What is the rarest mount or drop that you have or your most prized possession/achievement in WoW?

Rarest would be my Skeletal Raptor from Archaeology . I got it within a few digs. I actually do not like and I don’t use it.

I have a few Splinters of Atiesh I got during ye olde vanilla Naxx 40 days. The rarest mount for me is probably the foresworn mount from the Popo encounter, though I highly doubt it’ll be all that rare in the near future. I do have a brewfest kodo but I don’t know how rare it is, to be honest.

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I’m not sure where you heard this but it’s not true. According to these comments, someone just got the mount in April:

I think you might mean the Primal Flamesaber. That mount was only available for a limited time.

Not a mount, possession or achievement. But… back when the level cap was 110, I managed to get on the stats page as 1 death to Hogger.

I had to strip down to nothing and have a friend duel me next to Hogger while in combat with Hogger. My friend dueled me down to near death. Duel ended and I had almost no health. Then prayed that Hogger could land a killing blow on me.

He did.

BAM! 1 death to Hogger. That stat is no longer on the page, but I had it and knew I got it with a level capped character.

Felt rewarding.


According to DFA Swift Shorestrider

0% of the playerbase have it

:man_shrugging: It’s a TCG mount so about as long as it took me to buy the code and run my happy butt to BootyBay.

It looks like my rarest mount, that can’t be bought in any way (including gold) is Thunder Bluff Kodo, a Champion’s Seal mount from the Argent Tournament grounds in Icecrown. No idea how long it took to get.

I don’t “prize” anything I have, I am a collector and items are all pretty much equal in my eyes. From Time Lost ProtoDrake down to the basic Brown Horse they are all the same to me.

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I have it! I also have the Scroll of Resurrection mount, which I think is also very, very rare.

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Rarest mount I have is the [Wooly White Rhino]. I got it for like 50,000g during Cata I think from the AH.

Mount that I enjoyed finally having dropped the most is the [Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank]. All that time grinding digs in those two zones in Pandaria… OMG… so looooong and horrible RNG. When running the calculation, for the amount of turn-ins I had, I had a 98% chance to have got it by the time I did. Years off and on. Soooo much Netflix was consumed.

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i think my most prized possession would be Kam’s Walking Stick.
i’ve never seen another one.

my rarest mount/s are both of the old ZG ones at 2%

your cheev says 2012?
it was added in 2010.
(but still lucky, and i’m still jelly) :sob:
i kind of hate it at this point, and the only reason i still throw myself at ccc every year, is because i can’t accept defeat.

could this be an API issue?
i can’t see it listed on the armory at all?

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Yeah that one is also probably pretty rare. I remember when it first came out that’s all you saw everywhere and people talked trash about it calling it a ‘tissue mount’ but now people want it :laughing:

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I don’t think I have any rare mounts but my most valuable possession would my hunters Grimetotem Spirit Guide. The introduction of spirit beasts kind of made it not as cool but for awhile there it was such a unique pet that if I had it out anywhere it was 100% going to start a conversation. It was so cool to get all the items needed to tame it plus needing a priest and shaman to help. Brings back a lot of memories from my favorite WoW era.

Maybe it’s one of those things you can’t see unless you have it


or maybe i’m too busy shoving pizza in my gob, and am incapable of looking properly. :crazy_face:

i wasn’t able to find it in collected or uncollected in my armory
i didn’t know there were some which only display if you own them

That seems to be the case with Tyrael’s Charger too. I remember the crap I and other people that signed up for the annual pass got for “caving” to Blizzard or whatever but now people want it.

You see on the GD how people feel about the 6 month mounts but they’re used to them. Back in Cata the annual pass was this huge scandal.

I admit I hope Tyrael’s Charger stays gone because I’m still spiteful about it.

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Oh I see now I was confusing the annual pass mount with the SoR mount lol

Most prized possessions?

Eh, my Warlock mount summoning items or my skull collection. I love them both dearly.


The headless horsemen mount
Halloween event
Got it my first Halloween in wow

Tyreal’s Hilt, I think.
I got it years ago when it was still “cheap”, and friends pitched in quite a bit for it so I could get it for my birthday.

I cringe a bit seeing how much the few unscratched ones are going for now days.

No, I just thought I read the hearthstone event wasn’t limited time. Didn’t realize it was still available. That’s awesome for a hordie looking for an easy horse mount, then.

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I got two Junkheap Drifter without even trying for them - it took me awhile to get that Rusty Mechanocrawler.

For some reason I thought this would be a floating sword that followed you around. The pet is very nice though, also very rare as I have only ever seen it a few times.

On that note, this game needs a floating sword pet!

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