What is the rarest mount or drop that you have or your most prized possession/achievement in WoW?

How rare is it and how long did it take you to get it?


There’s a website that looks at your collection info and gives a percentage rating for how rare all of your stuff is, but I can never remember what it is.

I do recall that according to it, my Brewfest Ram is the rarest thing I own. Less than 1% of the playerbase has it.


Junkheap Drifter

Though dataforazeroth says Rusty Mechanocrawler.

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I have that and the Lord whatever from the TBC Dungeon, that blue bird guy. I will see your Brewfest Ram and raise you a Lord Rivendare’s mount.

(which is the one that took me forever to get and I never use).

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Since I got my solar spirehawk, I really haven’t ridden anything else. I assume it’s pretty rare due to it being a world boss drop, and it’s likely the rarest thing I have.

Probably my 60% Brewfest Ram. Only available for one year, in 2007.


Both of those are still available in game so they’re probably a lot more common (not to discount their value or the effort you put in to get them).

The Brewfest Ram is rare because it was removed from the game quite a while ago, and never even put on the BMAH to my knowledge.

Yeah, that one.

I keep meaning to return to the argent tournament grounds and grind out for their mounts. I don’t see them much anywhere.

Mounts, idk… I have some low % drop mounts. I also have the Long Boi. Crab mount too, pretty proud to have it, was a lot of work.

Mogs, I would say my mage tower skins and Tier 3 lock set.

I didn’t realize that - in that case it’s probably my rarest.

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Bloodfang and it took a few days of farming BoEs at the start of Shadowlands.

I’d guess that crab mount is pretty rare! Those mega achievements require a lot of dedication. I always try to tempt myself into going to try and get it, but then I talk myself out of it because I know there’s no way I could dedicate myself to finishing it lol.

The Esteemed title for 100 exalted reputations. Well, guess it took from 2006 until now :slight_smile: I wouldn’t say it is rare, but it is the achievement I am most proud of.

Taming Loque’nahak. I have yet to even see him on this character, but I have him on my Orc hunter.

Golden Bow of Quel’Thalas.


I’m one of the very few people in the world that have the “Shave and a Haircut” achievement. It’s currently bugged and is in the Character achievements category, but it should be in the Feats of Strength category. Blizzard is still working on fixing it.


Love Rocket.

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apparently, the Spectral Gryphon. didn’t think that one was all that rare

as for my rarest actually earned mount…looks like it’s my Craghorn Chasm-Leaper

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The ICC meta mount, 25m version. not for it’s rarity or difficulty, but because I got dced during the neck deep in vile (or something) attempt with my guild. When I logged back in I was at the effing BASE of ICC, far far away from the fight, didn’t get credit! But everyone was all “well forget that crap! we’re going again!” and the following week I got it without dcing this time! Woulda been great to not have to do that but yeah, pretty much that mount. Still use it from time to time.


Rarest mount is probably the Blizzcon Bear from 2008.

Most prized possession in the game is a grey-level pocketwatch from Vanilla that was given to me by a friend before she had to leave the game.


Don’t know as far as rarity goes, but it’s my most prized one since i worked hard for it: Amani War Bear

Edit: Upon checking a site listed below, it’s my 2nd rarest one, 2nd to Brewfest Ram.


I think my rarest mount is Spectral Gryphon / Spectral Wind Rider from the Scroll of Resurrection rewards, but maybe there is another way to get it these days. I was just in the right place at the right time. A friend wanted to return while I was playing and that promotion happened to be going on at the time.