What is the reputation of WRA to outsiders?

I’ve seen you in stealth checking out my mog in Org, don’t lie.

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the only stereotype i’ll 100% agree with is that WrA has a really weird relationship with ERP in that people are very judgmental about it in public but readily indulge in it in private

i think this is maybe the only rp server i’ve played on where i can run into someone with “NO ERP EVER” in their profile and safely assume that they’re going to /whisper me later asking me how ticklish my character’s armpits are and haha wouldn’t it be funny if he turned into a giant??? don’t step on me haha


Pls don’t say these things I am absolutely haunted from some of the whispers I got as an Ogre.

“Is he ticklish? :)” LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE NO

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You can’t throw these questions out there without answers. What sort of savagery is this.

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OKAY IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS THIS when I see that haha no ERP stuff in people’s profiles!!

To be fair there are people with it in their profile who really don’t want ERP. I wouldn’t say there’s anything wrong with it as long if they mean it.


I wonder if it’s reaction to Moon Guard’s very public ERP.

I haven’t played on MG since Mists so I don’t know if things have changed. Aside from Goldshire, I remember multiple public slave auctions in Stormwind and people often openly ERPing in public areas and describing very graphic saucy situations. I would get unsolicited guild invites to ERP guilds and one time while leveling an alt in Northrend, I got a random cold call whisper for ERP. I remember briefly going to a cross server event with Moon Guard during Legion and there was obvious trolls doing a make out session in the middle of the RP event.

While on WRA I’ve only had one weirdo approach me for ERP in public and I ICly killed Juspion on the spot so he’s dead and you can’t RP with me anymore.

Otherwise the impression I get is WRA is more vocal about it but I wonder if it’s simply a reaction to Moon Guard’s culture being way more open about it?

Yah, I actually have it at the bottom of my profile but part of this is to avoid people fishing for romance RP. I don’t really do walk up RP as much as I used to but sometimes I’d get the impression from people they are looking for a romance RP partner. Maybe not so much ERP but that’s not a type of RP I am interested in so I have that there so they don’t waste the effort.

It’s like on unguild alts I put not interested in a guild because I don’t want people to waste their (and my time) trying to RP with me with the goal of trying to recruit me for their guild.


oh i’m sure it all comes down to wyrmies (that’s our demonym now, i’m using it and no one can stop me) not wanting to be like that other server, but it’s led to this situation where some people have failed to grasp that the openness isn’t the entirety the issue but that it’s a matter of consent

which is why WrA seems to have a greater number of fetish miners because (and i have personal experience here) as far as they’re concerned they’re not being open about it so it’s fine - it’s not public erp so it’s totally cool and prim and proper to badger a random person about how their character’s boots smell

often while also adopting a strong anti-erp stance in public so you can make sure everyone knows you’re not like those people, and (in a less charitable view) so you can go “but everyone knows i hate erp!” if someone calls you out on your weirdness

anyway this feels like it’s veering into Heavy Stuff so i’m gonna make a joke now

what’s the deal with orcs???


I briefly shelved my Paladin / stopped going by Opherial for a bit due to what I can only call a tragic misunderstanding where someone would come by almost every time I was in Stormwind and chat up my Paladin, ask her what it was like to be a 7th Legion veteran, any pointers for a fledgling soldier, the usual. I thought it was kind of charming, a bit of unintended and unstructured squire / knight RP. For anyone who had RPed with my Paladin, you know I kept her fairly conservative, buttoned up, and a consummate professional soldier.

Anyway, not to air anyone’s dirty laundry but we ended up having a brief (very brief) whisper conversation where they expressed they were ready to take it to the next level, while I was unaware we were on any levels to begin with, and I got a tragic multi-paragraph - what I can only genuinely call cry for help in hindsight - about what a cruel person I was for, somehow, leading them on. With all that “Yeah so I healed X guy and then stabbed Y guy” mentorship conversations. The whole thing made me feel uncomfortable and like the arch villain in someone’s story so I just quietly retired from being friendly for a spell.

Anyway, I say all that and then can only note that my Monk now has the upper half of “Sexy Librarian” with her glasses, dress shirt, and tie and the lower half of dommy mommy with shiny patent blue leather pants and gold fringe so I’m just staying in the Shadowlands.

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you’ll always be the archvillain in my story, doll

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I’ll let you know if I ever race change Void Elf and we can make some real mistakes.


Deal. I’ll be the Ravenhul to your Stormwind, guuuuurl.

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That’s every large scale rp community I’ve ever been in. There’s that saying… One hand wags a finger while the other hand does something …else.

Also. I am shameless, and I apologize for nothing!

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Oh…Oh, my.

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Does it still count if I’m only so judgmental in public because I’ve read a truly staggering amount of dime store bodice-rippers and simply believe there is some room for improvement with the prose?

Hello everyone, and welcome to Sairelle’s Roleplay Workshop on Sexy Writing.
Lesson #1: please stop using the word “orbs” like that, I’m begging you


We’re talking about eyes right?

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Oh yah for sure, I don’t doubt this is a thing too. I’ve come across profiles that are written describing certain parts of a character in very specific details and it makes me go, mmmm yep I bet that’s a fetish character. I’m not talking about describing boobies or anything like that, I mean very oddly specific details on feet or their tail or something else y’know.

Three or four sentences describing characters skin and hair colour.

I’m being a little sarcastic but I’ve come across profiles like this here and there.

Ah that sucks that happened to you.

This is mildly similar to some experiences I had with people fishing for romance RP but it fortunately didn’t end with whispers telling me off. Usually I found a way to disengage once I started getting the hints. Yet this is why I have a no ERP/romance in my profile to mainly avoid individuals with this goal in mind.

Again it’s the same thought process with some unguilded alts, I don’t want that person that is always aggressively recruiting for their guild single me out just to recruit me.


i think the word you’re looking for is oculars

Only if that helps you sleep at night.

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