What is the rarest mount or drop that you have or your most prized possession/achievement in WoW?

infinite time reaver and lifebinder’s handmaiden

Rarest mount… no idea, I don’t have very rare mounts.
Rarest drop… Arcanite Ripper probably
Rarest achievement… Death’s Demise (server 1st Yogg+0)

According to the website, my rarest is…the Kyrian Phalynx of Purity, the one purchased with anima…

But third is my Argent Charger. My achievement points seem pretty low. Guess not taking cooking or fishing since I made this toon in 2009 misses out on a bunch? And paltry pvp specs.

My most recent and favorite drop is the BFA 7th Legion Warfront epic plate helm. I was farming that for years.

I don’t really care if my mounts are rare or not so I’ve never checked.

I think my most prized possession is an arcanite fishing rod from the day one of my alts won first, second and third place in a single Stranglethorn Fishing Derby (it was the day of a clock change and apparently I was the only person on my server who went there at the right time).

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My paladin has a complete set of Scarlet Mail, including the shield and the tabard. Still irked that I can’t transmog it, but I keep it in the bank and put it on from time to time.

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I was never much of a collector or achievement chaser so for me my original Amani War bear and my Hand of A’dal title would be it.

My favorite achievement is “You’re really doing it wrong.” It says less than 1% of players have it, making it more rare than CE. It’s from doing gold proving grounds while in a specialization not suited for the challenge. I did the gold healing proving grounds as Brewmaster.

My rarest and most valuable possession is Mini Tyrael. An unredeemed card is currently going for 7k usd according to wowtcgloot and online auctions.

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Fun. Apparently I’m one of the few people who has it.

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Huh per that site I’m the only person on the server with a Bonehoof Tauralus. Not sure if that’s just Alliance side or both but that makes it pretty rare. Pity it’s just a recolor. I also have one of the original Big Blizzard bears from the first Blizzcon held in Anaheim.

The heavenly cloud serpent Sha mount. It only took 8 years…


I guess the brew fest ram although I didn’t realize it was rare and never use it . I always thought the phosphorescent stone drake might of been my rarest and a love how I got it not knowing anything about it , just stumbled across it and thought it was an old quest I had . With the green arrow to mount it , I almost passed it by . Or the x51 nether rocket , the rooster , the rhino I guess are rAre also .

I have the little rocket ship from the card game - a friend got me a couple packs many years ago and it was in there.


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kau’Fon is my rarest mount @ 6% Nemesis Draeani Destroyer @ 3% terrible spelling at 100%

Rarest thing I have is my Lieutenant Commander title and the matching armor from Vanilla PVP. It was easily the hardest thing I’ve done in WoW. I still get asked how I can use that armor for a transmog. I used to see a few others on my server, but not any recently. For my money, it’s one of the coolest sets around. No one else has it. And I can stand in front of Stormwind next to my twin.

My prized mount is the Magic Rooster but i also got some rare mounts under special circumstances, before the old ZG was removed i got the tiger and raptor inside of the same lockout, i also got Invincible and Mim’s head on the same day :blush:

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Technically, I’m pretty sure it’s the Hearthsteed. Even though it was open to everyone, it isn’t available anymore.

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Well, probably not too rare, but I got several legacy pvp sets. I quite like BFA season 1 one. Been collecting them every season on plate, and maybe a set or two on other types here and there.

Back when mounts mattered to me years ago I got invincible and that deftly made my day since it was the only mount I cared about.

Mistwalker title by far is my most prized achievement, and Heavenly Onyx Serpent is the greatest mount in my collection.


Mini Tyrael is so awesome, rarely see it.