation of WRA to outsiders?

you thought you were in torghast? come, sit by my fire young novitiate, let me reveal to you the true depths of the shadowlands we call the internet

but if you don’t romance arc me i’ll block you 5ever

hey here’s a good example i found only recently:

it’s me i’m Large Bug

do u think orcs ever go for draenei wives or is that like super taboo for both people after the whole uh path of glory thing

obvious response is “case by case basis as per the roleplay partners’ levels of trust with each other and responsibility”

but also i doubt orcs are very appealing to a lot of people because of that super interesting history they have

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well it depends the upright orcs or the chad hunched orcs

i’m an orc purist but in the ancient ways

orcs weren’t hunchbacked until WoW and i gladly embraced the upright option once it arrived because hunching is for losers, false idols, and Gul’dan

leave shadowdaddy out of this, let the man rest after being used as a plot device in WC2, 3, WoD and Legion

WoD Gul’dan was killed off too fast and could’ve been so intensely further interesting loitering in/around Azeroth as not being powerful enough to be a Big Bad but still powerful enough to be difficult to tackle head on, but instead of attacking us directly he’s just luring/making issues for us involving other forces.


ya but then why would we need sylvanas

i didn’t think that far my brain is too small and i used all my creative juices earlier tonight thinking about my mag’har with friends and him being a would-be hero

why do you think i play ret? i can save all my big brain moments for playing a bimbo paladin - wait


  • Seal of Command was hilarious in Classic when it procced, your auto attack was a crit, and Seal of Command was a crit
  • it was even funnier seeing them constantly buff and nerf Crusader Strike in Burning Crusade trying to decide how long/short the CD should be
  • Ret gud in Wrath
  • Holy Power was super welcome in Cataclysm to offer a gameplay loop
  • Warlords of Draenor casino proc paladin was amazing
  • Legion to now in the present is just a good, solid incarnation of Mists era where Haste is king so you’re just a blender of golden slashes and sweeps and explosions

also a holy warrior bimbo sounds funny i hope you enjoy writing your character

honestly i played warlock until BC, sub rogue until WOD, then mage/spriest and started pally in BFA because my best friend irl always played ret and they butchered old sub but it kinda makes me feel like old rogue when i play it

yes i enjoy it until ppl try and sleep with my bimbo paladin with a thousand yard stare kinda like kaz was saying LOL

edit: a good sub and good ret paladin in mop would literally be 2 hour long duels of rotating cool downs, i miss it almost

I only ever started seriously playing other classes in Cataclysm with Mage (Fire) and Rogue (Combat). Then Warlords happened and hey garrisons make a lot of money also them new models sure look good, oops I have one of every class and that only got worse with Legion and now we have 50 slots and slightly more advanced (than before) customization.

also you forget the golden rule of the internet, there’s something for everyone

i miss combat rogues being… combat, it was my main spec until i got super srs about sub pvp

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All I ever remember is just liking the duelist feeling of Combat plus wanting to avoid the Assassination aesthetic of just having two daggers, would rather two swords, and just that Subtlety was always PvP-leaning.

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It definitely felt like a brawler. I had the fun learning experience of combat daggers until I actually felt like goku taking off the weights and equipping swords


combat swords are pretty cool

i have done nothing but kill wolves outside of Aerie Peak and skin them for 4 levels

i have been auto attacking with seal of command to 50 until crusader strike personally myself

how the turned have tables

somehow a BC Classic robs the novelty of base/OG Classic for me