What is the rarest item you have currently?

I regret not evver getting the non-spirit beast ghost wolf model on my hunter, I think I tried once and didn’t have the haste for it and by the time I got around to trying again it was fixed. I also missed out on the slime crocolisk in wrath because gamestop ran out of stock and I had to wait lol I did have the worgen pet while it lasted though which was nice.

Magic rooster probly

Solid, not a mount I’d ever use myself but it is fun to see them around.

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Lucid Nightmare?

Probably not uber rare, but it’s a secret and a pain in the rear to get.

Still have nightmares of that maze . . .

I mean it doesn’t need to be uber rare, just curious about what people have collected over their time playing lol

I got stuck in that maze for about 3 hours, made some friends in general chat though which was nice.

Maddeningly, I used to have dozens of those Twilight cultist sets on my character. Bags of them and they never sold, so were eventually vendored. Then became unavailable and I didn’t even have a set for myself. sob

weirdly, I guess a handful of ankhs.

My favorites;

Full Duty-Bound Necrolord Covenant Unity cloth armor set.

Full Soulbreaker Venthyr Covenant Ember Court cloth set.

I should get around to getting the covenant sets, I got the plate kyrian one for my paladin but stopped playing. Been working on the raid sets figured I would sponge up enough renown and anima to get the other stuff I need as I go lol

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I honestly don’t know what’s rare anymore but people are usually interested in my stockpile of Diamond Tipped Canes.

Reins of the White Polar Bear mount from Sons of Hodir rep daily quests that I did in 2020. I did the questline in Northrend, which is quite long, to unlock the dailies. The bear is only rewarded from the dailies and I got it on my first drop. Very very lucky. My hunter rides it every day.

The bear exists in various skins from Northrend Dal vendors from what I hear, so not a complete grind if anyone wants a similar bear.

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I still have the quest item “Faded Photograph” from the Legend of Zelda quest. Does that count?


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Um…Okay, so I keep important things. Just in case.

A few of the things I have kept are the original Benediction, a Scepter of the Shifting Sands, Tabard of the Argent Dawn, The Extradimensional Ghost Revealer, Agent of Nozdormu, Spectral Essence, Banner of Provocation, Argent Dawn Commission, the Brazier of Invocation, Eye of Haramand, an entire cloth Windchanneller’s Regalia set I spent MONTHS farming to complete back in BC, Dungeon Set 2 aka Tier 0.5, the Seal of Ascension (key to UBRS).

Remember the keyring we had for a while, or keeping keys in your bags long before the keyring? I liked collecting keys and the exclusivity they offered. I have a few 1%-ish mounts. I keep the legendaries I’ve completed, like the Tarecgosa stalf and Hammer of Val’anyr. Probably some other stuff I’m not remembering.

Sure does!

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So I totally forgot I’m wearing a Tabard of Frost. Also there was a vanilla “The One Ring” in my vault.

I still have my drakefire amulet somewhere.


Sure, it’s no longer relevant now, but it took me 15 years to farm the first bracer.

i still have the og vanilla hogger quest on my shaman

in my bank i still have a sha legendary gem from the pandaria cloak

I found a set of that as well, actually two sets. I also found a haunted mimento, which i no long have. I hope i sold it and got the gold, but i think i may have forgotten to log into that toon before 30 days were up and lost the 500,000 it was selling for at the time. When i finally thoughtvabout it maybe 6 months later, i couldn’t find any evidence of it and only had about 400,000 on my main and no more than 90,000 on other toons.