What is the reputation of WRA to outsiders?

the loudest against it are the horniest when those tree branches get shaken and stuff comes out a few years later like “actually they engaged in all - this”

i don’t know what is the deal with them, why does blizzard not want to make orcs cool the right way in that they know their old ways sucked, they’ve had bad leadership, okay let’s just do better and also direct all our hyper machismo and anger and whatnot into being the absolute most FEARSOME and UNSHAKABLE defenders of Azeroth because their last home got absolutely wrecked and their alternate timeline one was also not doing hot either

just a bunch of tusked people sitting on Azeroth’s porch being the neighbourhood watch and telling demons/void lords/Jailer forces/other angry dimensions to keep on driving by before they wind up getting knocked out cold on Warcraft Liveleak

guys please the dwarf population is endangered still, let them recoup their numbers at least

the problem here is that they didn’t describe Kaz’s abs as ‘galloping’


we don’t discriminate around here, papa lio

but then what do we call the zandaddy trolls

probably things not available to use on the realm forums but readily dropped on Twitter or Discord

i require a thalassian translation thesaurus for uh

roleplay reasons

balah’dash rigatoni


zanda ann’da

kind of glad that their customization game is weak because otherwise i’d have more than the two i do

blizzard didn’t add more shadowlands customization to crack down on the zandalari and nightborne population confirmed

i have only ever managed one nightborne dude i don’t hate visually and then proceeded to make his concept “what if he knew history lessons, ignored them, and ate demons to power up his magic and work for the people - illidan minus the priestess simping”

i like to think i still did a poor job with nightborne anyways because of this

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have you ever noticed how many kal’dorei and their off shoots have weird simping characters? like valo’ren or w/e too in the well of eternity

is that just a weird hidden racial or am i looking too deeply at this

edit; i just realized they’re a matriarchal society and now i feel dumb

this is simultaneously a joy of an exchange to have while doing Torghast but also a distraction

the longer the lifespans, the more thirsting occurs

i don’t know if i want to make a “live in a society” quip or “ALL ELVES ARE QUEENS” here

why do you have to choose

i’m changing my mog to the princess crown now

because i have to pretend i’m still a thorough HMP despite having a bunch of orc characters sneak up on me, and a small elven armada guest-starring some dorfs and trolls

i’m supposed to remain pure for my eventual, Light-and-Naaru-given draenei GF

‘hey girl, you wanna be my squire?’

there’s not nearly enough time or space to make an essay on HMP thirst and if i did, i think my next forum suspension would be my last one

blizzard has a red dot trained on my hard drive and my head from the apartment building across the street

i got a forum suspension for saying ‘frick you, geek’ on the arena forums

i think blizzard is the real human male paladins

blizzard’s really out here looking for their draenei GF or blonde haired blue eyed Quel’dorei wife


what if steve danuser was rly in the cat clans of moon guard

tremendously glad i have zero understanding of this string of words

it’s all Thalassian to me (: