What is the rarest mount or drop that you have or your most prized possession/achievement in WoW?

I have:
Time-Lost Proto Drake
Both Brewfest mounts
Mechagon wheel meta mount
Nazjatar Crab meta mount
100 Exalted rep Courser

The absolute rarest is the Silent Glider but I never use it. 0.8% people have that one. The others above are all under 5%.

Flag of Ownership. Eat your hearts out.

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According to Dataforazeroth - Blazing Hippogryph, Swift Spectral Tiger, Ivory Hawkstrider, Amani War Bear and Zulian Tiger are all pretty close in percentage of rarity.

Battlemaster was always one of my more fulfilling achievements, Party Herald I finished recently and Disciple of Humility a few months ago. But I gather those are more rare because nobody cares much for the Covenant features. lol

Going by dataforazeroth, my rarest mount—not including the dawnforge and darkforge paladin race rams or the renown 70 mounts, which will surely decrease in rarity—is the 60% Brewfest Ram, which is what I assumed. Belblaze Infernal would be 2nd.

The Hard Khorium Band recipe seems to be one of the rarest things I have at .16% :

I do have 12 Thunderfury and 10 Sulfuras completions, so I have that going for me…


According to Data For Azeroth, not counting shadowlands mounts or class mounts (there’s a LOT of class mounts 1-5%), all of my mounts obtained by 5% or less players are (in order of rarity):

  1. Ivory Hawkstrider (1%)
  2. Big Love Rocket (1%)
  3. Explorer’s Jungle Hopper (4%)
  4. Rusty Mechanocrawler (4%)
  5. Waste Marauder (4%)
  6. Inkscale Deepseeker (5%)
  7. Dustmane Direwolf (5%)
  8. Darkmoon Dirigible (5%)
  9. Pureheart Courser (5%)
  10. Prestigious War Steed (5%)
  11. Crimson Water Strider (5%)
  12. Frenzied Feltalon (5%)
  13. Kua’fon (5%)
  14. Xinlao (5%)
  15. Spectral Gryphon (5%)

Not particularly proud of any of them.

I have at on of pets that less than 1% of people have though, lol.

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Well…surprisingly enough I’ve got the vicious war gorm mount earned on alliance side. .86% of players have it. Why? Bc nobody pvp alliance. And why else? Bc pvp this expac is garbage lol. But it is extremely rare apparently

Love me Squawks. Was so happy I didn’t have to grind so much for him.

That Data For Azeroth is an interesting site for sure. I wasn’t aware of it until now.

According to the site, the rarest mount I own on my account is the Dawnforge Ram at 1.2503%. That’s… unexpected. I would not have thought that was a rare mount.

The rarest mount I own from Shadowlands content apparently is the Summer Wilderling which drops from the Escaped Wilderling rare fight at just under 5%. Again, wouldn’t have thought that was particularly a rare mount.

Apparently my Tabard of the Protector is a pretty rare item too. Nice!

I’m surprised that less than 4% of players got Mush Appreciated. Yeah, that’s a Night Fae-only achievement but that grind was actually pretty easy.

Apparently my Kirin Tor Familiar from the Higher Learning achievement is fairly rare. That was a rough one to get. I remember setting alarms for 3 am to get up and check for book spawns in Dalaran.

But my most prized possession in the game is one that isn’t particularly rare, the Onyx Netherwing Drake at 29%. That was my first flying mount I ever earned and still one of the best-looking IMO.

Going by Data for Azeroth, here’s my mounts owned by 1% or lower of the playerbase.

Ascendant’s Aquilon (Kyrian Renown 70 mount)
Autmnal Wilderling (Night Fae Renown 70 mount)
Darkforge Ram (Dark Iron Dwarf Paladin mount)
Enchanted Wakerner’s Runestag (Night Fae Queen’s Conservatory mount)

Don’t particularly care about those 4, not really hard to get any of them, they’re just relatively new (Except for the Darkforge Ram, I guess Dark Iron Paladins aren’t very popular?)

I do have 3 1% mounts that I do like.

Tamed Mauler (Archivists Codex Paragon mount)
Silent Glider (Soundless in Nazjatar)
Big Love Rocket

Big Love Rocket (I don’t care what it’s going to be called, I’m calling it the Big Love Rocket forever), is definitely my most prized in-game possession. I actually have a story with that one.

So, this year, during Love is in the Air, my sister was getting married. On her wedding day, I decided to log in to get a run or two of the event dungeon before the wedding for my mount chance. And, yes, on my sister’s wedding day, I actually got the Big Love Rocket. It’s like it was meant to be.

As for pets, my rarest by a relatively wide margin is the Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm, the 10000 pet charm pet. Got it the first day of the patch.

My rarest title is “Seeker of Knowledge”, the Pandaria Archeology achievement. God, that one took FOREVER to finish.

And my rarest achievement that isn’t related to something I’ve already said, and isn’t very new, is Deck Your Collection (Season 2), the Brawler’s Guild achievement from Draenor. Funnily enough, I have a story with this one, too.

I actually DIDN’T finish this achievement during Warlords. I was missing a single boss for the achievement to count, but during BFA’s Brawler’s Guild, there was a feature where you could battle old bosses. One of those bosses, by sheer coincidence, was the ONE boss I was missing from the Draenor achievement. So, when I beat him, the achievement popped. I even got the epic shirt that was the achievement’s reward. So, now I have an expansion-specific meta achievement that’s got completely the wrong completion date on it.

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headless horseman mount.

Reins of Infinite Timereaver. I didnt even know that it exist as I have never seen one who has it. Then it dropped on one of my Timewalking dungeon run from a Boss. I didnt even paid attention to it when it dropped. I thought it was just one of the regular mounts. Then when I looked at it at the end of the dungeon run, I realized that this thing is super rare. Indeed, it is super rare.

And I thought I have another rare one… Hand of Bahmethra. It’s the best cool looking mount I ever had. I was just doing my regular chore in the Maw suppose to be only doing Assaults. But I also picked up Venari quests so I just chase those locations and Tormentors of Torghast popped out. So I just go ahead and try to kill it. I only need 1 more player to kill it but 2 horde came to help. I was not expecting anything from it but I found the Reins inside Tormentor’s Cache dropped by the Tormentor. I didnt even bother to it becoz I cant recognize the name. But when I try to see it by trying to ride it, I was blown away… a Hand Mount. Dang, I was so happy. It’s now my dungeon mount. When you see me mounting on raid or Mythic+, pretty sure you would see it. I have tons of whispers telling me that this mount looks cool. Yes, they are.

Mythic Midnight…264 attempts…Sept. 26, 2021 @7p…Mine!


war party hitching post
got it from wow card packs back in the day

Thanks to the people in the thread who introduced me to the Dataforazaroth website.

My rarest mount among all my characters is the Darkforge Ram which is the Dark Iron Dwarf paladin mount at less than 1% and at 1% is my Magic Rooster mount from the trading cards. I bought that back in 2015 when the cost was just a fraction of what it is now.

My rarest titles are Camel-Hoarder and Salty, both at 4%

I have this, too.

My X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME

It is indeed a thing of wonder.