What is the rarest mount or drop that you have or your most prized possession/achievement in WoW?

The rarest mount I have is probably the Black Proto Drake, which has been unobtainable since WotLK, which is likely the last time I used it… Amani War Bear would be a close second. Has been unobtainable for longer, but I feel more people have it (my guild and others used to sell ZA carries back then).

As far as achievements go, my proudest probably is my Heroic Ragnaros kill from Firelands. It was the server first of Stormrage. I didn’t get the FoS because I still had a few days on my transfer cooldown (I transferred there around their Staghelm kill). Pre-nerf Firelands Ragnaros is likely the hardest and best boss I ever fought, which is why it holds a dear spot in my heart.

well, let’s see… i treasure a lot of the stuff i have but the most rarest-est stuff i have um…

  • i got that backpack from visions, took me a long while to get, so… gonna treasure that thing.
  • the entire dragon-rider set. may not be wearing it now, but i just got it yesterday (it was expensive).
  • invincible, mount of the lich king, appreciate it for it’s lore significance, but aside from that, not really somethin i like to ride.
  • ji-kun and spawn of horridon. don’t really see anyone use’em, and when i watch mount-offs, they seem to be one of the harder to get mounts, even though i got’em randomly so… that’s something.
  • i have a couple battle-pets that are rare probably, but don’t know which ones they’d be.
  • green fire on my warlocks. simply put, love it.
  • uh… the hearthsteed. probably not that rare, but was hell to get for me, since i did’nt play hearthstone that much back in the day.
  • the alterac ram and the frostwolf snarler from the timewalking event, cause… the ram is good, and again, don’t see many folks using’em.
  • the two mounts from firelands, got’em one after another, not sure if they count though…
  • oh! brewfest kodo, got that one.

other than those, not sure what else i got that’s ‘rare’. probably have a couple other mounts, but honestly, i have no way of telling what i have that’s valuable.

According to Data for Azeroth, my rarest is supposedly the rare drop shadehound, which isn’t surprising. Supposedly owned by 2% of the pop.

What is surprising are the next 4-5 mounts, also at 2-3%:

  1. Argent Charger 2% - I am super curious how this isn’t super common. (This is the paladin only argent crusade tournament mount. )
  2. Rustbolt Resistor 2% - it’s a good looking mount that only requires Exalted. Sure it’s a gold sink, but like? What else was there to do in BFA?
  3. The rogue order hall mounts and recolors 3% - it looks cool, it makes a frickin’ racket when you mount it, and getting it was fun.

Prized posession/achievement? Can of worms but Werebear, flails, cursed blade rapiers etc etc.

Prestigious Bloodforged Courser, .1% still, eat your hearts out.

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Feldrake would be it. I wanted that thing since the card for it released, but only got it during WoD right before gold inflated really high (Got it for 150k gold!)

Swift Brewfest and Spectral Tiger for me.

But I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the original faction mounts are truly the rarest since they could be swapped for the Swift versions when the two different mounts were introduced.

ahh, good call! thank you. it’s been so long i forgot what the CM achievements were actually for.

yeah but it’s 333k gold and not really any better looking than cheaper/easier options as i recall

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As expected, the black proto-drake is my rarest mount. Just under 0.5% collection.

Over a decade later, I still love that thing.

Headless horseman mount. Gets less rare year after year but took me almost a decade of really trying to get.

Dragged a friend in there and she got that damn thing on her first visit. Didn’t even know what it was, tried to delete it. :grimacing:

Once I told her what it was, how I was trying to get it for years….she would use it as her main mount…and as a weapon.

Had a whole library of smash hits like “Got this, don’t want this, you need this” and “what’s a horseman mount?”. The answer in the song was always “mine”. :confused:

Good times. Heh


Just looking thru my mounts

Headless Horsemans
Tyraels Charger
Ashenvale Chimaera
Blue Proto Drake
Onyxian Drake
Obsidian Worldbreaker
Undercity Plaguebat
Venomhide Ravasaur

The rest I’m not sure if they count as something super rare

time lost proto drake probably?

Nevermind i skimmed thru wowhead. Midnight I believe

I know it’s not a big deal now (or even back then for that matter), but for a while, I was one of the few alliance on my server that had the blue protodrake back in the day. Used to march that thing around ironforge all the time.

Scarlet Crusade Tabard. Warrior got it while soloing armory to farm gold for epic mount.
Also have Spirit of Competition and the tabard.

Swift Zulian Tiger, i think its like 1.4% (It would be one of the top 5 if they didnt add it to the BMAH) and it took me 9 months of farming ZG.

I got that on my druid, didn’t even know it was rare it’s in my bank cause red is ugly on Taurens.

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Probably my clutch of Ji -Kun

Armani War Bear, mount and achievement. I assume it’s pretty rare since it was removed before WotLK. It took me weeks to get because I kept losing the roll against other guildies but I finally got it right before the prepatch.

Any mounts that exists in game but unable to to have it anymore is the one rarest!
If you are asking for lowest drop chance which is still you can have it? is the Sha !

Funny enough, according to the databases, some of the rarest mounts are the class hall mounts. Turns out a lot of players never finished their class halls.

I picked up the Zul tiger last year from BMAH and I love it. Sure i didnt get it in the old ZG days but i take pride in farming out tons of gold over the years to be able to buy some of these high priced mounts and pets.

I am also proud of getting the "Warbringer " tittle from 300 RBG wins and that go along with the fact that i am a just 50% win rate in rated play.

Another thing that was one of the harder things for me was getting the Celestial Tournament achievement in Panda expac . I didnt have a ton of pets at the time but the grind to get ones that would work and doing the grind of the battles was tough