What is the reputation of WRA to outsiders?

I’m genuinely curious as to what others perceive our realm to be like.

Personally I think it’s the best realm for RP. Atleast for horde. People here are nice.

This is the greatest realm ever created.


I feel like most of the time our reputation is considered by Moon Guard players, because across the pond, I assume that most Argent Dawn rpers are perceiving WRA and MG as the same crowd.

I heard the sentiment about WRA is that we are a pretty elitist realm. I do admit when I’m on MG I can experience some things a bit more out there like rping with someone from the SCP organization. On the other hand on WRA I’ve rped with one of those rat people things from Warhammer 40k(sorry, I can’t remember what they’re called), a star-trek style space captain, and two cosmic entities that serve as the consciousness of the universe.

I think MG and WRA have a slightly different rp culture on each, but are otherwise the same group of players. MG just seems to have a higher population overall.


Well, as a MG main, they’re the RP pvpers. I’m the lone MG in warmode.

But I switched it off for SL. Tired of playing with them and none from my own server

Things have changed so much. In MOP we had hundreds of people in RPPVP campaigns cross faction on MG.

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I actually got to see the public perception of WrA on Bloodsail Buccaneer of all places, which for those who don’t know is a Classic rp server. The sentiment that WrA is the stuffier and more elite sister of Moonguard was definitely echoed by Stormwind’s general chat.

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Moon Guard is the spunky cheerleader sister who yearns to have her soul recognized.

We are the reserved, distant valedictorian sister who craves to overcome our stuffy upbringing to self-express.



Echoing what others have said about being elitist. I have also heard WRA mentioned more than once as the gay server. But usually when people are looking for a friendly server to join. So I will accept that.

I like these metaphors!


MG is the older peaked in Highschool mean-girl sister who everyone thought was really hot until she got knocked up before college and now has like 7 kids and a nasty nicotine habbit.

While WRA is the younger sister not wanting to follow in her older sister’s footsteps who tries really hard to be anything but her so she picked up abit of an attitude problem but would still be really hot and popular if she just took off her glasses and wore her hair down.


I’ve noticed that the people who bang on about WrA being a supposed cloister of elitist busybodies are the same sorts who were deep into MG’s incredibly dictatorial Holy Light RP scene.

Anyway, yes, WrA’s reputation seems to vary from being stuffy and elitist, to being very gay, to being perhaps one of the only servers that’s predominately female (and very gay).

Remember when other servers would derisively refer to WrA as Estrogen Accord until players here started using it? That was a certified Gamer Moment I’m surprised isn’t talked about more.


We are the coy, repressed bookish type and they are the exchange student who will show us a summer that will change our lives.


I was legitimately confused for a moment, wondering why folks would view the presence of female players as a bad thing worthy of a derisive nickname.

Then I remembered this is still a gaming community we’re talking about here.


This is literally the first time I’ve heard about this. Kind of amazing, I must say.


Most of Wyrmrest’s reputation is in comparison to Moon Guard, for better or worse. We’ve all heard the whole “Wyrmrest is full of stuffy lore elitists and prescriptivists, unlike Moon Guard,” mostly from people from Moon Guard, though I think the people who have that attitude are mostly a minority.

Just from talking to people, there are a couple things that Wyrmrest is apparently “known for:”

  • Being “the Horde server,”
  • Eschewing gigantic multi-guild or publicly-open RP events (like Tournament of Ages),
  • Being passive-aggressive, in contrast to Moon Guard’s aggressive-aggressive,
  • Caring more about grammar,
  • Having less ostentatious TRPs (?)
  • Generally not being plugged into social media as a way of interacting with WoW roleplayers
  • Hating ERP, or something

So honestly, I don’t know that there’s a real consensus on reputation. It’s very dependent on who you ask, assuming they’re not some weirdo from Tichondrius who dismisses us all as catgirl ERPers or something.

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i’m assuming these people have never actually played on wra


I’m sure non-RP realms probably don’t have much of an opinion on us, and someone from another RP realm saying X about us is only going based off of their experiences and what they’ve heard, which aren’t very reliable.

Listen to some and you’ll think we’re a realm full of creepy dudes who have questionable or illegal fetishes. Listen to others and we’re all great. The truth is that we’re too big to define.


That’s true of every community, but people are gonna simplify and try to make generalizations anyways, so understanding what those stereotypes are is important in combating them.


Wow, I… genuinely had no idea that this started as an insult. As far back as I ever heard it, that was framed as a positive thing, where the community had such a large female presence that there wasn’t as much “lol a girl on the internet???” style harassment that felt ubiquitous back then.


I originally came from the Stormrage server all the way back in WoD. This server was kind of my “alt” server until Legion. I came here fully because people were nice,helpful, and trade chat was not nearly as toxic as other servers where you’d be subjected to endless religious and political debates. I was also interested in the rp aspect of course of this server which I heard was lore compliant and had lots of cool events(My experience with MG at the time had been the tourist spot, so I thought MG was mainly for erp and crazy character concepts for a long time even before I moved over)

Did you just try and define me?

ERP addicts.

Is it really still an opinion if it’s true?