What is the rarest mount or drop that you have or your most prized possession/achievement in WoW?

Well, checking that one site and not taking in account SL numbers (which seem rather unaccurate as of now), it seems my rarest mount is Mechacycle Model W.

According to dataforazeroth, Insane in the Membrane is one of my rarest cheevs, and it’s definitely the one I like the best.

What’s rarer than that are interesting: Corporal/Grunt (the old PvP ranks), the Collector’s Edition Netherwhelp (from Burning Crusade CE) are one thing, but …

If dataforazeroth is correct on these, my two rarest are “The Box of Many Things” and “Explore Korthia”. We’re how long into 9.1 and fewer than 1% of people have gotten those? Interesting.

bengal cat mount

I try not to use it too much out of fear of making everyone around me peanut butter jelly

Or you don’t use it because you don’t have it. :rofl:

I would prove you wrong but i’m currently at the office attempting to close a multi billion dollar business deal between my company(IBM) and Huawei.

I’ll post an image later.


By different types:

External (TCG, Store etc.): Spectral Tiger (my rarest overall)
Raid Drop: Experiment 12-B
Dungeon Drop: Midnight
World Drop: Rusty Mechanocrawler
Misc: Swift Zevra (OG RaF program)

I got the Swift Spectral tiger mount for my 18th birthday. It was during a time where it was reasonably affordable if you had a job. Now I see that mount being more expensive than my life probably is. It’s nice to have a rare mount that I don’t have to reminisce on obtaining and end up zoning out and visiting some dark places with deep questions in my mind for a moment.

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My top three rarest mounts are the Mottled Drake, Feldrake, and Brewfest Ram.

My rarest pets are the classic CE three.

My rarest achievements are Legionnaire, Herald of the Titans, and Veteran of the Shifting Sands.

My rarest titles are Field Medic, the Chosen, and the Insane.

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Probably Phosphorescent Stone Drake. No idea if it’s still rare or if yes, how rare.

I uh… Kinda accidentally got it as I was flying over to do Stonecore for the recolor, so I’ll say it took me one or two globals? :eyes: (sörry to the people camping Aeonaxx)


Same! After another disappointing attempt at Slabhide there he was the worlds greatest consolation prize.

As for rarest mount Data for Azeroth says Son of Galleon but hopefully he is replaced with Sha’s mount this week because this is the week…again. :thinking:

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still pretty rare…a website I’m looking at reports it to be about 6% of total players have it. Anything in the 5% and lower range is very rare imo, so it’s still up there :slight_smile:

it’s constantly hunted - so i think it’s one of the more difficult world rares to capture!


Such as… Remornia?

I have all 6 world boss mounts

Oondatsa was about 300 attempts during mop
Sha of anger about 1200 attempts during mop
Nalak about 600 attempts during mop
(Got those 3 with in about 3 months of each other during 5.4)

Then Galleon 3800 attempts got it in bfa patch 8.2

Ruhkmar about 1800 attempts 2 weeks after i got Galleon.

Then got mollie on kill 8 day 1.

Also got the big love rocket after 10 years during patch 8.1 on my 12th kill for that years event

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Big Blizzard Bear, Swift Spectral Tiger, Mighty Caravan Brutosaur, Ashes of Al’ar, Invincible, and Bloodfang Widow.

i have accumulated all 4 panda world boss mounts. thats a pretty big deal to me honestly. if the game was to shut off tomorrow id be satisfied that i accomplished that


im just missing ruk

Completing the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline on my Death Knight less than an hour before the servers shut down for Cataclysm launch (which removed the chain).

I have realm first Zen Master Alchemy and Herbalism. :slight_smile:

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Apparently, it’s still Clutch of Ji-Kun
Ji-Kun (Throne of Thunder)

just gonna leave this here <3

I AM HEE MANNN I have the powwaaaaaaaaa