What is the reputation of WRA to outsiders?

“I lovingly caress your nondescript spheroids, leaving you rapt in the theater of the mind over what sort of vague horsepuckey I’m talking about.”


Look, guys. All I am saying is that I have only ever heard the adjective “orbs” used to describe eyes when referring to anatomy. I mean what else could that refer to, am I right?

Also “tiers.” Back waaay back in ye olde days of AOL chat “tiers” were used to describe a person’s lips. It annoyed me then and still does now. Don’t do it!

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i whisk my raven tresses aside to cast my rubicund oculars upon this post and ruffle my tiers in repugnance


Does this come with a unique mount if I sign up for six months…?

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Yeah, but have you seen the Paladin Lip set from Tomb? It’s pretty fetch.


This is the funniest thing to me considering the amount of unwanted flirtations I’ve gotten on Wolf from female characters.


Yes – but unfortunately, due to budget constraints, the unique mount is just me wearing a saddle.


Stop trying to make fetch happen.


I feel a slight tinge pride for having not done this yet.

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Yeah, but all Worgen are good boys deserving of attention.


back when kaz was a prissy, overweight wizard pushing sixty someone i was roleplaying with suddenly started referring to his nonexistent “rippling muscles” and “prominent abs” and how they were making her all blush-y and i was like




I’d run into the same thing on my old Troll main. She was categorically ancient- with yellowing teeth, gaunt cheeks, sunken eyes, smoker’s voice etc. She’d been ‘widowed’ twice in her backstory (both marriages were unhappy arrangements) and more or less despised the idea of ever being in another relationship.

Didn’t keep people from trying to describe her as a “matronly GMILF” or implying she had a long and exciting sexual history in her youth.


As a mostly Gnome /Dwarf player, I am a magnet for these people. Most of them are harmless and looking for a good time. Fair play, but I’m just not interested, so best of luck in your search.

That said, there have been a few genuine creepy folks over the years that have just barraged my whispers with pure wtf out of nowhere. Instant block and nope tf out. I usually log out for a couple weeks because I can’t bring myself to log back in without being creeped out.


LOL that made chuckle.


I’m sorry that people are so jealous of me, but I can’t help it that i’m popular.

zoph literally has a thousand yard stare that brings all the boys to the yard, apparently

i’m not sure what’s sexually exciting about war trauma but okay

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Four for you Glen Coco, you go Glen Coco! And none for Zophvantes . Bye.

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This is why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.


looks like this guy is looking for you

you’re cross server famous! You made it bud!